Please be mindful that there are many different views on the forums. The only thing we all agree on is the AR-10 is an awesome rifle!

I dont know if this is true...I HOPE NOT!!!

14 years 6 months ago #4190 by Bodenjager
As far as a conspiracy. . I was there when fellow Officers were arrested for bringing dope into the prison to these foreigners. . That is making contacts when they have our officers in their pocket. . Something tells me those officers would not have assisted them if they realized they were helping foreign invaders. It won't get any better till we can tell the story, and make people realize what's going on without being attacked by others. I call any foreign force who kills Citizens, and terrorizes them an enemy! Folks your law enforcement officers are fighting a war with these invaders every day they report to work.. I also call any foreign leader who conspires to abolish our rights an enemy of the people. .
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14 years 6 months ago #4195 by BUILDING MY SASS
OK, I said at the beginning if this starts to get out of hand I will lock it down...SO EVERYONE JUST CHILL OUT... :angry:
Let me put in my two cent....
Crux is one of our philosophical and most level headed members, he keeps us true to the point with his way of he usually is right about keeping it cool...Now of these days, we have to be careful as to WHAT we put out on the forums....BoJa, you might be right about some of what you are stating under all the Political News out there..but until there is absolute, documented proof, we have to be careful...understand where I am coming from...
Hey I think, personally, everything is a conspiracy to undermine what we are supposed to have as far as our rights.. :side:
Lets just keep a level head about this and listen and learn...and watch...I for one believe in keeping my right to bare arms and will defend that right to the last do most all of us here.
Now I say again, lets play nice.
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14 years 6 months ago #4196 by BUILDING MY SASS
Oh and just for all the class, on the New World Order, well Obama can go suck an egg... :woohoo:
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14 years 6 months ago #4198 by adminv15
This is not the forum to be hashing this out. Our members and visitors come here for information on the AR-10.

While your comments and insights have value this is not the place for them, especially under this category. I'm moving it to the 10 MOA category where it will reside locked for no further comment.

All the best!
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