The P___yf____ion of America

10 years 10 months ago #38393 by OleCowboy
May 12, 2014, 04:29 pm
Bill would extend maternity leave for military women
By Cristina Marcos

Legislation introduced by Reps. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) and Kristi Noem (R-S.D.) would extend maternity leave for women serving in the military.

The bill, called the Military Opportunities for Mothers (MOM) Act, would lengthen the time military women can take off for the birth of a child from six weeks to 12 weeks.

Duckworth and Noem, who timed their measure with the weekend of Mother's Day, said the bill would make military policies on par with maternity leave available to federal employees under the Family and Medical Leave Act.
"Mothers in the military inevitably face separation from their children when they are deployed and serving our nation around the globe," Duckworth, an Iraq War veteran, said. "Extending maternity leave for these women is the least we can do for those who sacrifice so much for our country."

Noem said that women serving in the military should have at least as much maternity leave as other workers.

"For working moms, going back to work after having a child is one of the most difficult days," Noem said. "But when you put on fatigues instead of a business suit and return to a military base halfway around the world instead of an office around the corner, that day can be even more difficult."

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Having worked with prego soldiers all I can say is just another free load on the military: Here is the game. Sir I am pregant...OK keep me informed and do what you need to do. This means no field time, no sitting, no standing, LOTS and LOTS of Docs appts, more time off for prego stuff...


Sp4 Janey Belcher, I have noticed you have not begun to show, you must be working out huh? No Sir, I thought I told you it was a false pregancy. NO, that was 3 mo ago and yesterday you were out all day for Docs appts! Well yes but I am trying to get prego.

That is the TIP of the iceberg. They can milk the prego game for a couple of years and longer. Try to crack down on them and they head straight to EEO, IG and Commanders Open door to complain about YOU. Women can skate thru their military career almost, never doing a thing but phony pregos then they pop one and repeat cycle.

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10 years 10 months ago #38413 by jtallen83
At the risk of being offensive I will be to some, the best thing my father ever did was insist my mother not get a job until us kids were raised, we were her job and a fine job she did. She got her "real" job when we left and now draws a pension from that and has time to enjoy her grandkids and greatgrandkids. Kids need a mother at home and for a lot more than weeks, it takes years to raise a kid.
There is something to be said for the now banned saying" A women's place is in the home." :soapbox:
The following user(s) said Thank You: OleCowboy, NightForce

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10 years 10 months ago #38417 by NightForce
My wife stayed home with the kids until they were sophomores in high school... If you ask me now I'd do it exactly the same.... :thumbs:
The following user(s) said Thank You: jtallen83, OleCowboy

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