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450 LeGendre Magnum a.k.a. 450 LM

12 years 1 month ago - 12 years 1 month ago #17299 by wildcatter
Does anybody know about this weapon system yet. Over at "" they have a 45cal. AR10, out preforming the 458 Winchester Magnum and a reliable magazine that does 20rds, with impeccable reliability!!


Last edit: 12 years 1 month ago by wildcatter.

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12 years 1 month ago - 12 years 1 week ago #17300 by 13fcolt
Big elephant stopping bullets, check.
High cap magazine, check.
Semi auto, check.
It's got everything to cheese off the :ban: so I say it's about damn time. All the interest in big bore AR15's and it's like no body noticed that a bigger mag well, bigger bolt face, bigger case capacity, is available. "hey I know, lets put all our R&D into second best because doing it right the first time with an AR10 is just silly". I would say a muzzle brake is useful in this instance.
Maybe this is the rail road stopper I've been hearing about?
Last edit: 12 years 1 week ago by Akai. Reason: Offensive launage

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12 years 1 month ago #17302 by Siscowet
You have to check with Jesse on that one. Definitely something for Grizzly country.

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12 years 1 month ago #17303 by jtallen83


Two, where, and how much? :woohoo:

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12 years 1 month ago #17361 by OleCowboy
I could not find any ballistic charts on it, sure there are some but...

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12 years 2 weeks ago - 12 years 2 weeks ago #18468 by wildcatter

OleCowboy wrote: I could not find any ballistic charts on it, sure there are some but...

Ok, let's try..

They are Reporting 350gr Hornady Interlocks, swagged from .458" to .452"

They are reporting these 350's at 2500fps, with a 20" barrel.

The Hornady Manual 458 Winchester Magnum Reloading Data, reports the same 350's at 2300-2400fps and this with a 24" Barrel.

Conclusion: the 450 LeGendre Magnum IS outperforming the 458 Winchester and this with a 4" shorter Barrel and can fire more than 20 rounds, semi-automatically, compared to the model 70's 3 rounds manually manipulated.

Conclusion, a dangerous animal wounded at 50 or less yards charges. Which do you prefer, the 458wm, in which you may not have enough time to reload the firearm or 20+ rounds on instantaneous tap, to take out anything that can hurt!!
Last edit: 12 years 2 weeks ago by wildcatter.

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12 years 2 weeks ago #18488 by OleCowboy

wildcatter wrote:

OleCowboy wrote: I could not find any ballistic charts on it, sure there are some but...

Ok, let's try..

They are Reporting 350gr Hornady Interlocks, swagged from .458" to .452"

They are reporting these 350's at 2500fps, with a 20" barrel.

The Hornady Manual 458 Winchester Magnum Reloading Data, reports the same 350's at 2300-2400fps and this with a 24" Barrel.

Conclusion: the 450 LeGendre Magnum IS outperforming the 458 Winchester and this with a 4" shorter Barrel and can fire more than 20 rounds, semi-automatically, compared to the model 70's 3 rounds manually manipulated.

Conclusion, a dangerous animal wounded at 50 or less yards charges. Which do you prefer, the 458wm, in which you may not have enough time to reload the firearm or 20+ rounds on instantaneous tap, to take out anything that can hurt!!

Ok WildCat I will buy that, but right off the bat you are fighting an uphill battle..Diane FineTune and Chucky Schumer have told me NO hunter needs BigMag...of course I said they never hunted Hog in Texas or stared down a Cape Buffalo hitting the scales at 2500 lbs + and moving like a freight train and has a 10" thick skull cap...

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12 years 2 weeks ago #18489 by Siscowet
I am thinking a brush gun for Alaskan Brown Bear country.

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12 years 2 weeks ago - 12 years 2 weeks ago #18492 by Sharkey
I wonder if Grizzly Man would consider carrying one of these. Ya know, if he had it to do all over again... :laugh:

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Last edit: 12 years 2 weeks ago by Sharkey.

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12 years 1 week ago - 12 years 1 week ago #18583 by wildcatter
They just reported 1.5 MOA @ 200yds, using the 350gr Hornady sized to .452". Hardly a brush gun, though excellent in that roll too. I'm thinking more of a, hunt anything-anywhere-anytime-in any kind of Geography (brush to across the valley), kind-of Gun!!

As far as Gloria Slimswine is concerned, she wants everything Banned so what's the dif. I for one don't plan to make her happy. For nothing could make her happy, even if we turned-in all our guns voluntarily.

It would be easy enough to permanently block the mag for any amount of total rounds, assuming you want to be Politically Correct (7rds in NY??), But Holy Cow, even seven, Lickity-Split rounds on tap, in this Bulldozer is stunning!!
Last edit: 12 years 1 week ago by wildcatter.

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