I think the car companies and the unions ruined themselves years ago. I have been boycotting the big three my entire life, never owned one and never will. If you gave me a government motors car I would sell or trade it for something else! Nothing but big government, big business, and big union bending us over in unison!
:twocents: and a :soapbox:
A 2004 F250
A 2008 Toyota FJ Cruiser Trail Teams
A 1972 MG Roadster
I drive the truck,......wife laid claim to the others. Love them all, and they are all paid for. Have not had a car payment in the last 15 years......cash is king!
I Love My GM products, they are all paid for, course they are all old enough that, I call the local GM dealer for parts and they laugh at Me. alls I can get is a bunch of made in india, korea, mexico, thailand........... parts, well mostly, I been sending those parts back and letting the parts houses know I want American, they are beginning to get the hint and actually have been very accomodating in them matters, sometimes I win, sometimes I loose, but, if everyone would send the junk back to where it come from, Our suppliers would begin to get the idea and, try and stock more parts, made in America.
MrMarty51 wrote: I Love My GM products, they are all paid for, course they are all old enough that, I call the local GM dealer for parts and they laugh at Me.
...and that is part of what I'm getting at. GM and it's workers have made some great products and one of my personal favorites as being a racing enthusiast, are the Corvettes and the Cadillacs. Therein is another rub; how much does it cost GM to ship a half dozen Vettes with racers and their crews over to Europe? It doesn't matter when it's not the Company's money, but it's our TARP/tax dollars funding it!
Now, they're at it again with the Volt: the $5000 rebates are back again to buy an electrical lemon. The extraordinarily poor decision making processes of the Government Motors business will not change when there are no consequences for said poor decisions.
Enjoy your paid for vehicles Marty! There's nothing like no car payments!
Last edit: 11 years 8 months ago by 10-76. Reason: Additions
MrMarty51 wrote: I Love My GM products, they are all paid for, course they are all old enough that, I call the local GM dealer for parts and they laugh at Me.
...and that is part of what I'm getting at. GM and it's workers have made some great products and one of my personal favorites as being a racing enthusiast, are the Corvettes and the Cadillacs. Therein is another rub; how much does it cost GM to ship a half dozen Vettes with racers and their crews over to Europe? It doesn't matter when it's not the Company's money, but it's our TARP/tax dollars funding it!
Now, they're at it again with the Volt: the $5000 rebates are back again to buy an elected in lemon. The electedordinarily poor decision making processes of the Government Motors business will not change when there are no consequences for said poor decisions.
Enjoy your paid for vehicles Marty! There's nothing like no car payments!
Heyheyhey, I fixededed another one. :cowboy: :rotfl:
Here's their planned elimination of pensions: similar to their cost savings efforts of moving production to the $2.25 an hr labor market in Mexico, do you the consumer see a lower price on vehicle stickers? Nada...
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