Please be mindful that there are many different views on the forums. The only thing we all agree on is the AR-10 is an awesome rifle!


11 years 5 months ago - 11 years 2 months ago #29512 by 10-76
Disregard... was created by 10-76
Last edit: 11 years 2 months ago by 10-76.

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11 years 5 months ago #29515 by OleCowboy
Sadly I predict our 2nd RKBA will go away for most of you. Even at my age I would NOT bet I will have the same rights I have today, let alone the rights I grew up with.

Its the death by a 1000 cuts, slice here, rule there, regulation over there and sooner or later it all becomes the ties that bind.

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11 years 5 months ago #29517 by OleCowboy
"If Gun Controllers Read The Other Amendments Like They Do The 2nd
Posted on October 4, 2013 by bulletsfirst
If Gun Controllers Read The Other Amendments Like They Do The 2nd
Gun control zealots love to get hooked on the semantics of the 2nd Amendment.

Due to the forefathers elegant writing that is more verse than prose, gun control zealots have harped on misinterpreted syntaxes of the 2nd Amendment for years.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed

The gun controllers like to say that since there isn’t an “and” between State and the right of the people that somehow invalidates the intent of founders. The intent being found in the other writings of the time.

George Mason: “I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”

Sam Adams: “And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the Press, or the rights of Conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms”

George Washington: “Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence”

Alexander Hamilton: “The best we can help for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed”

Thomas Paine: “Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them (arms)”

So even though the founders had just tossed out a tyrant and basically made a bill of rights that all be exclusively dealt with the aforementioned tyranny, somehow the lack of a word is supposed to undercut the intent?

If we were to extend this logic to the other rights enumerated by the Bill of Rights we would have a very different country today.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

By applying gun control “logic” on the 1st Amendment we would have the right of free speech, press and assembly limited to only apply when seeking redress for grievances. You see, everything before the petition part was an “or”. You have this right OR this right OR this right, then you can take one of those rights AND petition the government.

Remember, this is gun control “logic”.

So, unless you are petitioning the government for redress of grievances, your right to free speech or assembly or the press or religion would be able to be restricted to the point of prohibition.

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law

No mention of apartments in the 3rd Amendment. Therefore the government has the rights to shack up as many soldiers in your apartment as they want.

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces

It only says land, it doesn’t say land forces therefore anyone can be held to answer for a crime without due process if it occurs on land. Therefore the 5th Amendment only applies to crimes taken while either on an airplane or while falling off a cliff. And since there weren’t airplanes back in the 1700′s and since gun controllers say at best we have a right to a ball and powder musket then the founding fathers meant to enumerate in the constitution a provision to protect the rights of people accused of committing crimes while falling off a cliff.

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted

Since the it’s “and” and not “and/or” between cruel and unusual punishments the 8th Amendment allows punishments that can be either cruel or unusual so long as they are not both.

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people

Just like the previous amendment this one has “or” instead of an “and/or” and as such allows for certain rights to be denied AND disparaged against, so long as both are done when you apply the gun controllers logic to the 9th Amendment.

By applying gun control “logic” to other amendments of the Constitution illustrates how ridiculous it is. Yet gun control zealots still like to argue that somehow, despite the historical evidence of intent, that the founders somehow wanted to limit the right to keep and bear arms to the military.

But back in reality I argue that the intention of the founders was clear and clearest with regards to the 2nd Amendment. Not only are there the writings of the day that argue for the personal keeping and bearing of arms but also the anecdotal fact that these colonists OVERTHREW A TYRANT. They didn’t do it by not quartering soldiers, they did it by the use of arms.

They felt so strongly about it that they included in the 2nd the strongest wording they could and a phrase that is not found anywhere else in the Constitution.

Shall not be infringed"

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11 years 5 months ago #29522 by MrMarty51

Watch out from behind, because big business and big industry is afraid of You and Me.
It is not oboy and his cronies pushing for control of Your and mine firearms, it is big business, they are the ones that control the liberal senate and the prezdent, it is the big industries that fear You and Me, because WE own firearms And that is what they fear.
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11 years 5 months ago #29527 by jtallen83
If you think the establishment republicans are not bought and paid for better look again!
Tell them to their face, from my cold dead fingers! :usa:
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11 years 5 months ago #29547 by 13fcolt

MrMarty51 wrote: HEY, LOOK OVER THERE, IT`S AN EAGLE !!!!!!!!!!!!

Watch out from behind, because big business and big industry is afraid of You and Me.
It is not oboy and his cronies pushing for control of Your and mine firearms, it is big business, they are the ones that control the liberal senate and the prezdent, it is the big industries that fear You and Me, because WE own firearms And that is what they fear.

