Obamacare in prespective

11 years 2 months ago #32822 by OleCowboy
During the 3-1/2 years of World War 2 that started with the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941 and ended with the Surrender of Germany and Japan in 1945, the U.S. produced 22 aircraft carriers, 8 battleships, 48 cruisers, 349 destroyers, 420 destroyer escorts, 203 submarines, 34 million tons of merchant ships, 100,000 fighter aircraft, 98,000 bombers, 24,000 transport aircraft, 58,000 training aircraft, 93,000 tanks, 257,000 artillery pieces, 105,000 mortars, 3,000,000 machine guns, and 2,500,000 military trucks.

We put 16.1 million men in uniform in the various armed services, invaded Africa, invaded Sicily and Italy, won the battle for the Atlantic, planned and executed D-Day, marched across the Pacific and Europe, developed the atomic bomb and ultimately conquered Japan and Germany.

It's worth noting, that during the almost exact amount of time, the Obama administration couldn't build a functioning web site.
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11 years 2 months ago #32823 by jtallen83
Replied by jtallen83 on topic Obamacare in prespective
But did they really want to? I'm thinking this was the plan all along, destroy an already corrupt system and then when everyone cries uncle replace it with what they wanted in the first place, a true socialist based medical system.
It also serves the purpose of inoculating the public to the idea that the executive branch can change the law by decree. They create the crisis then look for praise from the public by "saving" them from it with unilateral changes to the law.
Like all attempts at socialist and national fascist governments this can only end with misery and death for millions.
God save us all :pray:

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11 years 2 months ago #32825 by Siscowet
Replied by Siscowet on topic Obamacare in prespective
Fact: Pre Affordable Care Act, my wife and son had health insurance that cost us $563 a month, with a $5,000 deducible. Now they are enrolled with the same company, and the premium is $430 a month with a $1,000 deductible AND a prescription benefit plan. And she got it on the website! Don't expect me to complain much about Obamacare.

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11 years 2 months ago #32827 by OleCowboy
Replied by OleCowboy on topic Obamacare in prespective

Siscowet wrote: Fact: Pre Affordable Care Act, my wife and son had health insurance that cost us $563 a month, with a $5,000 deducible. Now they are enrolled with the same company, and the premium is $430 a month with a $1,000 deductible AND a prescription benefit plan. And she got it on the website! Don't expect me to complain much about Obamacare.

You will come to regret this, I will guarantee it. When you need it the most the death panels are going to kick in and kick you out. I wish it were not so, but that will be the reality older Americans will face...

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11 years 2 months ago #32829 by Akai
Replied by Akai on topic Obamacare in prespective
Guess I got stuck helping a few of ya out my business insurance just went up $256.63/employee Happy New Year to all that supported this! :banghead:

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11 years 2 months ago #32830 by jtallen83
Replied by jtallen83 on topic Obamacare in prespective
Fact; My wife had a full time job keeping books at the local truck stop for over 20 years.
Fact; She was replaced with 3 part time employees this last February, the day before the new health care package was effective. They replaced 6 other full time employees with over a dozen part timers that receive no benefits.
Thank you "affordable" care act! :censored: :banghead: :censored: :banghead:

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11 years 2 months ago #32842 by Libertarian623
This is only my observations, taken over the last year. I am a govermental employee. My health insurance has changed dramatically over the last 10 years. When I started my job with my current Dept., insurance was free only had to pay for scrips they cost 4-6 dollars. I took a 20K a year paycut to get those beneifits. Whats occured since is a nationwide reality check, the tapering began as far back as 2002, those insurred where experiencing double didgit increases yearly for more than ten years. Something had to give. It was real simple its calld accountability, we had none and because of that we had out of control costs. Now we have accountabilty and because of this at a consumer level , along with demand, for the next twenty years you will see a definite decline in the costs, or at least the pace of increaseing costs will be stimied. This is simple macroeconomics. The affordable care act is so wide reaching that it is had to accuratly guess where we will be in ten years. One thing s for sure both right and left wanted it when it was there idea, and its here to stay. Enjoy the ride and keep your trays in the upright position because its going to be bumpy.
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11 years 2 months ago #32846 by Siscowet
Replied by Siscowet on topic Obamacare in prespective
I would suggest pointing a finger at the insurance companies, as well as the health care industry. Five years ago I had to go out and find insurance. Now I am big. I am overweight, no doubt, but I also lift weights three times a week, perform cardiovascular exercise four or five times a week, and heat with wood in a northern climate, which means I get an hour of tough manual labor at least once a day, and a lot more in the fall. At that time, at 60 years old, I had never had a surgery, and never been hospitalized. Yet I was denied coverage except for one high risk policy, which cost me $760 a month for just me! Because my BMI was not in an average range. Now I am on Medicare, so it is a moot point. But the reason costs have risen is simply because, 1. Up until now we have paid for the uninsured that present to the ER's and can't or won't pay. 2. The profiteering of the Health Care industry. And you can include everyone from Doctors, Health Care Corporations, Pharmaceutical Industries, etc., etc., etc..3. Ridiculously high stock prices for the major health insurance companies, and a concern for their investors over their customers..4. Lax oversight of Federal Dollars spent on health care. Now number 4 is valid to point a finger at the Federal Government, along with all the launch Snafus. But the ACA is at least trying to do something about the first three. Shaky start? Yes but better than no start at all. It will take 10 years minimum of effort to solve the health care mess, and as Lib says, it will be bumpy, and some will pay more, and some, like my wife and son will pay less. But something needed to be done.

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11 years 2 months ago #32848 by jtallen83
Replied by jtallen83 on topic Obamacare in prespective
You make a good argument to just trash the whole system.
I couldn't find the chart now but a few years back I ran across a comparison chart of the number of insured in America versus the percentage of increase in health care costs. They had nearly identical increases since the 1950's. This would seem to me to make the solution obvious, remove the middleman and take personal responsibility. This idea that life must be made fair for everyone will be the death of us all.
It should be glaringly obvious to all that bigger more powerful government IS NOT a valid solution to our problem just as much as more insurance WILL NOT lower overall costs. We are simply passing on the expense to our younger generations like most everything else government involves itself in. :usa:

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11 years 2 months ago #32850 by OleCowboy
Replied by OleCowboy on topic Obamacare in prespective
I spent 26 years of my life involved with the Federal Govt: Civilian employee, enlisted soldier, officer. Out side of the military the govt is in one hellva mess. So over staffed, poorly led, union rules, waste, fraud, abuse, corruption and NOTHING works as intended.

Last half I worked in IT and worked my way up to a Program Manager with a $127M dollar budget. I had one of the few offices that worked. What I saw around me was failure after failure. I have seen many programs at the $1Billion level, be closed and just written off due to failure.

I briefed at the most senior level that I could reduce the budget by 20% without any removal of manpower or material acquisition. Instead of being a hero I was labeled a zero, the military or civilian side of the govt has no desire to reduce the budget they only want the budget bigger and 100% comes from the taxpayer.

Obama care will not and cannot work. The govt cannot pull it off.

There will be NO improvement you and your families healthcare. Congress will use your payments for other projects just as they have always done and when the costs get out of control as they will with Obamacare then the 'death panel' will simply reduce care for the elderly. Its that SIMPLE. YOUR healthcare is being moved from YOU and YOUR Doctor to govt workers...ANYONE here thinks this is smart???? Go back to post number 1.

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