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US Army defines Christian ministry

11 years 5 months ago #29660 by mrraley

Several dozen U.S. Army active duty and reserve troops were told last week that the American Family Association, a well-respected Christian ministry, should be classified as a domestic hate group because the group advocates for traditional family values.

Article on Fox news

:banghead: :censored: :mad:

Now I'm not a religious person... but this is going to far.

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11 years 5 months ago #29661 by jtallen83
It would appear they want to follow the communist route where the state is the religion. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights is being trashed and congress just sits there and calls each other names. :mad: :censored: :censored: :banghead: :censored:
How soon til the first actual shots are fired in this war?

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11 years 5 months ago #29663 by OleCowboy
You former military folks KNOW where this comes from...The CIC, Obama, after all he is a Muslim

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11 years 5 months ago #29670 by MrMarty51
Well, I am not a "Religious" person, I do`nt consider My self to be a "Christian", but, I am a person that believes in the Holy Bible at its literal sense, that what is wrote in there as the truth, I also believe that Jesus, and believing in Him is the "ONLY" way into the spiritual realm called "Heaven". I also believe in Jesus, I just do`nt associate My self with "some" of those so called "Christians", the self rightious ones, You know the types I am talking about, but, who am I to condemn anyone, that is Gods job.
I also believe that there is a "Special Place" for those that are forcing God out of Our country, and it seems that in todays society, there is nothing that can be done. Jesus said that We would have to endure through these things and to "Just Watch and Pray", and so, I do what I can by contacting My reps in warshington and letting them know My feelings on the matters.
Not much more can be done, from this far away, other than to do Like Jesus said and to "Watch and Pray."

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11 years 5 months ago #29678 by Siscowet
Several thoughts:
1. I generally don't trust any news that is reported by a single news organization, Like any intelligence, I want validation from at least one other source.
2. Has anyone , including the Fox news reporter, read any publications from this group to see what it's philosophy or dogma is?
3. Were any rules, regulations or laws regarding contact with military personnel violated by this group?
4. In a nutshell, I want to know more before passing judgement on this issue.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Libertarian623

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11 years 5 months ago - 11 years 5 months ago #29680 by jtallen83
Seems it was not a well vetted article;
or was it;

Guess it depends on your views.............
and then there's;

Seems it isn't as much a religious issue as is is a gay rights issue.
I've got my views on the topic ...........but the 1st trumps them all. Live and let live.
Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by jtallen83.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Siscowet, Libertarian623

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11 years 5 months ago #29682 by Siscowet
Thank you JT.

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11 years 5 months ago #29698 by 10-76
This is the usual turning of the tables: AFA is NOT a "Christian" group which is being targeted by the U.S. Military-they are a hate group who has been ID'd as a group that is actively protesting at U.S. Military funerals.

They protest at military funerals as they believe the soldiers' deaths are exacted upon all soldiers, as God's voice against the U.S. Military don't ask/don't tell policy.

As a Patriot Guard Rider who defends and protects these funeral processions and processes, I have seen these groups like AFA firsthand. They have some of the most disturbing thought processes and lack of reasoning I have seen to date: Why would you protest at soldiers' funerals, wherein the dead can obviously not defend themselves, and their opinions on homosexuality in the Military are probably not even known? Because the AFA believes that ALL soldiers who are heterosexual SHOULD and WILL resign from their posts to protest the don't ask/don't tell policy.
Soldiers and their families here in WI WILL have a respectful burial. For God and Country I WILL defend. The funeral of all passed soldiers will NOT be used as a bully pulpit for divisional politics and personal vendettas.

In short, I've seen/heard the rhetoric up close and personal: The U.S. Military is NOT targeting or hunting Christian groups of any sort. They ARE being wary of domestic terror groups who are cloaking themselves in false religion. These folks who base their lives on a few hateful interpretations from the Old Testament are not much different from those who do the same with the Quoran. I do not agree with the S.P.L.C. on everything, but on this I do.
The following user(s) said Thank You: jtallen83, Siscowet

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11 years 5 months ago - 11 years 5 months ago #29701 by Siscowet

10-76 wrote: This is the usual turning of the tables: AFA is NOT a "Christian" group which is being targeted by the U.S. Military-they are a hate group who has been ID'd as a group that is actively protesting at U.S. Military funerals.

They protest at military funerals as they believe the soldiers' deaths are exacted upon all soldiers, as God's voice against the U.S. Military don't ask/don't tell policy.

As a Patriot Guard Rider who defends and protects these funeral processions and processes, I have seen these groups like AFA firsthand. They have some of the most disturbing thought processes and lack of reasoning I have seen to date: Why would you protest at soldiers' funerals, wherein the dead can obviously not defend themselves, and their opinions on homosexuality in the Military are probably not even known? Because the AFA believes that ALL soldiers who are heterosexual SHOULD and WILL resign from their posts to protest the don't ask/don't tell policy.
Soldiers and their families here in WI WILL have a respectful burial. For God and Country I WILL defend. The funeral of all passed soldiers will NOT be used as a bully pulpit for divisional politics and personal vendettas.

In short, I've seen/heard the rhetoric up close and personal: The U.S. Military is NOT targeting or hunting Christian groups of any sort. They ARE being wary of domestic terror groups who are cloaking themselves in false religion. These folks who base their lives on a few hateful interpretations from the Old Testament are not much different from those who do the same with the Quoran. I do not agree with the S.P.L.C. on everything, but on this I do.

Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by Siscowet.

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