ReLoading 101

15 years 2 months ago #2243 by Edge
Replied by Edge on topic Re:ReLoading 101
I have a real hard time believing that when it comes to rifle calibers. For pistol, and if they are carbide dies, then yes, I would believe it. Even if the rifle dies are carbide, I think you still need lube. I don't know much about Lee dies, so I guess you could try, very slowly, resizing with no lube, but I doubt it will work.

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15 years 2 months ago #2244 by BUILDING MY SASS
Replied by BUILDING MY SASS on topic Re:ReLoading 101
Hey my friend, I meant no offense with the statement, just going by what lee says about their dies, and I have to agree, I am abit skeptical about not using lube, if I knew how to use it, I guess I will figure it out in time and trial.
Here is the link to Lee, and the set that I have...

How would suggest a good way to set my sizing die????

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15 years 2 months ago #2245 by a Guest
Replied by a Guest on topic Re:ReLoading 101
I started reloading when I started kindergarden in the early 60s and have used all sorts of lube and dies. I even make custom dies with the chamber reamers. With that being said, I come back to the lube that I started with, STP oil treatment and an old sock. For the field I mix 15% STP in pure wax then heat the mixture it up. Let it cool in a container and you got the imperial sizing wax. Thats for the benchrest matches. All dies work best lightly lubed.MSH

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15 years 2 months ago #2246 by Edge
Replied by Edge on topic Re:ReLoading 101
No offense taken.

Looking at the link you provided, I now understand. These are neck sizing dies only. So that makes sense that you won't need lube, because the only thing being sized is the neck.

Now, in your situation, I would suggest full length sizing, because you are using these rounds in a semi-auto. Thus you need that full length sizing for reliable feeding of your semi. However, I would try the neck size only, just to see what happens. But I think you may need to get yourself a full length sizing die.

Since I don't know these dies, I would suggest that you follow the instructions that came with the dies. If they didn't have any, then start with the die set somewhat high in your press. Take one case and run it through the die and look at the sizing marks on the neck. Turn the die down after each run on the case, until you see the sizing marks just pushing on the shoulder. If you get "dimpling on the shoulder" you've gone too far. You could "smoke" the cases with a candle, basically creating a smoke soot on the shoulder of the case. When you run the case in the die and the shoulder hits the smoke will rub off and you'll know your in the right spot.

Hope that helps.

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15 years 2 months ago #2247 by BUILDING MY SASS
Replied by BUILDING MY SASS on topic Re:ReLoading 101
Thanks my friends, sorry to be such a Nubie with all these minor questions, I just want to get it right the first time, with out going boom.....LOL.
Edge, in all actuality, the set comes with three dies, a de-capping/full length sizing die, neck sizing die and the bullet seating die. So I will have to try some of what you suggested, might do some measuring with my calipers and see how deep to set it, might give Lee a Call as well....oh they do have instructions, still just never done this before, wanted some points from the pros.


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15 years 2 months ago #2248 by Edge
Replied by Edge on topic Re:ReLoading 101
Ok, since you have a full length sizing die, you should use it, for reloads going to your AR10. Unless Lee has some set up where you need to use the neck sizing die after full length sizing, then you probably won't need it. Bolt gun shooters will use the neck sizing only to get the most accuracy. You can try neck sizing only for your AR10, but you may encounter some feeding problems. I would try it just to see, especially for specialty/accuracy loads.

You will need lube for full length sizing.

For bullet seating, put your "fine tuning" knob about half way down. Run the die into the holder until you start "seating" the bullet. Pull the ram down to pull the cartridge out and then run the die down some more, 1/4 turn to 1/2 turn, run the cartridge back up to seat the bullet down more. Keep doing this until the bullet is almost to the length that you want it seated. Then tighten the lock ring down and use the "fine tuning" knob to seat the bullet exactly where you want it. (lets say 2.81" over all length, or what ever you find works best in your gun)

Does that make sense?

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15 years 2 months ago #2249 by BUILDING MY SASS
Replied by BUILDING MY SASS on topic Re:ReLoading 101
YEP>>>>>and thanks again, I will be putting it to use my next two days off. will let you know how it goes...

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15 years 2 months ago #2250 by Scaup58
Replied by Scaup58 on topic Re:ReLoading 101
If your full length die is a collet die too, then you won't need lube as there s no sliding motion between the case and die collet. The collet squeezes the case from the sides as the collet moves into the die. I've not used these but Lee's collet crimp die works great. Good luck.

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15 years 2 months ago - 15 years 2 months ago #2255 by BUILDING MY SASS
Replied by BUILDING MY SASS on topic Re:ReLoading 101
Well after a brief conversation with Lee, my full size die will need lubed up......the other is a Collete die and does not need it, but it is just a neck die.
On a different note, took some more pics of my work area, it is starting to look like a reloading table more and more.
and I cleaned up my first set of 20 brass last night, don't know if you can really tell the difference (I need a better camera LOL) the left one is the dirty one.
so after cleaning the cases with my Lee Zip trimmer machine, I started to calibrate my powder measurer, I really need to get a digital scale, that balance beam one is a pain, anyway, here is the funny part.....anyone ever forget to close the hopper before you take it off, what a mess, luckily I had wiped the table down before I started so I saved most of the powder spilled, it was not a full hopper so. I have taken care of that situation so I won't do it again......
Oh and I figured with a 150 FMJ (hornady) IMR 4895, I would use 39.9 grs of powder.......any thoughts...
I took the five that they recommended,not the max load, and added them together and divided by 5 and that is what I came up also matches one of the recommended gains for the load....
Will be working on re-sizing to night......
Last edit: 15 years 2 months ago by BUILDING MY SASS.

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15 years 2 months ago #2257 by Scaup58
Replied by Scaup58 on topic Re:ReLoading 101
I'm developing a load for that same bullet. With IMR4895, 45.5 gr. seams to be a sweet spot for my rifle. That's in Lake City Mil. brass with Winchester LR primers. If you're using commercial brass you may need to go a little higher as there's more room in commercial brass due to thinner walls. I'm not real happy with the group size of this load but I'm going to try seating the bullets further out than the canalure. Check out this site for a good load development method . Have fun.

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