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Prepper vs. Survivalist: Which are You

10 years 4 months ago #39608 by OleCowboy
Prepper vs. Survivalist: Which are You, and Why?
Posted 5 days ago in Survival by Bill J with 6 Comments

There’s a thread on reddit about the respective merits of the terms “Prepper” and “Survivalist.” This is an interesting debate to me, so I figured I’d throw it out there for the AllOutdoor.com audience to take a look at. Basically, if you’re into “prepping” at all, do you consider yourself a “prepper” or a “survivalist,” and why?

Both terms are somewhat tainted with bad press–”survivalist” got beat up in the 80′s by the media and eventually became synonymous in many people’s minds with “milita member” and “ant-government extremist.” More recently, the term “prepper” has been taking its lumps, most egregiously at the hands of the show National Geographic show Doomsday Preppers. That show is pretty much the worst thing to ever happen to prepping, and it seems almost deliberately designed to make all preppers look like whackjobs and kooks.

As for me, I laid out my prepping philosophy in an early post on the site:

To use an investing term, I’m what you’d call a “hedger.” With my preps, I’m basically buying catastrophe insurance the way that most people buy auto, home, and medical insurance. I buy this insurance as a small hedge against a gigantic long position that we all share: civilization. And make no mistake: we are all structurally long civilization.

I’m pretty sure that the term “hedger” will never catch on, though. It sounds too much like a synonym for “gardener” or something. Nonetheless, I wish there were something out there that could replace both “prepper” and “survivalist.” Any suggestions for a better term for “people who make it a point to be prepared to get by for at least a few weeks without the basic infrastructure of modern civilization”?

- See more at: www.alloutdoor.com/2014/06/05/prepper-vs...sthash.2UVP0tod.dpuf
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10 years 4 months ago #39609 by jtallen83
I've always strove to be a good leader, that means being prepared to help friends and family survive. :usa:
The following user(s) said Thank You: Libertarian623, NightForce

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10 years 4 months ago #39611 by Libertarian623
JT- Lead from the front, and they will follow.

I always thought of myself as a libertarian more actual than theoretical. But always willing to ensure that liberty come hell or high water, never thought in terms of survivalist or prepper. Don't get me wrong I like where there heads are, but the (why) is not there. I say you must have purpose to perceiver. I chose liberty and freedom as my guide on. Many will rally to this call. And there is success or strength in numbers. When your on the side of freedom and liberty everyone knows where you stand its is defendable position.
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10 years 4 months ago #39613 by Siscowet
I was a prepper in the 70's before they were called preppers. Simply because it made sense to me to have a plan if the SHTF. Now I am of an age where I am an enabler, in that I want to enable my son and wife to survive if the SHTF, but not so worried about myself, as I don' have a huge amount of years left, and my physical skills are declining with age. So my perspective has changed. Now it is more about networking so they have people who have their back if something happens to me, and training my son in what I feel are necessary skills, which a lot of society probably disagrees with.
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10 years 4 months ago #39615 by jtallen83
My experience going on disability gave me a push that direction. Made me realize I might not be there or able to help like I planned so I needed to do more teaching. I have found it rewarding, makes me smile when the young ones ring the steel shot after shot!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Libertarian623, NightForce

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10 years 4 months ago - 10 years 4 months ago #39618 by NightForce
My "prepping" or preparing for an uncertain future includes educating not only my family but others in the ways of logic and how to read the times. It's not what you see, it's about what's unseen. Diversion and misinformation are classic smoke and mirror games. It's important to discern the truth from the bullshit and how to react.

I've taught my children and others the importance of camouflage and this doesn't always mean clothing. My eyes, brain, and senses are always on guard for anomalies or situations that don't look right...it's called survival..

My list of trusted counterparts are much like myself and the list is short. We use very little electronic communication and mostly face to face discussions. None of us use social media other than an occasional benign email.

We're all realists and not fanatical. We don't stockpile ten's of thousands of rounds of ammunition. We have adequate amounts of ammunition to practice in order to maintain a high level of proficiency and several of us reload. All of us have military backgrounds, some combat veterans. I among several have hunted with both rifler and compound bow.

I'm not young by any means, but I'm not old either. I'm in what I consider great shape for someone my age and not bragging but 2 years ago I ran down a kid at a local WalMart that snatched a lady's handbag. I tackled him from behind in the parking lot and well, made it painfully clear he not try to move a lot and the police arrived about 10 minutes later, and arrest him. I can't say my wife was real pleased but but lets just say she wasn't all that surprised after it was over.

Staying in shape isn't easy especially as the years begin to add up. I do what I can when I can and will protect and provide for my family. My philosophy is each one teach one...

America is my country, it's where I was born and it's where I'll die. If the time does come I'll defend it against any threat to me personally or to it's Constitution and its way of life...

Prepper, Survivalist.... I'm not really sure, but I am an American, fourth generation born and raised right here...

Stepping down now.... :soapbox:
Last edit: 10 years 4 months ago by NightForce.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Libertarian623

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10 years 4 months ago #39625 by OleCowboy
I have always been somewhat a survivalist. Mostly because I lived out in the country, then a Army career. Always interested in this area of study. Thinking about what it would have been to be an explorer and how interesting that must have been...looking for El Dorado, Lewis and Clark, etc. Those guys went out and stayed gone for years at a time as strangers and a strange land.

Just told my wife this morn that if the SHTF at least we would eat. Shot a squirrel first thing. But I cheat, I have a coon dog, Buddy. Buddy wakes up and heads out the front door on his 'circuit' and he treed a squirrel first thing. This is not unusual for Buddy. Then I grab my Ruger 10/22 and pop him..

I used to go out when I was a kid, usually carried a knife and that was all. Stay out a day or two, just exploring the land. Sure miss those days...

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10 years 4 months ago #39630 by Siscowet
Speaking of the Old explorers, one you may have heard of is Pierre Radisson. He was the first european to build a structure in Wisconsin in 1640, and the following year on his return to civilization, he wintered on or near my current property. I found this out when I researched his journal of the voyage for a History Lecture I gave last year.

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10 years 4 months ago #39633 by Ranchwagon
I'm a lot older than I used to be LOL.

I'm stuck in the city in the middle of a desert. I can handle roving mobs with extreme action for a while. I would have to hunker in place until I knew what the SHTF really is. Because so many things can happen, I don't think you can plan on every eventuality.

Living in a agro based area might be the best hedge, but I am kind of stuck where I am at.

If I am backed into a corner, the chips will lie where they lie.

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10 years 4 months ago #39656 by foxhunter
I don't no that I am a true prepper or survivalist. I just know that society does occasionally collapse for awhile (hurricane Katrina), and Stuff can hit the fan for awhile(Hurricane Sandy). I have had to live without electicity or city water for a week or so more than once due to tornado's in my area, and I was prepared. So I have taught my kids to hunt, fish,and camp(for fun, not survival), and to be self reliant. I have prepared my farm to where I(and my relatives) could live in comfort for several weeks with no outside power or water supply. I keep enough ammo for several people for hunting and home defense. To me this is just insurance, and a preference for self reliance, and common sense.
I am too old to worry about the New Madrid Fault, the Yellowstone megaquake, government collapse, or a massive EMP strike.

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