Please be mindful that there are many different views on the forums. The only thing we all agree on is the AR-10 is an awesome rifle!

censored in the classroom

10 years 9 months ago #40110 by Siscowet
Replied by Siscowet on topic censored in the classroom

OleCowboy wrote:

Siscowet wrote:

OleCowboy wrote: I read the article and did not fail to notice the BIG plug for global warming and how the entire scientific community believes it, at that point I decided to do some research on the writer...he is clearly a member of the the Liberal Tribe.

That said I will not argue the tribal aspect, however this is the plan by Obama, he is a divider not a uniter. But then this is right from his play book Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. This is what Obama's goal is to create this turmoil in the US...Not a bad goal if you hate the US, hate Christians, hate capitalism. If his goal is to destroy then he is doing a good job and the liberals lap it up like a cat with a bowl of milk...

They also put in a "plug" for concealed carry, which kind of proves the point. Global warming and concealed carry shouldn't be linked in peoples minds, but they are, as liberal and conservative causes.
Same with Gay marriage and Right to Life. Individual topics, and an individual's mind should be made up separately on each issue, but that would buck the tribe's accepted norm to do so. That is the issue I have with political parties. I will make up my own mind on each issue, and not have a Party (Tribal) leader tell me what to think.
I am comfortable supporting the Second Amendment, while I also back the EPA cracking down on air and water pollution, which is construed as a "Liberal" position, which it is not. It is a leave something decent for my children position. I am just sick of labels, and people who doggedly follow politicians who spout them either right or left.
To me that is what the Libertarian Movement should be about, giving us the Liberty to make educated choices on issues, rather than be manipulated in our choices, like Foxhunters kids in Conneticut.

Its not and I know no one that believes that other than liberals. Growing up on a ranch we practiced good land use and management since I was a 10 year old kid. Just like hunters are the ones to practice game management, NOT liberals, left up to them animals would starve and die of disease.

The problem is the label. I know some Democratic party members who hunt like to shoot and farm in this area. Ask them, they would say they are Liberal. Do they fit Fox News definition of Liberal? Hell No! That is the problem woth labels like "Liberal, Red Neck, etc. etc. . They mask the people who are lumped into that group. That is why I don't have time for labels.

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10 years 9 months ago #40112 by jtallen83
Replied by jtallen83 on topic censored in the classroom
:I-agree: We should spend our time breaking down these artificial barriers, pointing out the inconsistencies as they show up. I am a life long republican and active in the party but you will not find one establishment republican that would call me a"good republican" because I don't agree with them 100% of the time. I'm considered liberal because I will not support anything that gives government more power, like the so-called "patriot act". They do their best to squelch any debate on the topic for fear that reason or facts may be understood........ :soapbox:

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10 years 9 months ago #40117 by OleCowboy
Replied by OleCowboy on topic censored in the classroom

Siscowet wrote:

OleCowboy wrote:

Siscowet wrote:

OleCowboy wrote: I read the article and did not fail to notice the BIG plug for global warming and how the entire scientific community believes it, at that point I decided to do some research on the writer...he is clearly a member of the the Liberal Tribe.

That said I will not argue the tribal aspect, however this is the plan by Obama, he is a divider not a uniter. But then this is right from his play book Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. This is what Obama's goal is to create this turmoil in the US...Not a bad goal if you hate the US, hate Christians, hate capitalism. If his goal is to destroy then he is doing a good job and the liberals lap it up like a cat with a bowl of milk...

They also put in a "plug" for concealed carry, which kind of proves the point. Global warming and concealed carry shouldn't be linked in peoples minds, but they are, as liberal and conservative causes.
Same with Gay marriage and Right to Life. Individual topics, and an individual's mind should be made up separately on each issue, but that would buck the tribe's accepted norm to do so. That is the issue I have with political parties. I will make up my own mind on each issue, and not have a Party (Tribal) leader tell me what to think.
I am comfortable supporting the Second Amendment, while I also back the EPA cracking down on air and water pollution, which is construed as a "Liberal" position, which it is not. It is a leave something decent for my children position. I am just sick of labels, and people who doggedly follow politicians who spout them either right or left.
To me that is what the Libertarian Movement should be about, giving us the Liberty to make educated choices on issues, rather than be manipulated in our choices, like Foxhunters kids in Conneticut.

Its not and I know no one that believes that other than liberals. Growing up on a ranch we practiced good land use and management since I was a 10 year old kid. Just like hunters are the ones to practice game management, NOT liberals, left up to them animals would starve and die of disease.

The problem is the label. I know some Democratic party members who hunt like to shoot and farm in this area. Ask them, they would say they are Liberal. Do they fit Fox News definition of Liberal? Hell No! That is the problem woth labels like "Liberal, Red Neck, etc. etc. . They mask the people who are lumped into that group. That is why I don't have time for labels.

I got a friend who is a gun NUT, shooter, reloader, but voted for Obama twice????????????? got me beat

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