Checklist's for the Newbies and Wannabes!

12 years 3 weeks ago #15600 by Fausty0
I started thinking today about when I started getting into reloading and how detailed and intricate it got in just over a month. My main issue was just information on how to complete a reload in general. I had to search online, talk to people who have been doing it for years, speak to gun shops, etc, and I still didn't know exactly how to complete my first round. It's also a bit intimidating to speak to people as a newbie, especially in gun stores as they're somewhat condescending as you're new to reloading. I knew the equipment I needed but I didn't know how to use it properly without trial and error, which is still inevitable to beginners even today however, I think it can be mitigated a little.

I was thinking of trying to build a how to checklist after a person has already purchased the required tools and such. An example of this checklist would look like a step by step guide - - 1.) clean your brass with either Blank or Blank 2.) Check to make sure your brass is clean, especially the primer pocket, 3.) etc. etc. etc. and this would continue until the finished product. Understanding there are different procedures to different rounds however, rifle rounds are pretty objective in the process of reloading and maybe just start with the .308 round considering this is an AR-10 forum haha.

If anyone knows of something like this already please let me know.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Sharkey

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12 years 3 weeks ago #15602 by 13fcolt
I think it is a great idea. I never understood the attitude toward newbies that many reloaders have. Maybe they view it as competition for supplies?
I'm 90% self taught for that very reason.

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12 years 3 weeks ago #15606 by Sharkey
These are great things Fausty and nice idea. I don't reload myself however I DO understand about "old salts" talking down to new people and yes, it happens all the time in ANY field - fishing, shooting, reloading, doing pretty much anything. It's sort of the way that insecure people use to try and "establish dominance" when speaking with someone else who wishes to learn.

Not everyone is that way but God knows, we've all been victims of it at one time or another and didn't like it when it happened to US either...

Great stuff bud... :thumbs:

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12 years 3 weeks ago #15611 by Siscowet
When I took up reloading, long before the Internet, I probably read four books on it before I had the nerve to load my first cartridge. I still remember putting on safety glasses, welders gloves and whatnot before firing it. A good idea.

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12 years 3 weeks ago #15612 by VTIT
I know exactly what you mean. I read everything I could get my hands on, talked to anyone that would talk to me. Finally I talked to an owner of a LGS that had pity on me and helped me out. He loaned me a VHS tape (kinda dates me but...). I watched it a couple times, went back with some more questions and I guess he finally got sick of me coming in and out of his shop and bugging him so he actually came over to my house and showed me some "tricks" and told me what tools I needed.

Then he introduced me to an older guy that was an engineer and he helped me out a bunch too. I am pretty technical and good with my hands but had no idea how to read a set of calipers or use a reloading press. If it wasn't for these two guys I would probably be missing fingers or worse.

I tried a couple other gun shops and the guys there just wanted to sell me books, powder, bullets, and primers. They didn't want to be bothered with actually helping me. I think what you plan is a GREAT idea! It would help those that are afraid to even start because they can't get any help. I know it would have helped me out a bunch. Probably still would.

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12 years 3 weeks ago - 12 years 3 weeks ago #15614 by Moby
Confessing here.

I absolutely fall into this catagory. I purchased a Lee Turet press, Hornady case trimmer, digital scal and calipers, power measure and a whole list of other stuff including a tumbler.

I've yet to load my first round. I have powder, bullets, cartriges, primers, all of it. The intimidation factor is the hold up. I need tumbling media (had hip surgery and need to heal) but as soon as I get it, I'm just going to have to read the book a couple times, view some of SAS's videos, and jump in. I'd love to see that check list if anyone makes it.

SAS has some really good video's on it.
Last edit: 12 years 3 weeks ago by Moby.

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12 years 3 weeks ago #15615 by Sharkey
At least you didn't say "beta" or maybe a recorded lesson on an 8 track... :rotfl:

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12 years 3 weeks ago #15616 by Redscout02
I started with a lee hand loader so guess that dates me? See for me it was doing with someone who knew and I was lucky because a friend of mine was Capt of the Air Force pistol team and he had everything. Then I got a bit here and there

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12 years 3 weeks ago #15617 by Moby

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12 years 3 weeks ago #15618 by Sharkey
I know most of you know him but zfk55 is also one EXTREMELY knowledgeable guy when it comes to reloading and has written some very good articles in the "articles" section. He hasn't been around much lately but if you can catch him, he'd be a GREAT guy to get info from when you have questions.


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