Please be mindful that there are many different views on the forums. The only thing we all agree on is the AR-10 is an awesome rifle!

censored in the classroom

10 years 9 months ago #39957 by foxhunter
copied and article from Fox News by Tadd Starnes

One of the lessons that Andrew Lampart learned from being on his school’s debate team was to gather facts for both sides of an argument. So last month when his law class was instructed to prepare for a debate on gun control, Andrew went online using the school’s Internet service.

“I knew it was important to get facts for both sides of the case,” said the 18-year-old at Nonnewaug High School in Woodbury, Connecticut.

Andrew decided to set aside his debate preparation and started researching other conservative websites. He soon discovered that he had unfettered access to liberal websites, but conservative websites were blocked.
When Andrew tried to log onto the National Rifle Association’s website, he realized there was a problem – a big problem.

“Their website was blocked,” he told me. Andrew decided to try the Second Amendment Foundation’s website. That too, was blocked.
His curiosity got the best of him – so Andrew tried logging on to several pro-gun control websites. Imagine his surprise when he discovered the pro-gun control websites were not blocked.

“I became curious as to why one side was blocked and the other side was not,” he said.
Andrew decided to set aside his debate preparation and started researching other conservative websites. He soon discovered that he had unfettered access to liberal websites, but conservative websites were blocked.

For example, the Connecticut Republican Party website was blocked. The Connecticut Democratic Party website was not blocked. National Right to Life was blocked, but Planned Parenthood was not blocked. Connecticut Family, a pro-traditional marriage group, was blocked, but LGBT Nation was not blocked.

Andrew found that even Pope Francis was blocked from the school’s web service. But although he could not access the Vatican website, the school allowed him to access an Islamic website.

“This is really border line indoctrination,” Andrew told me. “Schools are supposed to be fair and balanced towards all ways of thinking. It’s supposed to encourage students to formulate their own opinions. Students aren’t able to do that here at the school because they are only being fed one side of the issue.”

Andrew gathered his evidence and requested a meeting with the principal. The principal referred him to the superintendent, which he did. The superintendent promised to look into the matter and fix the problem.

“I gave him a week to fix the problem,” Andrew said. “But nothing had been done.”

So last Monday, Andrew took his mountain of evidence to the school board.

“They seemed surprised,” he said. “They told me they were going to look into the problem.”
Since the school board didn’t resolve the problem, I decided to take a crack at it.

Superintendent Jody Goeler sent me a rather lengthy letter explaining what happened.

He admitted there are “apparent inconsistencies” in the school district’s filtering system “particularly along conservative and liberal lines.”

“Many of the liberal sites accessible to the student fell into the ‘not rated’ category, which was unblocked while many of the conservative sites were in the ‘political/advocacy group’ category which is accessible to teachers but not to students,” he said in a written statement. “The district is trying to determine the reason for the inconsistency and if the bias is pervasive enough to justify switching to another content filtering provider.”

I find it hard to believe the superintendent needs more evidence to make that determination.
“The district does not block individual sites, only categories of websites,” he wrote. “The categories are supposed to be inclusive of all sites that fall into a common description.”

Without getting into the weeds here, the school district is blaming the blocking on Dell SonicWall, their content filtering service. They said they are waiting for Dell SonicWall to clarify its process for assigning websites to categories.

Dell SonicWall did not return my telephone call so I can’t tell you whether the district’s statement is the gospel truth or baloney. But something smells fishy.

Superintendent Goeler said they have “an interest in exposing students to a wide and varying number of viewpoints."

“The district does engage in unblocking sites to provide diverse points of view and balance in the instructional process,” he wrote.

Pardon me, sir, but that’s a load of unadulterated, Grade-A hooey.

The National Rifle Association, Red State,, National Right to Life, Second Amendment Foundation, Paul Ryan for Congress, Town Hall,,, and are just some of the websites the school blocked.

And they still remain blocked.

“The thing that bothers me the most is that public education is supposed to be neutral,” Andrew said. “It’s supposed to expose kids to both sides of an issue and allow them to formulate their own opinions.”

Andrew has discovered the issue I write about in my new book, “God Less America.” Public schools have become leftwing indoctrination centers.

“Students are only being given information from one side of the issue,” he said. “They are told this is the information we are giving you – make the most of it. They are not giving them both sides of the argument.”

Andrew Lampart has done his community and his nation a great public service by exposing the politically correct firewall that was erected at Nonnewaug High School.

And now we must do our part and demand a free exchange of ideas not just in Woodbury, Connecticut, but around the nation.

Mr. Superintendent, tear down this wall!

Todd Starnes is host of Fox News & Commentary, heard on hundreds of radio stations. Sign up for his American Dispatch newsletter,
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10 years 9 months ago #39963 by OleCowboy
Replied by OleCowboy on topic censored in the classroom
Government CONTROL is the name of the game...

Wash Redskins

Donald Sterling


Ruby Ridge

and more and more.
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10 years 9 months ago #39964 by NightForce
You're absolutely right Cowboy!

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10 years 9 months ago #39967 by Siscowet
Replied by Siscowet on topic censored in the classroom
We have become a nation of tribes. The Liberal tribe and the Conservative tribe. Not to ruffle any feathers, but take a look at the article in the link below. Foxhunters report above is a perfect example of the liberal tribe skewing the information to support what they already believe. Both tribes do it. Which is why I don't trust mainstream media anymore. Fox and MSNBC are two sides of the same coin, IMO.!/entr...d01b025312186c1be2c4
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10 years 9 months ago #39968 by OleCowboy
Replied by OleCowboy on topic censored in the classroom
I read the article and did not fail to notice the BIG plug for global warming and how the entire scientific community believes it, at that point I decided to do some research on the writer...he is clearly a member of the the Liberal Tribe.

