Thanks! He's a good kid and has excellent handling technique. I've been training him since he was 6.
This is sort-of our first .223. I bought a pair of Colt AR-15s (a carbine and an HBAR) back in the '80s, then sold them for about 3 times cost when the ban hit (of course I kept my .308s).
The trigger is about a 10 lb pull, but not quite as atrocious as I've heard. We're on the list to receive a Rat Worx HTM which I understand is the cat's meow as far as AUG trigger mods.
I put myself on the list to receive a 2020 Precision Hybrid Trigger Module for the AUG, but the waiting list is about 2 years (what's with that???). So, in a fit of pique, I bought a 2020 Precision Trigger Sear Module. It is supposed to be about midway between completely fixing the Aug's trigger problems and making do. We'll see.
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I don't know if the Aug's trigger is as horrid as people say it is because I grew up using some crappy firearms (and some pretty good ones too ). But the point is that I made do with the equipment that was to hand and didn't complain. The only really bad trigger I have encountered was the one on my HK-91 (which I learned to loathe!), and the stock Aug A3 trigger isn't nearly as bad as that.
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