Please be mindful that there are many different views on the forums. The only thing we all agree on is the AR-10 is an awesome rifle!

X Combat and USMC

9 years 9 months ago #45388 by JustMe
Replied by JustMe on topic X Combat and USMC
I agree JT. I was just trying to express my frustration at my attempts to influence and educate my legislators. My attempts just seem to fall on deaf ears. The liberals in Miami steal my FL vote every year so my vote means nothing. I'm sure you realize that south FL is settled by retired NE city liberal politics and north FL is settled by country conservative people. So, I'm frustrated and was trying to express this frustration. I admit, I'm not man enough to take any direct action as I have too much to lose like many others I'm sure. I never want to do anything illegal, so my frustration is being an honest citizen is very frustrating in these times where I've read over 50 percent of our population is now on some form of welfare and they vote accordingly for more and more handouts at the expense of the working class. I'm so disillusioned with the politicians republican and democrat and the way people vote now. Luckily, at my age, I'm sure I will be long dead before the shxx hits the fan like we are seeing in Greece now.

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9 years 9 months ago - 9 years 9 months ago #45389 by jtallen83
Replied by jtallen83 on topic X Combat and USMC

JustMe wrote: Luckily, at my age, I'm sure I will be long dead before the shxx hits the fan like we are seeing in Greece now.

Don't count on it, have a plan for it and pass it on to the next generation.
Move out here to western Iowa or Nebraska, there are plenty of good, like minded people prepared to do what is needed to secure a future for the next generation.....
Last edit: 9 years 8 months ago by jtallen83.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Libertarian623, GRA

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9 years 8 months ago #45531 by GRA
Replied by GRA on topic X Combat and USMC
I have to agree 100%. This is the truth and it is bitter indeed.

I read something last night on one of the bulletin boards regarding the idea of a possible second confederation being formed, and again being several of the southern states but including AZ and NM, and possibly Utah. I would not be surprised to see this happen, and maybe even happen towards the very end of my lifetime, if I am to be blessed with one significantly longer than what I've already lived.

If we keep going in this country as we have been since the Weather Underground closet-communist, et al, got in to office the USA is going to be doomed for more than just one future generation. It would be extremely easy to keep our traditional American freedoms from ever being fully restored. The writing is already drying on the wall(s). Ronald Reagan warned us all about this more than once. These warnings were obviously somewhat prophetic.

If the original Confederacy was to be restored with the inclusion of a couple of the southwestern states, it would potentially be an economic miracle for those living in those states, but they would have to get along with each other and cover each other's backs. With manufacturing being largely gone from the other states as different from the last time, the USA would be hard pressed to force another reunification. The Gulf Coast provides as much useable seaboard as the east and west coasts and the diversity of the land of all these states will provide across-the-scale resources for sustainment. The USA would no longer be in charge of the disastrous southern border. Advanced technology is no longer exclusive to the mid-Atlantic and New England areas as it was during the 19th. century. In essence, it will be very hard for the USA to exist as it once did with these states breaking off.

I don't wish for this to happen, but I can easily see how it can. There appears to be an ever-increasing trend of toilet-bound attitudes towards the former demographics. At age 53 I don't expect this trend to reverse itself in my lifetime but I do expect it to get worse. I also see an ever-increasing trend, to the point of hostilities, in the attitudes and desire for this national separation to happen. If this continues and escalates the inevitable may be realized sooner than we think.

It is amazing how all this has changed since the end of WWII, a very short period of time really compared to the overall socio-political history of the world, and our still very young nation.

But finally, I see absolutely NOTHING wrong with "complaining" about our current situation. This is how ideas are exposed and strategies developed that may ultimately lead to things being straightened out. Hopefully this will occur sooner as opposed to later.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Libertarian623

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9 years 8 months ago - 9 years 8 months ago #45533 by GRA
Replied by GRA on topic X Combat and USMC
OK ... here is the narrative I was referring to. This is a long read but I think it was done as a Master's thesis and it is really good (except for the toll roads and SSA part ... LOL)

This was a comment posted by "MICHAEL" (NFI) about 5 days ago in an article titled; "Texans organize ‘Operation Counter Jade Helm’ to keep an eye on the federal troops", by Dylan Baddour, Houston Chronicle | published on July 11, 2015

[Read more at 1776 Coalition: ]

Here it is (cut and pasted);

"NOTICE: I am not sure what is wrong with this site, but the item below is perfectly formatted in Word.doc, but when cut-and-pasted to this format it becomes un-formatted."

* * * * *

"Another reason to Secede and create a new American Republic;
a whole new country. The 13 Southern States could go it alone to start. Now is
the time to bring together the 13 Governors, 26 US Senators, 144 Congressmen,
all of the State Senators, State Representatives, and County Sheriffs of these
13 States for a Secession Conference to determine the feasibility of a separate
nation and then, if it is deemed viable, to notify the current US Federal
Government of the intent of the 13 Great Southern States of Arizona, New Mexico,
Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia,
North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida to peacefully secede to form the
new American Republic.

The new American Republic should encompass all lands from
the North-East corner of the State of North Carolina westward to the North-West
corner of the State of Arizona and then due south to the Arizona-Mexico Border.
Once that New Republic is created, other like-minded States such as Virginia,
Missouri, and Utah can petition to join.

The Tea Party started as a Grass-roots organization and grew
almost overnight into a National Power; The Secessionist Movement can do the
same. In essence, it’s not that we want to remove ourselves from those who do
not follow our Constitutional values, but rather that we want to remove them
from us.

