Best Scope for a Mid-Length .308?

16 years 4 months ago - 11 years 11 months ago #411 by rgramjet
Im kicking around different rifle scope ideas for my LAR-8. I had a Burris Compact 3x9 mounted. Its a glossy hunting scope and looked out of place.

Any suggestions for a well priced matte mil dot or ballistic plex scope? Id love to stay under $350...

Thanks in advance!
Last edit: 11 years 11 months ago by mlotziii.

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16 years 4 months ago #412 by weshowe

I am not convinced that high power scopes are the way to of the early leupold Mark IV M1 6X version with mil dot is an excellent way to's also out of your price range. IF you could find one.

I would recommend a Nikon Monarch series 6.5 X 20 power with 44mm objective. It's about the upper end of your price range and is an absolutely incredible dollar value. Optics put many higher dollar scopes to shame. It has crisp REPEATABLE 1/8 minute click adjustments, and the objective bell can be adjusted for focus/parallax. It also comes with regular AND target turrets (w/covers).
Mine is mounted on my GA Precision custom AR-10 and has served admirably.

Some the best optics you can. Great things can be done with an average rifle and good optics...the reverse is not true and will lead to failure.

Enjoy your AR-10 and good shooting. I'd be interested to know where your search leads you.


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16 years 4 months ago #413 by rgramjet
I had a 6.5x24 cheapy scope laying around. Mounted that sucker and with the sunshade, its as long as the fore end of the LAR!! Looks kinda cool.

With the Nikon or any other scope starting at 6x, am I not limiting what I can shoot up close?

I also have a Remington 700 PSS in .308. Ive got a Leupold Vari-x 2, 3-9x50 on it. I feel that rifle is severely underscoped.

Maybe the thing to do is mount the Leupold on the LAR and get the 'reach out and touch someone", 6-24 for the more capable long range sniper rifle.

Thats a bummer because I have the PSS dialed in. Its by far my most consistent and accurate weapon.

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16 years 4 months ago #414 by weshowe

The 3 X 9 50mm Luppie is about right for the Rem 700 PSS and the .308 cartridge. I use a fixed 10X on my M40A1 clone and it's about as perfect a marraige of rifle/cartridge/scope I can imagine.
Variables have come into vogue because of the nature of our conflicts. The ability to "dial down" the power and get a wider field of view can be helpful. The trouble is that folks envision a tactical rifle being used for CQB which is almost never the case. Besides you usually have a spotter + armed with M4's. Sometimes you carry an M4 and the scoped rifle, but i don't recommend it due to the increased load.
The scope at 6 X allows for fast shots. It's not as limiting a factor as you might think with some practice. I the doubt the trained operator will see a difference.
Too many people get hung up on the variable scopes being able to go from low power to high. Unless you use a high quality scope you will lose some accracy due to mechanism mechanics. Only the really high dollar scopes are excellent throughout the power range.
For me the perfect tactical/sniper scope, on a .308 rifle, would be a 3.5 to 10 or 12X scope. No higher magnification is needed.
Above 10X, or so, magnification only amplifies some problems. Think you've got a slight tremor at 10X? Try it a 20X! It looks like a hound dog defecating razor blades! Reading wind and mirage though a high power scope is even harder. In short high power scopes have more attendant problems than those they solve.
High power is popular with guys that like to use rifle optics for spotting scopes. DON'T DO IT! While you're "tunneled in" the scope your situation awareness goes to do-do. It's a fact of life.
Anyway, I've rambled enough. Tactical rifle is a passion of mine, so I hope not to have bored you.
If I were to pick a Nikon Monarch "perfect" variable for your rifle I would go 3.5 X 10 power. Unforetunetely, Nikon doesn't make that model in the lower power range.
I'd still go Nikon 6.5 X 20 and be happy.
Here's a picture of my GAP AR-10 when it had a Luppie M1 mounted on it...

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My M40A1 clone with Luppie MK IV M1 10X:

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16 years 4 months ago #422 by bigwheel
If you want to stay cheap, check out the konus line. They have exceptional clarity and an over the
counter lifetime warranty. If you go with nikon make sure you look through the scope you are going
to buy. A friend just put a monarch on his cooper and it is hazy junk. I assume they are not all that
way as many people like them. Konus runs 130 to 180 in 1 inch tubes and 300 or so in 30mm tubes.

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16 years 4 months ago #427 by rgramjet
I hope to make my PSS more of a bench rest rifle than a true tactical piece, who knows, I might even hunt with it!

It was frustrating as hell to barely make out each bullet hole even at 100 yds. This was on a white and orange sight-in target and yes my vision is 20-20. My buddy's 4.5-14 was a lot better.

I get what you mean about the tremors.....I shouldnt have had that second cup of coffee!! lol

The 6.5-24 thats on my LAR worked beautifully. Walked that sucker in to dead bull within 5 shots. I was impressed with the groups that I shot even with the milsurp 7.62 stuff. The rifle started hanging up then failed to extract but thats a whole other thread.

Im going to check out that Nikon.

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14 years 7 months ago #4830 by PATRICKLANDRY
I HAVE A NIGHTFORCE 2.5-10 X 24 ON MY 18in.
AND THE M4 3.5-10 X 40 ON MY 23in.

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14 years 7 months ago #4831 by PATRICKLANDRY
I HAVE A NIGHTFORCE 2.5-10 X 24 ON MY 18in.
AND THE M4 3.5-10 X 40 ON MY 23in.

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14 years 7 months ago #4834 by dpmsfulton
My thoughts, a scope beyond 10-12 power for a 308 is a waste of scope and money. The range you will get out of a 308 is handled quite nicely by a scope in that power range.

If you want a mid range scope, as you say, then check out valdada 1.5-8. Or other's in those power ranges. I personally use a Nightforce 1-4 for close to mid range and it's fine, even out to 600 yards, at least for hitting chest size targets. Snipers in WWII were apparently hitting target 800-1000 yards with 4x scopes, so they say.

If you really want to take the competition route, then check out the valdada 3-18 or nightforce 3.5 -15. That should do you. Too much scope is actually a problem sometimes and you need to match the scope to the cartridge. My long range scope is a valdada 2-12.

One last thought, if you are serious about shooting and accuracy, you can't go cheap on scopes, no way around it. Especially if you want to compete. You really should be looking for a scope in the +$1000 range then.

A good scope is more important than a good rifle,as has been said here elsewhere. But you have a good rifle, so why diminish it's capability with a mediocre scope. It's worth the wait to save up the money for a quality scope.

Just my thoughts.

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14 years 7 months ago #4838 by Edge
What is your intended purpose with the rifle?

Are you wanting precision shooting, 'combat' style shooting, hunting?

I have a Trijicon Acog on my Mid-length LAR-8. Works great for 'combat', hunting and shorter range type shooting. But, that's going to be way out of your price range.

At $350 you are limited. I've heard good things about the Vortex Viper line. They have some of the best customer service and Warranty in the industry.

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