What NOT to Do at the Regimental Ball

11 years 11 months ago #20843 by tad77
Great stories guys! You both should definitely write books.

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11 years 11 months ago - 11 years 11 months ago #20886 by glkingar
Please don't judge me too harshly. As you can probably tell from my avatar I was in the Navy. My wife on the other hand was a ADA Captain. I went as her date to a ball. This was after I had already left the Navy. No I didn't wear a gown. We were engaged at this point and many of her peers were aware that I had been in the Navy and that I had been enlisted. Well one of here peers came over obviously at the goading of his peers to "put me in my place". He came over and said "I hear you were in the Navy." (I will add my responses and understand that you will probably disagree with them but the purpose was to put this officer in his place. I said, "Yeah I was in the superior service." He didn't like that very much. :dual: He then said, "I hear you were enlisted." My reply was "Yeah, I had to teach officers how to do their jobs." He really didn't like that. He stepped close with his chest puffed out and was about to tear into me. You know vein in forehead popping out, red faced, alcohol on his breath. So I told him that I was a taxpayer and that his pay came from taxes. Since that was the case, that makes me your boss. So go over there with your playmates and Shut The F@#$ up. Which is exactly what he did. So I turn around to go back to our table and a colonel comes striding up with a grim face and I'm thinking I have really stepped into now and my soon to be wife is going to kill me. He gets close and offers me his hand and now has a big grin on his face with his back to the peanut gallery of LT's. He says, "It's about time that someone put that one in his place and knocked him down a peg or two. I would have paid money to see that. Now my soon to be wife comes over to see why her senior rater is interested in talking to me. He tells her what has just happened and that I was a keeper. I'm thinking that was a very close one. That was 1988 and I still get a chuckle out of it.
Last edit: 11 years 11 months ago by glkingar.
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11 years 11 months ago #20890 by Sharkey
A Navy guy and a GI were at the urinals taking a leak.

The Navy guy got done and went over to wash his hands.

The Army guy finished, zipped up and started walking out.

The Navy guy pompously says "you know, in the Navy they teach us to wash our hands after we urinate".

The Army Soldier glances over his shoulder and says "that's funny. In the Army they just taught us not to piss on our fingers"... :laugh:

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11 years 11 months ago #20895 by LebbenB
Isn't the ADA motto "Worst to fire?" :laugh:

We're just teasin', no harm meant.

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11 years 11 months ago #20909 by OleCowboy

glkingar wrote: Please don't judge me too harshly. As you can probably tell from my avatar I was in the Navy. My wife on the other hand was a ADA Captain. I went as her date to a ball. This was after I had already left the Navy. No I didn't wear a gown. We were engaged at this point and many of her peers were aware that I had been in the Navy and that I had been enlisted. Well one of here peers came over obviously at the goading of his peers to "put me in my place". He came over and said "I hear you were in the Navy." (I will add my responses and understand that you will probably disagree with them but the purpose was to put this officer in his place. I said, "Yeah I was in the superior service." He didn't like that very much. :dual: He then said, "I hear you were enlisted." My reply was "Yeah, I had to teach officers how to do their jobs." He really didn't like that. He stepped close with his chest puffed out and was about to tear into me. You know vein in forehead popping out, red faced, alcohol on his breath. So I told him that I was a taxpayer and that his pay came from taxes. Since that was the case, that makes me your boss. So go over there with your playmates and Shut The F@#$ up. Which is exactly what he did. So I turn around to go back to our table and a colonel comes striding up with a grim face and I'm thinking I have really stepped into now and my soon to be wife is going to kill me. He gets close and offers me his hand and now has a big grin on his face with his back to the peanut gallery of LT's. He says, "It's about time that someone put that one in his place and knocked him down a peg or two. I would have paid money to see that. Now my soon to be wife comes over to see why her senior rater is interested in talking to me. He tells her what has just happened and that I was a keeper. I'm thinking that was a very close one. That was 1988 and I still get a chuckle out of it.

LOL, on a somewhat similar note:

I had a young soldier, Pfc, good soldier, but truly dumber than a rock. I liked him, he worked hard with good supervision and worked at being a soldier, but to be honest, he lacked the chops to make it a career, in fact he should have never been allowed in to begin with. He like his Cpt and was always asking question about this or that, what did when I was not at work etc. I was single and spent a fair amount of time at the officers club starting at happy hour.

Well one Fri after work he heads over to the PX and buys himself a set of 2nd Lt bars and heads over to happy hour. For what ever reason he gets into it with some 1st Lt. This is easy, he heads back to the PX and buy a set of Cpt' rank and comes back to the O club and puts the 1 Lt in his place. When challenged on the Cpt rank, he told them he had been promoted, but did not have the rank on, guess the bar was dark enough that no one really noticed he was a 2 Lt (which are OD green v flat black for 1 Lt, but in the dark they look very close)

But as the eve wore on he gets into it with another Cpt...it worked earlier, so he heads out to the PX which stays open till 9 and buys some Ltc rank and heads back to the club, and finds the Cpt, which ends up in a fist fight and MP's...

Funny, but also so sad.

He was convicted of impersonating an Officer multiple accts, striking an officer and more. he went to military prison. I appealed that in fact this young black soldier had no idea he was impersonating an officer or anything else, he was a good soldier and a good man, but truly lacked the brain power to have done this other than thinking that was how you got rank in the military. While they agreed he was really IQ challenged, he had committed the crimes...so we put a man out on the streets after he served his time with a dishonorable discharge, little chance of ever holding a job or anything else. In all likelihood he later turned to drugs and of crime, hope he did not and I hope that man found some path to travel in life other than ruin...

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