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The knockout game.

10 years 10 months ago #31885 by Sharkey
Replied by Sharkey on topic The knockout game.

OleCowboy wrote: Ohhh as for the 'gang' saying they were just picking daisies when you walked by and shot one of them...I hope you were only kidding, any good interrogator can break them down in a few min, that does not hold water, dog does not hunt, only on TV...

The SECOND this all goes down, every parent involved is going to have attorneys falling out of the woodwork and there isn't going to BE any "interrogation".

The entire world does not live in Texas Cowboy.

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10 years 10 months ago #31889 by OleCowboy
Replied by OleCowboy on topic The knockout game.

Sharkey wrote:

OleCowboy wrote: You are confusing Assault, Aggravated Assault with Battery, Aggravated Battery. When they commit Battery your have the right to defend yourself, at that point in time they have had physical contact with you and a fist to the face is your shot to call on how you chose to defend yourself. When struck they have committed aggravated battery with intent to do serious harm or murder.

Assault does mean you were physically contacted, that is battery. This can be as simple as knocking your hat off (battery) or throwing a pillow at you (battery), a fist to the face is aggravated battery, different intent.

You may want to look at the Trayvon Martin case. Martin comitted Aggravated Battery, thus Zim felt his life was in danger, the court ruled in his favor...

I learned it in the Academy.

OK. Battery.

I was trying to keep it simple but let's go with this, you said "after you have been hit, that is attempted murder". Can you explain your legal precedence behind this one?

Let's also say that one of the kids playing the game kills someone and actually confesses. Since all of his friends have also come clean and confessed to playing "the knock-out game" in which the intent is to "knock someone out", what would he be charged with? Are you saying it would be murder 1?


After some guy has busted me in the face with all he had and I sag to my knees and he is standing over me I am going for my gun, simple as that. It is ME that makes the call, just like Zimmerman did, I am by myself, just coming from a ATM with $500 in my hand. YOU make the call, simple as that, I am down, he is on his feet and I have no idea of his INTENT I will assume WORST CASE. Same if someone breaks into my home, I am not some LibTard, thinking he only needs a few dollars which I will give him for his drug habit the poor homeless soul in need of a meal, not gonna offer him a sandwich and a beer.

Far as I am concerned: He is there to Rob, Rape, Murder me and or my family, if you think anything else you wil be a victim and I will not be a victim.

Lets get one thing clear. This is NO GAME!!!!!!!! Its not Monopoly, Scrabble, Tag your it, the media can call it a game all they want, however at least 2 people have died from this already.

Since 2 folks have died already and I am sure over the past 100 years or so a lot of folks who murdered someone said: 'well I did not mean to kill him', yea, well, book'um Dano, murder 1...

I cannot tell you what some cop or DA is gonna charge someone with before it happens...

2 dead:

Knockout King: Kids call it a game. Academics call it a bogus trend. Cops call it murder.
A A AComments (54) By John H. Tucker Thursday, Jun 9 2011

The National Association of Black Journalists named John Tucker’s “Knockout King: Kids Call It a Game. Academics Call It a Bogus Trend. Cops Call it Murder”.

"We don't know why we did it," he goes on. "There's no reason to do it. We never thought about how [victims] feel. After a while I felt guilty, like, 'Dang!' I couldn't sleep."

Sixteen-year-old Anthony Johnson can relate. "I used to play, but now that I think about it, I put myself in a person's shoes and ask myself, 'What if that was me that was getting knocked out?'"

Others remain unrepentant. Now seventeen, Dominique Hudson looks back on Knockout King with fondness. "When you knock 'em out you gotta tell 'em to get a pillow and a blanket, 'cause you just put 'em asleep," Hudson boasts. Cops would chase him, he says, but they never caught him: "I don't stick around for long."

In the months that preceded the attack on the Nguyens, Elex Murphy (at Valley Springs Youth Ranch) had reinvented himself with falsehoods, telling acquaintances that his mother was dead, that he was from Atlanta and that he attended Washington University.

In the months that preceded the attack on the Nguyens, Elex Murphy (at Valley Springs Youth Ranch) had reinvented himself with falsehoods, telling acquaintances that his mother was dead, that he was from Atlanta and that he attended Washington University.


