Armalites Own Recoil Check

10 years 11 months ago - 10 years 11 months ago #37074 by MrMarty51
I purchased one of these AR10 Recoil Check devices.
It has a set screw hole through it, 90* off set from the flats.
I am making a wild guess here so correct Me if I am wrong, but, it would seem to Me that the setscrew would go to the bottom side of the barrel.
My barrel is not threaded, but, I have a friend with a lathe that has been through firearms schooling and is very meticulous in His workmanship. I will pay Him the going uptown rates if I could find someone that could, or, would do this type of work, there is no one else, I am thinking 60 to 80 bucks would be fair, what do Youse Guys thinks.
I also had to order a barrel nut wrench as the wrench for the 15s is way to small. Is there any other tools I should have before removing the barrel.
I have read about a gas port alignment tool, is one of these an absolute necessary items or is there a way to improvise with accuracy ???
I also ordered some crush washers, just in case the setscrew, or cutouts would not be in the proper position when the barrel is tightened down.
Anything else I should know about before proceeding onwards ????

I could not find any instructions specific to this muzzle device on the tech side of their informations pages.
Last edit: 10 years 11 months ago by MrMarty51.

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10 years 11 months ago #37078 by faawrenchbndr
Personally, I would only use a proven, experienced smith. But, with a lathe, threading is a fairly basic gun smith skill. $75 is a very fair wage for the job.

No need for a gas port alignment tool. Very easy to get precisely aligned with a few measurements. No other tools needed, that I can think of.

As for the device, that one would not be in my first top ten picks. If you must use it, I would not use the set screw,I would not use a crush washer. I would use Rocksett and shims to time the device with the setscrew hole at the 6 o'clock position.
The following user(s) said Thank You: MrMarty51, jtallen83

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10 years 11 months ago #37084 by MrMarty51
Thank You very much Wrenchbndr.
I just could`nt pass the muzzle device up, for the price. :busted:
I forgot, I have a piece of copper wire that I was going to use for a short plug, to put in the set screw hole, before threading in a set screw, to keep from messing up the threads. I also have some bronze welding rod that I can snip off for a plug if that`d be better.

I will see if I can find some "RockSett" here locally and go with that.
He does have some "Shimm Washers" that He had made for timing a couple of other barrels He had threaded, but, if a precise measurement can be done, I am confident that He will do that and keep any shimming to the very minimal.
Later on, when a good buy comes up, on a better recoil device, will the "RockSett" be able to be softened enough, by using heat, to get that device unscrewed from the muzzle ???
Thank You for Your answers to the questions that I had posted.
I guess, if nothing else, that muzzle device will act as a halfa55ed flash reducer. :banghead: :busted: :rotfl:

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10 years 11 months ago #37116 by faawrenchbndr
If it is properly shimmed, the set screw will not be needed.
Rocksett, think thread locker that is impervious to heat like the red, but is medium strength like the blue. No need for heat to remove, and it clue an up very easily once a device is removed.
It is amazing stuff. Ask the guy doing the work if he think it is needed.

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10 years 11 months ago #37119 by MrMarty51
I do have some lock~Tite red. I have unscrewed components put together with it, without the use of any heat,
I will ask Hal if that would be necessary, or, needed. I`ll take it and the Lock~Tite primer along too.
The barrel nut wrench is suppose to be delivered on Friday, Hal goes to Hell Creek for a fishing tournament, sponsored by Walleyes` unlimited and wo`nt be home until Monday, probably`ll need a couple of days to recouperate before He`ll be ready to do anything else. :banghead: :busted: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :cowboy:

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10 years 11 months ago #37256 by OleCowboy
Got to echo FAA on his comments. I will say if he is good on that lathe he can cut the threads to get a near perfect set on your muzzle device. As for using Rockset/Locktite, properly machined and torqued you should not even need it. But I would do it for a safety firewall, but use very little, drop will do you.

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10 years 11 months ago #37280 by MrMarty51

OleCowboy wrote: Got to echo FAA on his comments. I will say if he is good on that lathe he can cut the threads to get a near perfect set on your muzzle device. As for using Rockset/Locktite, properly machined and torqued you should not even need it. But I would do it for a safety firewall, but use very little, drop will do you.

I called Hal this morning, to see if He wanted to machine the barrel today.
He was`nt feeling too good so it is postponed until tomorrow.
He did bring up the fact that He could machine the threads so when the muzzle device is attached and torqued, it would time right, with the setscrew to the bottom.
I`m`a hoping He feels up to the task tomorow, but, if He is`nt, I can wait. I do not want anyone that is only half with it to be messing with My baby. :funnypost:

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10 years 11 months ago - 10 years 11 months ago #37294 by faawrenchbndr
Ask him to machine it and time the device. I would NOT use the set screw. No need for it, will only mar the barrel.
Last edit: 10 years 11 months ago by faawrenchbndr.

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10 years 11 months ago #37306 by MrMarty51
I guess I will let the pictures do the talking.
Hal does know what He is doing and the timing came out perfect in regards to the set-screw.
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10 years 11 months ago #37307 by MrMarty51
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