Imagine a Republic where the Constitution is the Law of the
Land, Crime receives swift, but fair punishment, Illegal means Illegal, we only
spend what we can afford, and only those truly in need feed of the Taxpayers!
Isn't that what the original Founding Fathers imagined?

This would also give the new Republic a chance to clarify
the Constitution to remove all ambiguous wording and to set Laws that would be
more in line with a Republic that our Founding Fathers envisioned.

Imagine a Republic with only one (1) Official Language;

Imagine a Republic founded on, and governed by, the
Judeo-Christian Religions, but where the 1st Amendment would still exist and
where Marriage is defined as a union between one man and one woman. Sharia Law
would be illegal.

All of the New Republic States would have more revenues. Not
only would all current Federal income taxes remain with the new Republic, but
the millions of illegal immigrants would no longer be given any type of
assistance at all; so they would leave almost overnight. A program that is fair
will be created to allow workers from other countries to come to the New
Republic to do work that cannot be filled by citizens.

However, those receiving State Assistance would be required
to undergo Drug and Alcohol Testing and to work for that assistance unless
caring for children or a sick relative. Whether that work is picking crops or
sweeping the streets is immaterial. What is important is that all recipients of
State Assistance will develop Jobs Skills and develop a Work Ethic that would
lead to a Private Sector Job which would turn that Welfare Recipient into a
working member of society and a Tax Payer.

All Federal Taxes currently imposed on the People of the New
Republic would stay with the New Republic. In addition to the Federal Fuel
Taxes that would remain with the New Republic to pay for Highway maintenance
and development, new revenues could be raised through Toll Roads and Toll
Bridges as is currently done in many states.

Remember to take into consideration that this new Republic
would control 2/3 of the coastline and therefore would take over and keep all
Customs and Duties revenues!

Texas alone would have nearly 2 Billion Dollars a year more
in its Treasury because that is the difference between what they send to DC and
what DC sends back.

All current Tax-Payer funded Federal Property; Roads,
Bridges, Dams, Buildings, Airports, Military Bases, Sea Ports, Parks and so, on
will remain as property of the citizens of the New Republic. In addition, all current Federal Employees;
Civilian and Military would be given the freedom of choice to stay with the New
Republic or the old Federal Government.

Social Security Funds currently held by the US Federal
Government will be divided on a per-person basis using the most recent Census
Report. If for example the population of the New Republic represents 40% of the
total population, then 40% of the Social Security Funds will be transferred to
the New Republic. The Citizens keep what they have paid for.

The New Republic would also be more Pro-Business and as a
result a large portion of businesses in California and other Liberal States
would most likely leave and come to the new Republic.

If incentives such as 10 years of Corporate Tax-Free Status
were offered to any company that relocated into the new Republic and created a
minimum of 25 new jobs, I think you would see a major migration of business and
industry. Unemployment would be almost non-existent as this would create
hundreds-of-thousands of jobs in the new Republic and an equal number of new
Income Tax Payers. Not to mention all the increase in Sales and Property Taxes
and Republic (Federal) Income taxes paid to the new Republic.

Basically, the brains and money would flow to the new
Republic leaving the remnants of the old USA with a ruined economy and a nation
of illegal immigrants and welfare recipients.

Let’s see how their Progressive Liberalism works for them at
that point.

We also envision a government accountable to the People.

The Republic Government would only be responsible for
National Defense, Interstate Commerce, and Foreign Policy. All other programs
such as Welfare, Education, Medical Care, and such would be managed at the
State level.

Just as many states elect their Governors and Lt. Governors
separately, so would the President and VP of the new Republic be elected
separately. Imagine a Democrat President and a Republican VP or a Republican
President and a Green Party VP. Checks and Balances! The People would have a
choice and no longer be required to vote for the 2-person Team that represents
the Lessor of two evils.

We see a system wherein each State receives two (2) seats in
the Senate and a total of ten (10) seats in the House of Representatives. Each
State is equal and no State gets more votes than any other. How the States
elects their Senators and Representatives; statewide or by District, is up to
the individual States.

We also envision that all new Taxes imposed on the People
have Sunset Clauses that automatically retire the Tax after a set number of
years. All renewal of Taxes must be approved by a majority vote of the People.

Within the governments of both the Republic and the
individual States, we think Senators should serve a maximum of one (1) Six-Year
Term and Representatives two (2) 4-Year Terms. After that, back to your regular
job. No more career politicians. Salaries would be capped at $50,000 per year
per Senator or Representative and there would be no retirement pension.
Retirement Funds would be paid into the same Social Security Fund that the
Tax-paying Citizens participate in. All increases would require a vote of the
people and no law would be passed unless the government was also held to the
same law - no more special treatment of health coverage for elected officials.
They get the same as the People.

All elected officials would be held accountable for both
their actions and inactions. Failure to pass an annual Balanced Budget at both
the State and Republic levels would result in forfeiture, not delay, of
salaries. State and National Debt would be capped at 10% of total respective
GDPs unless approved by a vote of the citizens.

With the exception of the border between California and Mexico,
the remaining border would finally be secured. Any person found in the New
Republic illegally would be banned for life from ever receiving benefits
afforded to legal residents and citizens. They would also be banned for life
from ever becoming legal residents or citizens.

By taking the New Republic out from under the weight of the
current Federal System, the New Republic would transform into a truly Free and
Democratic Republic.

For those who argue that the New Republic could
not survive financially, one only has to look at most other western
industrialized countries of the world that are much smaller than the combined
size of the New Republic. Those countries survive very well. So too would the
New Republic."
Last edit: 9 years 8 months ago by GRA. Reason: quotation marks added

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