Please be mindful that there are many different views on the forums. The only thing we all agree on is the AR-10 is an awesome rifle!

I dont know if this is true...I HOPE NOT!!!

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14 years 7 months ago #4114 by a Guest
While you were watching the oil spill, the New York failed terrorist bombing and other critical crises, Hillary Clinton signed the small arms treaty with the UN.



On Wednesday Obama Took the First Major Step in a Plan to Ban All Firearms in the United States

On Wednesday the Obama administration took its first major step in a plan to ban all firearms in the United States .

The Obama administration intends to force gun control and a complete ban on all weapons for US citizens through the signing of international treaties with foreign nations. By signing international treaties on gun control, the Obama administration can use the US State Department to bypass the normal legislative process in Congress.

Once the US Government signs these international treaties, all US citizens will be subject to those gun laws created by foreign governments.

These are laws that have been developed and promoted by organizations such as the United Nations and individuals such as George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. The laws are designed and intended to lead to the complete ban and confiscation of all firearms.

The Obama administration is attempting to use tactics and methods of gun control that will inflict major damage to our 2nd Amendment before US citizens even understand what has happened.

Obama can appear before the public and tell them that he does not intend to pursue any legislation (in the United States) that will lead to new gun control laws, while cloaked in secrecy, his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton is committing the US to international treaties and foreign gun control laws.

Does that mean Obama is telling the truth? What it means is that there will be no publicized gun control debates in the media or votes in Congress. We will wake up one morning and find that the United States has signed a treaty that prohibits firearm and ammunition manufacturers from selling to the public. We will wake up another morning and find that the US has signed a treaty that prohibits any transfer of firearm ownership. And then, we will wake up yet another morning and find that the US has signed a treaty that requires US citizens to deliver any firearm they own to the local government collection and destruction center or face imprisonment. This has happened in other countries, past and present!


As sure as government health care will be forced on us by the Obama administration through whatever means necessary, so will gun control.

Read the Article U.S. reverses stance on treaty to regulate arms trade WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States reversed policy on Wednesday and said it would back launching talks on a treaty to regulate arms sales as long as the talks operated by consensus, a stance critics said gave every nation a veto.

The decision, announced in a statement released by the U.S. State Department, overturns the position of former President George W. Bush's administration, which had opposed such a treaty on the grounds that national controls were better. View The Full Article Here

Click on the link below for further acknowledgement
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14 years 7 months ago #4115 by donkey1984
It was brought to my attention that a treaty can not supercede the constitution.
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14 years 7 months ago #4116 by a Guest
Donkey wake up they laughed at the constitution over these law suits on health care. Listen to what they say. Quote the constitution is outdated for my administration, what does that mean? Wake up people, Duck had the right idea on giving the people that we want in office $20 often. My boy is a game designer and they are running adds on the gameboy stuff that Wallmart sales every day. I watch the adds in disbelief on the obama stuff. There is a generation of kids that you are buying games for that is getting hammered before the game will open up for play. Think about that have you looked at the games for yourself. I aint a bit sorry if it pissess hell and half of raghead land off America has been had this time. So pay attention its time to play hard ball. You got an NY mayor that going to allow a masque to be built within sight of the towers old location talk about a slap in the face of where 3000 people died in an act of blatant war. I remember the way the Japs look at our Marines 20 years after WW2 in defiant eyes and as young as I was I knew what they were thinking. That was a dangerous place then. I wondered if things would erupt again. If you think you got friends in DC check your wallet. This is a destructive defiant dangerious bunch in which you have been made the enemy of your own home land and its on TV every day. I had an person from one of those countrys ask why we put up with this mess in the US. I aint got a good answer. Better cover our 6 because they don't mind telling you what their taking or that you owe them.MSH
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14 years 6 months ago - 14 years 6 months ago #4167 by crux
Can this happen?
Certainly he can sign it, and senators can vote for it, and then it's off to the supreme court to discuss whether or not it can override the 2nd amendment. Thank goodness for Heller in that case because it will provide a precedent that individuals have a right to keep and bear arms (at least of some kind). Supreme court can be a bit of a crap shoot so you cross your fingers there.

What can you?
#1 item is agitate and advocate. Your vote alone is somewhat diluted in power, the votes you can bring to the table through activism are another matter. As much as folks tend to criticize the leftists of the late 20th century in their constant propaganda, protests, and activism, it has had a dramatic effect on the state of the nation's law and culture. You have just as much right to do the same to see your interests protected. To be effective you must learn the history and arguments. Learn what's in the writings and history relating to the founding of the nation. Learn the court history and what Miller 1939 was all about, and the "crime" bills in the 1980s/90s. Understand the opposition's goals and propaganda, be able to point out where they stretch the truth, but be able to recognize and discuss where pro-rights groups like the NRA stretch the truth from time to time as well. Review the history of gun control around the world, and how failure to protect the individual right to self-defense can create an environment favorable to genocide. Learn about self defense realities in the U.S. today. Then go out and write editorials, talk to your friends (in as supportive a way as possible), educate people and change their minds.

Suggested study materials:

#2 Join pro-rights organizations of a responsible character, adding your voice to many others.

#3 Support and advocate for candidates who recognize that an individual right to keep and bear arms, including "scary" guns is absolutely relevant to the security of a free state, and is a basic human right. Badger candidates that don't come all the way to this position, especially those who start talking about hunting when discussing the 2nd amendment. The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting or sport shooting. Make it clear what needs to be protected.

