Please be mindful that there are many different views on the forums. The only thing we all agree on is the AR-10 is an awesome rifle!

I dont know if this is true...I HOPE NOT!!!

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14 years 10 months ago #4057 by a Guest
International Police Force, under world health a blue hat bunch. Israels you wish this bunch is bunch makes uncle Hitler look like a saint under a goodness flag.
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14 years 10 months ago #4060 by BUILDING MY SASS
OK, being this is the first real Political thread we have had on this forum...I want to make sure we do not take it out of hand...We don't want to start being like the other sites...I have been involved is some very hot-headed conversations on other forums about this subject so I know just how far this can get....OK...being that said...yes this "stuff" POs no end...wait till you watch this... :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :angry:

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14 years 10 months ago #4061 by BUILDING MY SASS
Here is a Link I think all should look at....

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14 years 10 months ago #4062 by a Guest
BMS this wont get out of hand this stuff is fact that has just come together under this one watch. Its been brewing for years most of this info is been on the news. Clinton signed this agreement with a bunch of other items that she didn't beleive in. The news media was laughing at her and the question was would she stay on with this bunch or split. There is and has been such a large amount of nonreporting to protect this bunch by misinformed people that are cluless as to the real depth and scope of the problems that accually we should be looking at. If you want to keep a seceret treat it like a UFO and put tons of info out in a misinformed freefall like whats going on now. The more crap that gets stired up makes mega bucks for the news media. Their in it for the money and the more conflict between the people and the leaders there is puts more money in their pockets. You have 2 factions working against the people here and it is fueled by power and money, one being political end and one being the greed end. They in the end work hand in hand but one can not survive without the other. Follow the money trail. Watch Al Gore's actions they will explain it all. He just purchased a new house in CA on the ocean. It's big and I don't think he's worried about it falling off in the water or worried how to power the place. Look at the stocks in power companys these people own. These actions speak volumes its not the words they speek. If I wanted to hide the real policy I would follow the mold that were seeing now and increase the local fires a bit. The great gun writer Jim Carmichael opened up my eyes on this by accident at a bench rest match some 20 years ago. He had an article that he wrote that headlined 22-250 most accurate varmit round in the world. Next issue 220 Swift most accurate varmit cartage of all time. Me being the joker that I am and he was loading beside us I threw both issues on the table and ask whats the deal you sound like a Liberal. He got mad got up and said it put beans on the table and walked off real pissed like. His wife was laughing so hard that the insult to situation was a classic. I later found out that his office was beside my mother in laws antigue store in Johnson City TN and we had a good laugh years later. This is an example on a small scale of the mess out there in DC land.MSH
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14 years 10 months ago #4063 by BUILDING MY SASS
Hey Teach, I just meant that we normally don't discuss politics like the other sites...but this IS one that we should keep an open thread on...just as a new flash if any thing...but you know what I meant..But to add I know what YOU mean...
Hey on the ultimate round...I thought the 17 HMR V-MAX was the worlds best liberal..oops :whistle: I mean varmint round... :lol:
As for putting Beans on the table...well that is why someone told me that I would starve as a writer because I will only write the least as I see it... :unsure::dry::S

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14 years 10 months ago #4064 by donkey1984
So besides calling all of our senators and congressman and governors etc. What can we do?
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14 years 10 months ago #4065 by MikeS.
Remember that the Senate has to approve all treaties. We can keep after the House critters and the Governors but it is our Senate critters that really matter.
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14 years 10 months ago #4066 by a Guest
Donkey just get the word out for the next 2 votes this has to be talked about. The IPF is one of the most reckless decisions that has ever been made by a US leader. Any place you can get an ear start talking. Church is a good place. BMS I knew you got it no worry there.MSH
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14 years 10 months ago - 14 years 10 months ago #4067 by The Duck of Death
Voting is one thing you can do. It seems that this is getting weaker and weaker.

A better thing to do is vote with dollars. Start giving to candidates that have your values. $25 bucks can get you more than a bunch of letters and telephone calls. Send twenty-five bucks and then, when they won't let go of you because you're on their radar, tell them what you want before you give them another dime. Much more effective.

Edited to add...I've had lunch, breakfast and coffee with my state rep.

Both Michigan senators are communists...Stab-me-now and Lenin.
Last edit: 14 years 10 months ago by The Duck of Death.
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14 years 10 months ago #4075 by Kennethl

besides, I lost all my firearms in a tragic canoe accident just this last week end; yep, every last one of them, sunk to the bottom of Lake Michigan someplace between the Benzie County boat launch and Green Bay. Tipped the damn canoe over about half way across and down they went. Nothing I could do.

wow, you too? its been happening allot lately. Its hard to believe they are working on laws like this when they should be concentrating on societies real issues, like wallstreet thieves, education and military funding..canoe safety.

I suspect this Obamanation will be limited to a four year run, he's undercut most of his middle class support and doing very poorly in approval ratings. As long as the republicans don't push another Palin on us, most of damage can be undone.

This is NRA's NRA legislation portal . Most of the information (except Illinois) seems to be a progression of gun rights. No doubt, We need to stay vigilante.
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