The “Gun Nuts” Liberals Pretend Do Not Exist
“Eight more days and I can start telling the truth again” —Sen. Chris Dodd, on the campaign trail.
There certainly is no shortage of left-wing talking points disparaging those of us who are vocal, unapologetic and loud in defending the individual right of citizens to, “keep and bear arms.” Remember Obama’s quip,
“And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
“Gun Nuts, Inbred Rednecks, Right-wingers…the list goes on. There is no end to how the left categorizes gun owners and advocates. The Champagne Socialist like Bloomberg, Feinstein and other sorts on the left fund visceral hoplophobic attacks on America’s second amendment supporters. And within that anti-gun clique lives a band of left-wing, “gun nuts.” liberals who own and advocate for the second amendment. The left embraces them and when these “gun nuts” start talking, the left sticks their fingers in their ears and yells, La-la-la-la-la! Oh, How inconvenient…
Self-described New England liberal Democrat Justin Cronin, penned an op-ed entitled, “Confessions of a Liberal Gun Owner. on January 27. Cronin writes,
“There are a lot of reasons that a gun feels right in my hand, but I also own firearms to protect my family. I hope I never have to use one for this purpose, and I doubt I ever will. But I am my family’s last line of defense. I have chosen to meet this responsibility, in part, by being armed. It wasn’t a choice I made lightly…”
Or, how about New York Magazine’s Marin Cogan when she wrote back in February, “Rise of the Female Gun Nut,”? What about Kaili Joy Gray over at Daily Kos (yes, you read that correctly and your eyes did not deceive you.., THE DAILY KOS), in her article, ” Why liberals should love the Second Amendment,” ? Gray writes in the Daily Kos,
“The Founders well understood that the militia is the people, for it was not only the right but the obligation of all citizens to protect and preserve their liberty and to defend themselves from the tyranny of the government…And fighting against the tyranny of the government is certainly a liberal value.”
Now, had I not attributed or prefaced the aforementioned quote, you would have merely assumed that came from Kevin D. Williamson, or Thomas Sowell or some other conservative commentator. BUT THAT CAME OUT OF THE KOS! “La-la-la-la-la! picture those fingers in those ears!
New York liberal Craig Whitney, a longtime New York Times editor, reporter and foreign correspondent recently published his book, “Living With Guns: A Liberal’s Case for the Second Amendment.” “There are certainly elements of class warfare in our national gun conversation,” Whitney told the Blaze. “La-la-la-la-la!!”
The Atlantic’s Dan Baum is a self-described liberal “gun nut.” I could go on and on with countless more examples. I think I make the point.
There certainly are nuanced schisms within the many liberals who own, shoot and love guns. And there is a layer of hypocrisy to go with it. While Baum, a liberal with all his fondness and loyal ideologies for the leftist-democratic party, continue to exist nicely in his world, so to does his inner conflict of those two worlds: One where he has his guns, and the other where his brethren who want to ban guns. In his case, I suspect, when the debate reaches critical mass, Baum will come down off his fence=seat and he won’t be aligned with the pro-gun side. Baum will move to his default Democrats and gladly drink the anti-gun Kool-aid when they hand him a glassful.
Certainly, we in the gun community have our sorts who seek to add more regulation, restrict or ban certain types of firearms, ever seeking to reach across the aisle to be loved. Likewise, I suspect liberals have the same cadre, only they don’t talk about it or hold them accountable nearly as much as we do.
Finally, the Hollywood Elite, the limousine liberals…The Bloombergs, The Feinsteins, the Schumers and the other sordid lot who have armed security, guns themselves but don’t want we, the “unwashed masses” to have guns. And this is exactly why the use of the current phrase, “Sensible Gun Policy,” in our public political lexicon, means so much to so many, making so little sense to most. “Sensible gun policy,” to some means a broad-sweeping ban on guns like some fictional illusion this will prevent the Newtowns of America. Others advocate for registration (under the guise of the so-called universal background check) knowing full well an all-out ban will not come in the current liberal progressive era, but generations later.
Gun Grabbing liberals will continue to pretend these other liberals do not exist…or are on some fake parity of ideals. Their arguments will remain strident, unrelenting and ignorant, devoid of common sense. At the end of the day, a zero-sum game in the gun debate remains. There will be winners and losers. Let us fight on so the gun grabbers will be the losers, today, tomorrow and for generations after us. The constitution stands.