Will the REAL Lt Hottie please stand up!

11 years 11 months ago #20461 by OleCowboy
True story, but the exact dates, names, times etc have been changed to protect somebody...

Its many years ago and I am a Captain, Infantry, 1/9th Infantry (MANCHUS), DMZ Korea. At this time I am the S-4 waiting on a Co Command. This is a different Army that what most of you know today, we only have 36 women total assigned to the Div and I got one on the other end of the fone I talk to daily. Her name is Lt Allison Hottie, she is my POC for some of my many Log requirements, we talk daily usually several times a day.

There is little time on the fone for chit-chat, my fone rings all day every day from all over the division, we are the reason the US is in Korea and I support all the units (Marines, Joint, NATO etc) N of the Imjim River. Nonetheless her girlish voice was always nice to hear when we talked and make my Infantry day a little better.

We talked for about 5 mo and it was coming up on Christmas. My CO said the officers could have an overnight pass if they wanted on Christmas or New Years, half and half and for us to sort out. I let the married and guys with kids-wives working in Seoul have Christmas eve and Christmas night and I took New Years eve.

As the holidays drew near, in one conversation Lt Hottie asked what do we do upon the DMZ (this was 24x7 job). I told her I had got a pass for New Years eve for 24 hrs. She asked where are you going? Said I had no idea, probably down to Seoul, have a decent meal at the O Club, drink at the bar and stay in the BOQ. She then said, why do that when you can come down, stay with me in my quarters and I will cook you a meal too. I did not have to tell her I would get back with her later, I said yes, YES!

With that few women in the DIV they all had separate quarters, like apartments, quite nice, far better than anything I had.

So I met her for the first time! I knew she was an Army Lt, this meant she was in good shape, was a runner and at the worst was a bit homely with a great body...no one was out of shape in a Combat DIv in Korea. Then I met her, she was tall, blonde as in NATURAL blond from the top of her head to, well all over and in great shape from a daily regimen of 10 mi a day runs and tan, very tan...later I was to find out they called her the 'Bikini Girl'. Her quarters had been some other kind of building and it had a perm installed ladder on the outside that went up on the roof?? She would go up there and layout in the sun in a very very small bikini (it was a flat roof with a low wall around it but she would take off her towel and then lay down and while all anyone got was a glimpse it was well worth the wait.

But a guy on the DMZ does not get but one over night pass a year so seeing each other became a lunch affair as I went down to DIV often. Then a new DIV G 4 came in and he wanted a weekly meeting with all log officers. Suddenly life was good for an Infantry soldier. Every Thurs drive down to DIV at 1030 for the 1300 meeting. I would head straight for her place, let myself in and about 1115 she would come in and we would have lunch, that girl could sure give a hungry soldier a decent meal. About 1250 we would walk over to HQ conf room and take our seats for the meeting.

This went on for some time until the G-4 makes O-6 and takes a Command. New G-4 comes in and its our first meeting with him. All the meeting started out the same way: Comments by the G-4 on various items etc etc then he moves to status reports from all the S-4's and I am always the first one called on:

Captain (me) your status report for the DMZ please: My chair is always the closest to the G-4 on one side of the table with the combat unit S-4's, the other side of the table is the Log Support Staff and Lt Hottie sits across from me and also next to the G-4.

I notice went the G-4 asked for my report he was not looking at me, but at her...I spoke up...SIr I have the following to report. The G-4 looks at me and says I was TALKING to Captain (me)! My eyes dart to her fatigues and I look at her name tag...its NOT HER NAME TAG, ITS MINE, its NOT her Fatigue shirt, its mine and GUESS what my name tag says.

I say, SIR, I am Captain (me), he looks at her and says Will the REAL Lt Hottie please stand up! She stands up, he looks at me and the rest of the room, which you could almost hear a pin drop where it not for the held back snickers. He says can you too go outside and get the right fatigue shirt on so we can get on with this meeting? I never knew that a blonde with a tan face could turn that RED...
The following user(s) said Thank You: mlotziii, jtallen83, Libertarian623, MsgtBill

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11 years 11 months ago #20463 by LebbenB
What camp were you at?

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11 years 11 months ago #20467 by OleCowboy
Been so long I forgot the name, but cross the Bridge of No Return and go right and there we were. My quarters were right above the river and my wall facing it was all glass. Great view, quarters were not much to speak of other than that. Then on down the roads were various camps, the Marines stayed in one and at the end of the road was Panmunjeom. I supported all of them and in fact as a S-4 it was a great job as I was treated as if I were a Bde sized unit so my budget was huge and I could order up just about anything.

Later I was assigned to Camp Casey which was 3rd Bde HQ. 2nd ID, 3rd Bde has the entire 'Western Corridor" under its command and every Bde CO made GO after his command going back to '65.

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11 years 11 months ago #20468 by Siscowet
Great Story Cowboy!

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11 years 11 months ago #20470 by mlotziii

Siscowet wrote: Great Story Cowboy!


And well told!

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11 years 11 months ago #20475 by LebbenB

Been so long I forgot the name, but cross the Bridge of No Return and go right and there we were. My quarters were right above the river and my wall facing it was all glass. Great view, quarters were not much to speak of other than that. Then on down the roads were various camps, the Marines stayed in one and at the end of the road was Panmunjeom. I supported all of them and in fact as a S-4 it was a great job as I was treated as if I were a Bde sized unit so my budget was huge and I could order up just about anything.

Camp Greaves. The 2ID element north of you was at Camp Liberty Bell. The United Nations Command Security Battalion - Joint Security Area (UNCSB-JSA) was at Camp Kitty Hawk.

In the mid-eighties, Kitty Hawk was renamed Camp Bonifas in honor of CPT Arthur Bonifas who was killed in the 1976 Axe Murder incident. Later, around 92-93, the JSA was given control of Liberty Bell and it was re-named East Bonifas. The 2ID element was moved back to Camp Greaves.

I spent a year at Bonifas as the PSG of the Scout Platoon, 99-2000. By the time I was stationed there, the Manchus at Greaves had been replaced by the Currahees.

The whole area was given back to the ROKs in 2004.

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11 years 11 months ago - 11 years 11 months ago #20493 by Libertarian623
I was stationed there 1987-88; brand new right out of school, attached to 2ID, was a air controller at Casey, points north and Evenreach Mtn. I have heard that story before, its nice to find the source.
Last edit: 11 years 11 months ago by Libertarian623.

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11 years 11 months ago #20497 by Siscowet

Libertarian623 wrote: I was stationed there 1987-88; brand new right out of school, attached to 2ID, was a air controller at Casey, points north and Evenreach Mtn. I have heard that story before, its nice to find the source.

Your famous Cowboy

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11 years 11 months ago #20507 by OleCowboy

Libertarian623 wrote: I was stationed there 1987-88; brand new right out of school, attached to 2ID, was a air controller at Casey, points north and Evenreach Mtn. I have heard that story before, its nice to find the source.

LOL, yes I am the source and on that note I think I will not write my Ft Lewis story, someone may have heard of that too.

Lebb, thanks for the update on Korea, I always wanted to get back for another tour but it never happened. I knew the Cpt that was killed in the axe incident, good soldier...

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11 years 11 months ago #20510 by LebbenB
One tour of Korea was enough for me, LOL. One of the traditions we had in the JSA was when you DEROS'd, as you passed over Freedom Bridge for the last time, you threw your JSA badge into the Imjin or you would eventually PCS back to the JSA. I did my best Roger Staubach and threw that thing as far as I could send it. Just in case.

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