Follies with 1st Sgt.

11 years 10 months ago #23081 by Siscowet
Replied by Siscowet on topic Follies with 1st Sgt.
I wouldn't feel too bad, the 1st Sargent broke up his own family, you just did his wife a favor. Good story! Payback is sweet.

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11 years 10 months ago #23082 by jtallen83
Replied by jtallen83 on topic Follies with 1st Sgt.
You can only play what your dealt..... sometimes you get all the cards but only end up with the ante.
I've always wondered where I would have ended up if I'd have played the first couple hands a little different. I've always felt disappointed I didn't get the chance to finish what I started in the states........all I had to do was coast for 1 1/2 years in Germany and they were bringing me back to Stewart..........
Took that Ranger attitude and training to the construction world and kicked ass for some time though so it wasn't a total loss. :usa: All The Way

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11 years 10 months ago #23267 by TubbyJ
Replied by TubbyJ on topic Follies with 1st Sgt.
That has to be the greatest 1SG payback I've heard of. Being a 101st man myself, those from the higher ranks of the 82nd seem to have their heads up their third point of contact. He was obviously a crapbag because he hands out punishment himself instead of letting the squad leader handle it. I am not saying you handled yourself properly, but i would say he got what he deserved for not staying in his lane. The only thing i might have done different is make sure and crap in his jump boots before i left.

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11 years 10 months ago #23271 by jtallen83
Replied by jtallen83 on topic Follies with 1st Sgt.
He didn't even leave a coffee cup out! I was already trying to pretend I'd never met the man but that letter had such cute little valentine hearts drawn on it I just had to share.

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11 years 10 months ago #23275 by Dabu
Replied by Dabu on topic Follies with 1st Sgt.
One of the worst days of my life was when 1st Sgt's coffee machine broke. It magically stooped working one morning and he accused all of us of sabotaging it just to piss him off.

1st Sgt used to be a DI. So everyone Gunny and below felt like we were at boot camp again. 1st Sgt made us get in a formation stay there till one of us admitted we broke it and we all had to pay for a new one.

8 hours later he told us to go away. The next day we brought in 3 new coffee machines and he was bitching about how they weren't the same as the old one, even though the new ones worked better than the old one.

I hear he's a Sgt Maj now. Boy do I feel sorry for many marines. :(

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11 years 10 months ago #23363 by TubbyJ
Replied by TubbyJ on topic Follies with 1st Sgt.
When i was in Iraq again in '07-'09 my 1SG from my home unit was great. When i decided to extend in theater for another tour i ended up with a Cav unit from Arkansas. The 1SG was a real crapbag! He would sign for vehicles that were 10 types of deadlined and expected you to run week long missions with them. If you wrote up the deficiency then you were sabotaging the mission. His priority was the unit REMF softball team. He actually handed out medals for it. WHen my back started showing signs of trouble from previous IED explosions, he accused me of malingering. HE denied me a 1 day medevac to Kuwait to get an xray or MRI, but a female mechanic on the softball team was on the bird within the hour because she hurt her shoulder (she was playing softball that next day). When the medics at aid station thought i had a herniated disk, he got my medevac to Germany cancelled, saying i could pull light duty ( for 5 months, another of my organic unit soldiers had a humvee roll up his leg and he had him returned to base from Germany even tho he couldn't walk. i got him home with a few calls to home SGM.) and then tried to make me go out on missions when i couldn't even walk. When it was time to return home, he told the whole unit he was disappointed with their performance and he was glad to be going back to his original maintenance unit. What a crapbag! When we got to Demob station he tried to stop me from outprocessing medical till all the others went through first. I went anyway before he even left the chowhall for breakfast and was medical hold for severe herniated disk which turned out to be broken vertibrae. He tried to bust me for going around to medical out of turn but i had the greatest pleasure telling him that i fell under medical command and didn't have to listen to his crap. happiest day in months. Heard he made SGM when he got back, but was later demoted and made to retire due to his dealings with me and other medical holdovers. life is sweet.

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11 years 10 months ago #23365 by Dabu
Replied by Dabu on topic Follies with 1st Sgt.
:cheer: I'm glad I am not the only one with a negative story about a 1st Sgt.

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