Brass Catchers;

15 years 8 months ago #1547 by BUILDING MY SASS
Hi all, BMS here, I have a question that my son was asking me about looking through one of my many catalogs. Anyway, he asked me if I ever thought about getting a brass catcher, cause where we shoot, it's sandy and some what grassy and picking up brass can always be a fun job (as we all know)not to mention time consuming. I have seen them used on AR-15's but I am reluctant to use one on a AR-10 given the larger cases and more force they come out with. Has any of you out there ever used one on your 10, how well do they actually work, any problems with the cases getting caught back in the bolt (don't' want any Jam-ups). The kind I'm looking at are those net ones that hook to the top rail. Any light on this would be greatly appreciated, and thanks.

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15 years 8 months ago #1549 by crux
Replied by crux on topic Re:Brass Catchers;
I knew a fellow who had one on is Super SASS. It clipped in at the bolt cover, and seemed to catch things fine. I didn't find out where he got his however, and have been leery to try something that I couldn't test fit.

Right now I'm shooting all berdan primed surplus and haven't been planning to reload such, so I haven't been looking very hard.

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15 years 8 months ago #1551 by BUILDING MY SASS
Replied by BUILDING MY SASS on topic Re:Brass Catchers;
Thanks for the info, I envy you, you've got to do some shooting, the weather here hasn't been cooperative, not to mention I don't want to shoot up my good ammo and haven't had the funds for the cheap stuff.
Thanks again.

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15 years 8 months ago #1553 by crux
Replied by crux on topic Re:Brass Catchers;
There hasn't been "cheap" stuff in a year I'd say :/
Last year I said to someone at the range "Gas prices? I wan't to know what they're going to do about ammo prices!"

Actually from an economics standpoint I expect we're at the top of the ammo/gun price bubble, and while there probably won't be a collapse in prices, there may even be some moderation because I think we've largely hit market saturation on firearms, and will probably have a similar effect on ammo in the next several months. Even ammoman is at $.55/round for berdan .308 and appears to have some in stock for a change.

With Iraq and Afganistan continuing however I think we'll still see a general elevation in prices for some time to come.

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15 years 8 months ago - 15 years 8 months ago #1557 by BUILDING MY SASS
Replied by BUILDING MY SASS on topic Re:Brass Catchers;
Well considering the ammo I like to shoot, 168 gr. BTHP Ultramax at 20.00 a box to the 168 gr. TAP at 33.00 a box and the 168 gr. A-max and BTHP Hornadys at 24.00 to 27.00 a box, when I say cheap, at 15.00 for a box of Federal Classic 150 gr.. Well those are cheap to me, but it is getting ridiculous out there trying to find ammo. I know I should start re-loading, but even those items are in limited supply, I mean I have guys asking me if I know where to get primers and powder, and where I work we don't even sell the stuff, and we have joined in the retailers list as to putting limits on how many a person can buy at a time. I personally support it, because these guys that come in and buy everything in sight, it's not fair to everyone else, and I tell you, you don't know how hard it is to tell the guy and his kid that want to go shooting on a weekend afternoon that "we are all sold out, be cause some a******e just bought all the .223s and 9mm because he is paranoid about things.
Oh heck got way out there SORRY! anyway I'll clam up.
That's my idea of cheap Federal Classic....
Last edit: 15 years 8 months ago by BUILDING MY SASS.

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15 years 8 months ago #1558 by foxhunter
Replied by foxhunter on topic Re:Brass Catchers;
I don't think I want anything that attaches to the gun to catch brass. Admit I haven't tried it though. I have set up cardboard boxes to catch the brass. A little pain, but not as bad as hunting through the grass for brass. I even made a frame on a post that I could attach a plastic garbage bag to catch the brass. Went out and fired 20 rounds, then looked in the bag- no brass. Didnt think about how hot that brass gets. They just burned through the bag and and kept going. back to the card board box .

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15 years 8 months ago - 15 years 8 months ago #1561 by BUILDING MY SASS
Replied by BUILDING MY SASS on topic Re:Brass Catchers;
Dude, I don't know how to say this, but the bag thing, that was funny (no offense meant). I have to hand it to you though, it was original, and your right about the grass and the brass, not to mention the sand, might have to try the box thing, not a bad idea.
I know what you mean about attaching something to the gun, wonder how it would affect my shooting? I have considered an actual box brass catcher, not sure how I would mount the scope with it on.
Speaking of which, did you get a LaRue mount yet, and how the clean up going? Looking forward to hearing about that 1000 yard shot. I envy you, best I can come up with is 200 at best, and I hope to do that soon. I could go 500 yards if I join this one range, but it's 300.00 to join, just don't have it at the moment (for awhile).
Good to hear from you again.
Last edit: 15 years 8 months ago by BUILDING MY SASS.

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15 years 8 months ago #1566 by foxhunter
Replied by foxhunter on topic Re:Brass Catchers;
no thoughts of shooting as clean up continues.My chain saw and My Bobcat are my new best friends. rains and rains and it is too muddy to shoot at my 200 yd range even if I had the time. Probably won't be dry enough to build my 1000 yd range till fall.
Haven't bought the Larau mounts yet, because now I can't decide whether to put them on the ar10twith the nightforce, the ar10a4rifle that has the leupold or the smith and wesson .223 with the 1x scope is 30mm, the other is 1 inch so I have to decide before I order. These life decisions are a bitch.

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15 years 8 months ago #1567 by BUILDING MY SASS
Replied by BUILDING MY SASS on topic Re:Brass Catchers;
Sorry to hear about the mud, that sucks, if it is any consolation I have only got out once this year myself, and man, is my finger ITCHING,(hahaha). That's why I want the brass catcher, don't want to stop to pick up the brass. Although, You gave me an idea with the box, might work good in the prone position. I'll let you know how it turns out if I ever get out to shoot again.
On the LaRue mounts, check your messages.

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14 years 11 months ago #3376 by THEBIGBULLY
Replied by THEBIGBULLY on topic Re:Brass Catchers;
I'm using a (Canadian) military issue laundry bag with a fiberglass tent pole.

The bag is like a net and I pulled out the cord that hold's the bag when it's full and bent the tent pole to fit through it and left about 6-8 inches sticking out.

I drilled a series of holes in my shooting table and just poke the pole ends into the holes that apply to the firearm I'm using at the time to catch the brass.

When I'm prone I use a piece of 2x8 and poke the poles into that.

I reload and am using Norma match brass for my loads so every piece gets picked up.

Be glad you don't live up here and have to hunt through the snow to find where the brass has landed and melted it's way down. 9 times out of 10 I have to chip the brass out as it's made it's own little ice coffin. Or now that spring is here I have to hunt for the brass while it's the same color as the brown grass or wait a month and hunt for green brass in green grass :(

I too don't like the idea of "attaching" something to the rifle.


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