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Prepper vs. Survivalist: Which are You

10 years 4 months ago #39717 by foxhunter
I am 60, so like you it is more about helping the kids to survive. Being young, they don't seem to have the fears I do. If the time comes, maybe I will still be in a position to help.
I like your closed system hydroponics idea

As to the arming of Homeland Security, I don't think our paranoia about their motives is too far out.

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10 years 4 months ago #39732 by Libertarian623
I agree we are within ten to fifteen years of a proportional collapse. A lot can be done to mitigate the negative effects of a collapse. But its still a collapse and will take a generation to come back from. During that time a lot could happen. Prepare

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10 years 4 months ago - 10 years 4 months ago #39735 by OleCowboy
If we fold we will never come back. I can not think of a country that has. History predicts the future very well.







The US is near collapse as a world power. Obama and his foreign policy or lack thereof

along with a staggering debt expected to be $20-21 trillion by the end of Obama (according to WH-Obama own projections)

a military that can only fight on 2 fronts and one of those fronts is our own shores

A $ Trillion dollar human support requirement welfare etc

A $ Trillion dollar healthcare requirement Obamacare. Note if we go single payer and consolidate healthcare as is the goal, the tab will run about $3-4 trillion

The above are facts, not speculation, if we add this under the most liberal view it does not look good for our future as a world power, superpower or major economic global player...unless a radical change in our politics occurs. Meaning the direction we are going under the Obama, Clinton, Reid, pelosi, schumer, Bloomberg, soros, etc cabal.

Under a more conservative view if Hillary wins we can all say 'the fat lady is singing'...
Last edit: 10 years 4 months ago by OleCowboy.

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10 years 4 months ago #39738 by jtallen83
I agree wholeheartedly BUT, I have to include the Bush's and republicans in the mix. Bush claimed to be a small government guy but nearly doubled government at the first chance he saw. The republicans have talked a good show but actions speak louder than words. I say this as a person who has been a registered republican for my voting life and been a delegate or alternate delegate to our state convention every time since being old enough. I sat there and heard the lies with my own ears year after year. When someone tells you something face to face and then does the opposite it is hard to forget or think you didn't understand.
A Pox on all their houses for not doing their jobs! :soapbox: :twocents: Stepping down now.........
The following user(s) said Thank You: Libertarian623

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10 years 4 months ago #39740 by Siscowet
Agree with you JT it isn't just Obama's fault, the Republicans share as much of the blame as the Dems. What is the problem is what our whole political system and society has evolved into. That and a good part of the world wants the same economic level we do but the resources are not there for that to happen. Put it together and you have us blindly rushing for chaos with no leadership or direction from the President, Senate or Congress, competing more for resources with China, Russia, Brazil and others, that we used to assume were ours by default.
A good way to predict when the world is going to a SHTF mode is to analyze widely disparate trend lines. Look at trends of drought, national debt, agricultural production, unemployment, political unrest in sensitive coountries like OPEC members, and political stability overall, that kind of things.
WHen the trend lines start to crowd together on a downward turn, watch out! A couple of Professors from Stanford predicted 9/11 and the Great Recession of 2008 by doing this. Back int the early 90's.

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10 years 4 months ago #39768 by OleCowboy
While I cannot argue on many points over the Bushes and in fact they are the root of many ills...research Agenda 21 and you find their names all over it. That said there are major differences between bushes and the Obama cabal. From Obama to Soros and every where in between you have a group that want the overthrow of our government and a fundamental way of American life. The hate America, hate our way of life, our freedoms, our Constitution especially our bill of rights and they hate capitalism. They are hard line communists-socialists who believe socialism will work IF only the are in charge.

A quick study of history will show you the path they will follow and if you chose to not follow you will be murdered just as 260 million before you just since 1900. Think Waco! In fact you may want to study Waco and ask Why? You will not get the truth from the govt. Recently I had the pleasure and eye opening experience of sitting down with A SENIOR officer in charge at Waco for the entire ordeal.. He answered every question I asked and provided detail in depth. He also confirmed what I knew about military involvement...YES! I was stationed at Ft Hood and knew the Sr military officer who was ordered there along with other soldiers. He retired shortly after. When I asked why he said: "what we did made me suck to my stomach I lost faith in my government"

It would have never happened under bush...

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10 years 4 months ago #39769 by jtallen83
Two words, RUBY RIDGE. :usa:
I knew Randy Weaver when he was a home school advocate in Iowa while I was in high school and a "young republican", he lived about 20 -30 miles from me. He was very politically active in the republican party but was not towing the establishments line, of course that couldn't have had any bearing on what happened :ohmy: :huh: :dry: :S
This incident happen under Bush I. Not the scale of Waco but the same overbearing federal government. The truth has been muddled there as well, his political involvement has been buried and replaced with extremist rhetoric.
Dems, republicans, they are just different sides of the same coin, both heading for larger, more controlling federal government. We are heading for mass misery no matter which party has power. The Ruby Ridge incident plays a large part in why I prepare to fight a tyrannical government, been prepping to survive the fight in a serious way since then.
Our only shot would be someone like Ron Paul who's ideas are hated by both parties,
that's when you know there's a shot at hearing some truth from government. :twocents: :soapbox:

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10 years 4 months ago #39770 by Siscowet
I agree with JT on this one. It is not individuals, GW Bush, Obama, etc. and Obama is not a Communist, heck Stalin was not a true Communist either. Obama is a political animal, like GW, shaped by his environment. That environment is a Bureaucratic government that has ceased being responsible to the voters. Democrats/Republicans? Window dressing. They no longer dictate what the essential US Government will do as policies for the most part. The special interests that control the parties and lobby government departments shape policy and direct decisions that are made. We no longer qualify as a Democracy. What I see happening in the near future, is that government losing, what the Chinese call "Mandate of Heaven". Which is essentially the belief by the majority of the population that it can govern effectively, and provide for the well being of the majority. When that happens, change and turmoil will occur. What comes out of it is any body's guess, but we seem to be driving pell mell towards that conclusion. Like Lib said, Prepare, it is going to be a wild ride.

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10 years 4 months ago #39772 by Libertarian623
Great comments, I agree with all. It brings to mind some questions. Lets make a couple of assumptions 1) It will hit the fan in our lifetime. 2) We won't be laying down and taking it. 3) We all need to prepare. ....... So lets come up with our own doctrine for survival, Putting some real effort to push the limits on what has been discussed before , beyond spam and water. We are all competent and have a pretty good shot at survival. But would benefit from formalizing and following what works in a set of plans. Personally I feel I need to put together a small but wide ranging number of plans to detail what I will be doing when the time comes. It will be a help for sure. Should we continue here or start a new thread.
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10 years 4 months ago #39773 by jtallen83
Go ahead and start a new thread, use a title the NSA can't miss! :usa:

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