That said I will not argue the tribal aspect, however this is the plan by Obama, he is a divider not a uniter. But then this is right from his play book Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. This is what Obama's goal is to create this turmoil in the US...Not a bad goal if you hate the US, hate Christians, hate capitalism. If his goal is to destroy then he is doing a good job and the liberals lap it up like a cat with a bowl of milk...

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10 years 9 months ago #39972 by jtallen83
Replied by jtallen83 on topic censored in the classroom

OleCowboy wrote: Government CONTROL is the name of the game...

Wash Redskins

Donald Sterling


Ruby Ridge

and more and more.

That hit the proverbial nail on the head! It's all about control, I see more of it coming down the pipes in my agency every news letter. They steadily attach more caveats to their funding.
Sad part is this funding is nothing more than IOU's in our Grandchildren's names! :banghead: :censored: :mad: :banghead: :censored:

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10 years 9 months ago #39975 by Siscowet
Replied by Siscowet on topic censored in the classroom

OleCowboy wrote: I read the article and did not fail to notice the BIG plug for global warming and how the entire scientific community believes it, at that point I decided to do some research on the writer...he is clearly a member of the the Liberal Tribe.

That said I will not argue the tribal aspect, however this is the plan by Obama, he is a divider not a uniter. But then this is right from his play book Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. This is what Obama's goal is to create this turmoil in the US...Not a bad goal if you hate the US, hate Christians, hate capitalism. If his goal is to destroy then he is doing a good job and the liberals lap it up like a cat with a bowl of milk...

They also put in a "plug" for concealed carry, which kind of proves the point. Global warming and concealed carry shouldn't be linked in peoples minds, but they are, as liberal and conservative causes.
Same with Gay marriage and Right to Life. Individual topics, and an individual's mind should be made up separately on each issue, but that would buck the tribe's accepted norm to do so. That is the issue I have with political parties. I will make up my own mind on each issue, and not have a Party (Tribal) leader tell me what to think.
I am comfortable supporting the Second Amendment, while I also back the EPA cracking down on air and water pollution, which is construed as a "Liberal" position, which it is not. It is a leave something decent for my children position. I am just sick of labels, and people who doggedly follow politicians who spout them either right or left.
To me that is what the Libertarian Movement should be about, giving us the Liberty to make educated choices on issues, rather than be manipulated in our choices, like Foxhunters kids in Conneticut.

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10 years 9 months ago #39980 by OleCowboy
Replied by OleCowboy on topic censored in the classroom

Siscowet wrote:

OleCowboy wrote: I read the article and did not fail to notice the BIG plug for global warming and how the entire scientific community believes it, at that point I decided to do some research on the writer...he is clearly a member of the the Liberal Tribe.

That said I will not argue the tribal aspect, however this is the plan by Obama, he is a divider not a uniter. But then this is right from his play book Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. This is what Obama's goal is to create this turmoil in the US...Not a bad goal if you hate the US, hate Christians, hate capitalism. If his goal is to destroy then he is doing a good job and the liberals lap it up like a cat with a bowl of milk...

They also put in a "plug" for concealed carry, which kind of proves the point. Global warming and concealed carry shouldn't be linked in peoples minds, but they are, as liberal and conservative causes.
Same with Gay marriage and Right to Life. Individual topics, and an individual's mind should be made up separately on each issue, but that would buck the tribe's accepted norm to do so. That is the issue I have with political parties. I will make up my own mind on each issue, and not have a Party (Tribal) leader tell me what to think.
I am comfortable supporting the Second Amendment, while I also back the EPA cracking down on air and water pollution, which is construed as a "Liberal" position, which it is not. It is a leave something decent for my children position. I am just sick of labels, and people who doggedly follow politicians who spout them either right or left.
To me that is what the Libertarian Movement should be about, giving us the Liberty to make educated choices on issues, rather than be manipulated in our choices, like Foxhunters kids in Conneticut.

Its not and I know no one that believes that other than liberals. Growing up on a ranch we practiced good land use and management since I was a 10 year old kid. Just like hunters are the ones to practice game management, NOT liberals, left up to them animals would starve and die of disease.

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10 years 9 months ago #40100 by foxhunter
Replied by foxhunter on topic censored in the classroom
On a positive note, I read in my American Hunter magazine today that Florida is leading reform on the zero tolerance abuse by schools for guns. THE RIGHT TO BE A KID ACT that simulating a firearm or weapon, or wearing clothes that depict firearms or express an opinion regarding the second amendment is not grounds for disciplinary action, or referral to the criminal justice system. A student may be subject to disciplinary action only if such actions substantially disrupts student learning, or causes bodily harm or places another person in reasonable fear of bodily harm.

Maybe if inacted by the rest of the states our kids and grandkids won't be expelled and go to jail for playing cops and robbers at school.
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10 years 9 months ago #40104 by jtallen83
Replied by jtallen83 on topic censored in the classroom
Very positive information. I was very disappointed to find out my Granddaughter could not wear a shirt I had bought her to school. It said " I SHOOT LIKE A GIRL" and had a target with the bulls-eye shot out and the silhouette of a 1911,
no images of guns allowed! :pinch:
What bothered me most was this is a pretty conservative school that actually has a high school shooting team :dry: :huh: :angry:

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