Army probing soldier 'hiding' avoid saluting flag

11 years 3 weeks ago - 11 years 3 weeks ago #35201 by OleCowboy
By Paresh Dave and Stacey Leasca
February 26, 2014, 11:22 a.m.
An Army private who wrote on Instagram that she was “hiding” in her car to avoid an end-of-day flag salute is the latest soldier to face possible punishment over what the military has called distasteful social media posts.
Pfc. Tariqka Sheffey of Ft. Carson in Colorado posted a selfie, with a caption that read:
“This is me laying back in my car hiding so I don’t have to salute the 1700 flag, KEEP ALL YOUR ‘THATS SO DISRESPECTFUL/HOWRUDE/ETC.’ COMMENTS TO YOURSELF cuz, right now, IDGAFFFF,” the last string of letters referring to “I don’t give a …”
Ft. Carson officials said Wednesday that they are aware of the photo and investigating after the image began circulating on Tuesday and was first reported by the Army Times.
Last week, a National Guard funeral honors team member in Wisconsin was suspended after Instagram posts of her making light of military funerals started spreading.
In Washington, an Air Force staff sergeant became the subject of investigation after she saw one of her Facebook photos go viral online. The photos shows her sticking her tongue into the mouth of the soldier silhouette on the Prisoner-of-war-Missing-in-action logo.
In all three cases this month, the main soldier in question has been a black female, prompting some commenters to wonder whether such soldiers are being targeted.
The soldiers have been bombarded with comments of disgust, though some have come to Sheffey's defense and said ditching flag salutes is common.
Military officials have said they would make clear to soldiers that they must watch what they post online.
“Fort Carson leaders will continue to educate soldiers on standards and discipline and appropriate professional conduct on social media consistent with Army Values -- both on and off duty,” a statement said.

Help me understand. 3 black soldiers are involved in similar things that are clearly disrespectful and now someone is questing if they are being targeted because they are black?????????? Uh DUH, 'do the crime, do the time'????
Last edit: 11 years 3 weeks ago by OleCowboy.

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10 years 9 months ago #40140 by silverman1
In 1971, I was at Fort Meade Md., and we had just pulled into the parking lot of the barracks , during a torrential rain storm.
Just as we got out of the car, and were running to the shelter of the barracks, the dreaded music started playing, and we were supposed to stop, and salute the flag.
Our CO, was standing under the arch way of the entrance to the barracks, and told us we had to go back out in the rain, and salute the flag.
I told him respectfully sir, I request you do it with us, and he told us , he was already ''inside'' so he does not have to.
The guys I were with, said if he did not have to, we did not either.
We were all brought up on article 15 charges.
After talking to a lawyer, we were told. that technically he was not inside the door either, so he should have been in the rain saluting also, so charges were dropped.
This was so common when I was in the army, that when the loud speakers on post started playing, GI's looked like cockroaches running when you turned the lights on, running for the safety of the nearest buildings.
So if this was common in the 70's, I am sure it is true to this day.
And if someone was stupid enough to post on social media, pics of them doing it. TOO BAD !

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10 years 9 months ago #40143 by faawrenchbndr
No excuse for that disrespectful shit........none at all.
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10 years 9 months ago #40145 by jtallen83
:I-agree: Even at the end of my enlistment when I was a pretty insubordinate jerk saluting the flag was something I was proud to do.
Hell I do it to this day, uniform or not! :usa:
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10 years 9 months ago #40146 by silverman1
Saluting the flag was something I did without thinking about it, just normal everyday stuff.
BUT we felt at the time, that the CO was just trying to be an ass and get us soaking wet, as he was prone to do some some pretty strange stuff,and he WAS an ass.
He thought his poop did not stink.
I ran across him in Viet Nam , and he was no longer a captain, but a 2nd loutenant ! I do not know what he did to get busted.
We were on night training marching back in formation one night, and he was going to teach us a lesson for not having gas masks with us, and he threw tear gas grenades into the wrong units formation. We had been forewarned by another SGT, about his tricks, and had our masks with us, and when the other unit came running through our formation, we just put our masks on, and kept going.
I heard from another guy who was at Meade,that they found commo wire running from a NVA FO position next to our fire base, and he told a couple of unarmed guys to follow it, and see what is on the other end. and they told him gooks!
So he went back, and grabbed a couple of guys, and took off to see himself. I heard they never came back.
I looked to see if his name was on the wall, when we went up for Rolling Thunder, and did not see it, unless I forgot the spelling.
Could have been another rumor/story?

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10 years 9 months ago #40192 by OleCowboy
Anyone care to bet on whether or not any action is taken against her?

$ says NO action taken.

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10 years 9 months ago #40194 by Ranchwagon
A lot of that happening when I got stateside, usually when it was raining and it was only a few feet to the door. Soldiers were discreet about it though.

The morons now days put it out there for everyone to see should be punished for being stupid.

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9 years 11 months ago #44562 by GGaskill
It's the result of thinking of service as a job instead of a duty.

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9 years 11 months ago #44569 by jtallen83

GGaskill wrote: It's the result of thinking of service as a job instead of a duty.

Yep, society has done there best to take the honor out of the duty. I'm not sure I understand what this accomplishes but I've been seeing it since troops came home from Vietnam. I was too young to know better but I'll never forget how angry my Grandfather was when he saw the news of vets being spit on.

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9 years 10 months ago #44990 by MsgtBill
While still on active duty I had the pleasure of stopping several Lieutenants that were running to the BX to avoid saluting at Retreat. After a lengthy dissertation in which I was reminded that they were in fact Officers and I was only a Master Sergeant and just who did I think I was !!!!
I advised them that yes I was a Master Sergeant and (at that time) the NCOIC of Correctional Custody but if they had a problem, since I had their names and ranks, I would be only too happy to bring the incident up to my immediate supervisor, the Base Commander, though I warned that he typically the Colonel did not too kindly for any member that did not respect the flag and ceremonies. The look on their faces was priceless and for the next several minutes you could have heard a pin drop. They eventually apologized and assured me that it would never happen again. After the incident they gave up going to the BX and I next saw them heading for the Officers Club. Looking back I only hope I didn't shake them up too much .............. ;)

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