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10 years 10 months ago - 10 years 10 months ago #31892 by Sharkey
Replied by Sharkey on topic The knockout game.
There is a WORLD of truth in your response Cowboy and I will not sit here claiming to disagree.

But you also know as well as I do that in ANY given situation, there is no "shoot now" button to push.

One second too soon and your family will be visiting your ass in the pokey.

One second too late and they will be visiting your stone.

There are no rules, no guidebook.

There is only solid common sense, instinct and training and when the stars align, these things are ALL you have to get you through.

Any of us sitting here saying "shoot now" is moot since we are not THERE and the ONLY way to know when to go for it is to be "right there" and in the moment.

I sincerely wish the entire world DID think like much of Texas Ole Cowboy and God knows, if it did, my life would be considerably different although at this point, I wouldn't change a thing only because of my family.

Minors, rights, games, legalities, loopholes and scumbag attorneys run the world now and what is right it FAR outweighed but what can be bought or twisted into a new, BETTER version for those that can afford it.

Old hard ass cops, out to TRULY fight crime and make a difference hardly stand a chance nowadays and all you can hope to do is make it home alive every day without having TOO many law-suits in your in box.

When I was growing up, it was nothing for a Trooper to catch you up to no good, give you a smack, a ride home and then watch your father give you 3 more and the next day, you'd be a better "young" man for it.

Nowadays, the parents would be calling the barracks screaming harassment while their attorney raced to the courthouse with a briefcase full of cash and complaints...

I LOVE a lot of those laws and stuff you've got in Texas Cowboy and God knows, if it weren't for the generations we have right here, I might be tempted to move back down myself.

lol As if there'd be enough room in the state for both of us.... :laugh:
Last edit: 10 years 10 months ago by Sharkey.

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10 years 10 months ago #31893 by OleCowboy
Replied by OleCowboy on topic The knockout game.
That is why Shark that only YOU can make the call, no else...

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10 years 10 months ago #31896 by Sharkey
Replied by Sharkey on topic The knockout game.
Which was my original point in my very first post Sir... :)

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10 years 10 months ago #31898 by OleCowboy
Replied by OleCowboy on topic The knockout game.
I NEVER questioned that I agreed with it...

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10 years 10 months ago #31905 by Siscowet
Replied by Siscowet on topic The knockout game.
Shark and Cowboy you both make good points. And brings up what my instructor said in my CC class. If you ever have to shoot a person in self defense, prepare to spend a minimum of $20,000 in lawyer fees, and to have your life totally disrupted for at least one year, even if there is justifiable cause. But you will be alive.

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10 years 10 months ago #31908 by jtallen83
Replied by jtallen83 on topic The knockout game.

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10 years 10 months ago #31912 by 13fcolt
Replied by 13fcolt on topic The knockout game.
I've been seeing blurbs in the media that these losers have been using stun guns on people. It's hard to gauge actual numbers with the media being what it is, but at least 2 teens have been shot by would be victims of this game. I tend to think it's been more than that, but the incidents get swept up as self defense and no mention of this game is included.

The scary thought is how these things escalate. My brother lives in AZ and had told me some years back that the thugs in training used to do something similar, only it was a punch to the nuts. It was so rare for anyone to get caught that the game evolved into grabbing a trophy from the victim when they went down, watch, wallet, sunglasses, etc. It kept escalating and the game got more and more violent.
Then like flipping a switch, it one day turned into a murder sport where they went for the femoral artery with a razor. The concept of it being just a "game" fed the common complacency and people thinking they dodged a slap to the berries found themselves bleeding out.

Now tell me, aside from being switched on 24-7 and ready to draw on every flipping jack wagon that walks within reach, how do you go about defending against that? I get situational awareness, but this kind of thing is literally some random tool walking past you in public, then swing! when those punches become stabs then what?

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10 years 10 months ago #31914 by Siscowet
Replied by Siscowet on topic The knockout game.
Your right Colt. No one can or wants to be switched on and ready for combat with these thugs your whole life.The good news is unless you are in a downtown city or the wrong neighborhood there is little chance of it happening. Other ten staying out of the wrong areas, all we can do is use common sense and be alert when someone invades our personal space.. I probably worry more about it for my son than myself. He still has the thought that he is invulnerable, like most 19 year olds.

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