#4 Keep things in perspective. The firearms crowd gets a perception aided by opposing propaganda of being fixated gun nuts for whom the need to own as many guns as possible and use them for anything. Drooling crazed gunfighters is the message anti-rights organizations paint. Don't give them rhetoric or behaviour that reinforces their stereotyping. Maintain deportment, stay realistic, be the image of public protection that we seek to maintain. People like and dislike the fellow who brought the AR-15 to a political rally a year or so ago. In some ways he was a bit too in your face for the general public and that wasn't entirely a help, but he was well dressed, well behaved, well spoken and gave a few people something to think about. Personally I wouldn't recommend taking guns to political rallies, but do look for opportunities to explain and demonstrate that guns in the right hands are an asset to public safety, not an automatic liability.

Also, the current administration, MSM, and leftwing activists are working full time to craft a narrative that conservatives, especially those who want to protect firearms rights are potential terrorists, revolutionaries, who want to tear down our constitutional system and represent a threat to the security of the state. Don't give them examples of speech or actions with which to justify stripping us of our rights. Keep a level head, and keep well grounded, and keep things in perspective. The goal is to preserve our human rights through maintaining protections like the 2nd amendment, and we still have a constitutional system in which to do that, and it's you that can make the difference by getting out there and convincing the people around you to vote for the people and initiatives that protect our civil rights.
Last edit: 14 years 6 months ago by crux.
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14 years 6 months ago #4176 by Bodenjager
Hey guys; I have dug into this, and there's more here than has broiled to the surface! This is from what I understand a conspiracy hatched by foreign forces who are planning an invasion of our country! Historically the US military has never ben able to defend an invasion on our soil. Our enemies are counting on that! Historically it was private citizens who defeated the invading forces using privately owned weapons! That is the reason the foreigners so badly want the US citizens disarmed! Spread this to everybody who has a stake in this country!
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14 years 6 months ago #4177 by Bodenjager
Now as far as where the invasion is coming from... Brush up on your gang knowledge, look at M13s and Mexican Mafia. . They are already here awaiting orders, armed, and won't comply with the disarm law.. (Imagine that) They are here to establish a link, and logistics. A few years ago Mexico made the statement they wanted their land back. (REMEMBER THE ALAMO) Observe for yourselves The Mexican President, and his agenda. Your enemy will come from the south, and the great Bare will rise from the north!
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14 years 6 months ago #4185 by crux
Bodenjager wrote:

Now as far as where the invasion is coming from... Brush up on your gang knowledge, look at M13s and Mexican Mafia. . They are already here awaiting orders, armed, and won't comply with the disarm law.. (Imagine that) They are here to establish a link, and logistics. A few years ago Mexico made the statement they wanted their land back. (REMEMBER THE ALAMO) Observe for yourselves The Mexican President, and his agenda. Your enemy will come from the south, and the great Bare will rise from the north!

Just say no to conspiracy theorists. I could ask you for what you've been digging into about your "conspiracy" but I don't feel like going through the long troll of what I expect will be Alex Jones / "911 Truth" disinformation. 911 was real, the planes were real, the terrorists were real.

While we have numerous political, economic, and international challenges to our society and nation it does not relieve us from the responsibility of engaging as citizens to work and deal with issues before us and resolve them peacefully. What we don't need is conspiracy theorists getting people up in arms and calling people to abandon the system of laws and government we have constructed that are still in effect today.

Self defence is one thing, anarchy is quite another, and I don't think this is the place nor the thread for delving into the rat's hole in a soft bank that is the "conspiracy of foreign forces" world. Running around like a ninja because you heard some wild-eyed stories about international conspiracies is not the answer. That's my stand and with that I bow out of this conversation. I work in the real world.
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14 years 6 months ago #4187 by Bodenjager
WOW! Just forget it all. CRUX Doesn't care if its real or not he think we should inform each other! Brother's and sisters the day is coming when you will have to vote to keep your rights! Don't let people like this trick you into ignoring the truth. Never let someone tell you you don't have the right to know what's going on! The news has the Mexican president on every channel calling for the abolishing of the 2nd amendment and I'm the bad Guy! WOW! CRUX you need to stop painting people as something their not. "Running around like ninjas " where did you come up with that? This is serious! You have a foreign president making demands, and trying to make laws that effect our lives! You have foreign militants hopping the border firing at our border patrol agents! And you think I'm the bad Guy for saying it! How many citizens have ben killed by M13, and Mexican Mafia who jumped the border? Its a big #.... But you don't care about dead citizens, slaughtered by foreign militants....
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14 years 6 months ago #4188 by Bodenjager
O Yeah'. . I have no idea who Alex Jones is...
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14 years 6 months ago - 14 years 6 months ago #4189 by Bodenjager
Sorry but that just set me off.. I spent 3 years working in a prison studying M13 gangs, and Mexican Mafia. . At the time nobody knew what they were or how to ID them.. Today its common knowledge that they have waged war on the streets of America for years. They have left a lot of US citizens, Brothers in law enforcement, and Border patrol dead, and wounded. . This is real, ask any police officer, or deputy .. Gang land has done documentarys on them.. they are not here to work, and they are not the same as our misguided youths who engage in illegal activity. They are organized militants who have illegally entered our country. .
Last edit: 14 years 6 months ago by Bodenjager.
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