Interesting perspective. I can say I've only heard one other person blame industry, and that man was hardline workers party communist. Now I am NOT calling you a commie. Just asking for for more insight on your point of view.

As far as growing up with less freedom goes, It's already here. I've been watching it happen since I was old enough to care. From the age of 10 till I was 14, my friends and I had not one issue walking through town with loaded rifles. Everyone old enough to drive had theirs on gun racks, (remember those?) in plain sight through the back glass of every pickup truck on the road.
Bright and early every weekend, we would pack up and meet at a central part in town then head on over to the western auto where they had the best price on .22lr. .79 a box limit 5 boxes and .99 for the CCI 100 count box. We would pool our money and each go in to buy the limit (yeah, armed kids buying ammo), then stand out front and split the score evenly, one for you, one for me, and so on. After that it was time to head down to train tracks to shoot up all the coons, crows, skunks, and whatever other vermin was there to pick at the grain car spillage. We were poor country boys that had been displaced into the city. By city I mean pop 17k, 2 theaters a mall and 3 Mcd's. Most of us had been dislocated by the job opportunity that the nuclear plant created for our folks and previously had been living the good life where your nearest neighbor was far enough away he wouldn't hear a belted magnum go off. The city was different. It meant no more shooting out the back door because there was someones house there now. It meant we had to go out of our way to do what we do. So we did.
The little group of us that would not be held in by pavement, had explored every patch on the skirts of town that had more than 2 trees on it. We were going to find country, no matter how far the walk. We never vandalized anything, killed any people, and when we had our rifles at school, everyone went home safe and some of us got on the bus with newly refinished stocks. (shop class rocks)\m/
We took our weapons into that mall, nobody cared. We stood in line at those McD's armed for varmints, cans, bottles, and soviets and nobody cared. We would get a couple miles down the train tracks, cut off left or right, head straight into known wilderness and not come back home till sunday afternoon. "Those boys will be fine, they have their guns with them" was all that was ever said.

My kids, they can not do this now. I can barely do this now. Guys walk into a starbucks armed and the majority of the GUN CULTURE turns on them, calls them stupid, nutjob, fool, to distance themselves from it. Active Army Msgt out hiking with his son for eagle scouts badge gets assaulted by LE on video and the FREEDOM LOVING PRO 2A want to throw him to the wolves. We got a near 50/50 split, one side eating the other over open carry. One side is obeying the law, living free, while the other flings poo at them over "image". Too many want to try to pacify and placate the anti crowd with dumbassery like not calling it an assault weapon, many don't even want to call it a weapon anymore. Then there is the lunacy of not wearing certain clothes and it just gets more asinine from there. And none of it works. Not one inch of appeasement has succeeded in changing a damn thing for the better, but a 100% failure rate just does not sink in with some people.

The freedom I once enjoyed is gone and the good guys are fewer and fewer each year. I tell my kids stories about my childhood. I speak to them the dangers of appeasing the other side, that compromise is slow death because they will be back to compromise again, for a little more until it's all gone. I tell them, that is how it got this far and it is still going.
The following user(s) said Thank You: jtallen83, Libertarian623

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11 years 5 months ago #29552 by OleCowboy
I was just reminded of a skit me and another guy did at our senior year talent show: Back then there was a song, 'Long Tall Texan'. We got out on the basketball floor and kinda did a dance to the song. I was a cowboy then and still one. Lived on a ranch and raised and rode horses. Came to school often straight from the feed barn and in the winter time still had on my boots with horse manure in the arch. As we cowboys would sit in the first class of the day as things warmed up it would smell. This was common and the teacher would ask the cowboys to go outside and clean their boots.

So there we are on the basketball court floor dancing away, cowboy boots, hats, I had on a bright red vest, our belts and buckles AND we would cowboy holsters and our GUN. Yes I wore my Single action Buntline which was my everyday carry gun on the ranch for killing snakes. The other guy had a SA 25, we wore then all day and to all classes, showing them to teachers and students in class...

On Friday, the day before opening weekend for deer season, nearly everyone of us had our fav or new deer rifle out in the truck and at noon, teachers, kids, principal would be out there in the parking lot looking and talking about our deer rifles...that is how I grew up. Never heard of a 'gun free zone', never heard of anyone shooting anyone on a school campus.

As for big business wanting our guns, afraid of you and me...In Texas white tail is a $1 Billion a year business, fishing and other hunting another $2 Billion. Hunting is BIG business and business is in business to be in business...
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11 years 5 months ago #29555 by Siscowet
Solve the sickness our society has become, and guns won't be an issue.

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