okay ,, so it was killing me to wait ,, so late Sunday afternoon,, I called one of the guys that works for me and said,, wanna go shootin ??
so we proceeded to throw together a quick 8" gong and head out
paper silhouette shows my zero rounds ,,
all of these were standing rest shots,,
I know I know ,,, not how to dial one in ,, BUT I DIDN'T CARE FOR NOW
after the zero I laid 4 rounds into the plate,, moved to 200 and dumped another 10 rounds into it ,, then to 300 and rapped it about 10 - 12 times ( between the 2 of us )
wanted to share as everyone was excited to see the results
I have to say I'm impressed with the muzzle brake ,,
sends much more sound rearward ( as everyone knows ) but cut out 80% or more of the rearward recoil,, prone was nice also at 300 yd mark with a little but very little dust and dirt kick up,, mostly from concussion I expect
Anyway I will be doing some serious bench shooting soon ,, we'll see what kind of groups this lady will shoot ,,
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