Request advice... Purchasing bulk ammo...

11 years 1 month ago #34579 by OleCowboy

jtallen83 wrote: Be careful and look close at the "mil spec" stuff. Many like federal use LC brass and military numbers but put an extra letter in it, they even sell it in a military looking ammo can. This usually means it hasn't been sealed up the same or didn't make the spec for some reason. I shoot the snot out of it but save the real deal for long term storage. :usa:

Right on JT, hence use the REAL stuff...

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11 years 1 month ago #34580 by SEMPERFIDOC

jtallen83 wrote:


Great outfit to deal with! :twothumbs:

Thats what I hear, Ive never purchased from them, guess Ill have to try them out.

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11 years 1 month ago #34581 by jtallen83
If anyone ever hears of any FN head stamped surplus please let me know, I WANT MORE!
What I have matches or beats FGMM in my AR-10, doesn't have the range with the lighter bullet
but they obviously have the consistency down pat. :usa:

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11 years 1 month ago - 11 years 1 month ago #34589 by Siscowet
A couple of thoughts/observations: 1. Just checked Target Sports USA, they are out of everything in 308/7.62x51
2. If you get military surplus, do a goggle search on the headstamp letters and numbers. You will usually find some reviews of other peoples experiences with it. But things change! That is why you include the year number of manufacturer. I got a deal on some Indian Army 7.62 from 1975. Turns out it was made in a Winchester designed and supervised plant. Shoots 1" groups at 100 yards in my A4. But India took the plant over in 1980, and the quality deteriorated to the point of bullets falling out, etc. I learned this all by a goggle search and gave me some confidence in buying it the mid 70's surplus. Plastic sealed battle packs are good to look for, as they will have protected the ammo from humidity and corrosion, etc.. The M118LR I mentioned before is the militaries previous designated sniper round. It is similar to FGMM 175 gr.SMK BTHP. Same bullet, has a load of 42.5 grains of Reloader 15 powder when loaded by Alliant. It is an excellent round. For right now, I shoot that, FGMM equivalent, or my reload equivalent. Good luck let us know what you get.
Last edit: 11 years 1 month ago by Siscowet.

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11 years 1 month ago - 11 years 1 month ago #34590 by JustMe

jtallen83 wrote: I use this site often;

There used to be lots of NATO surplus to choose from, sadly those days appear to be behind us :(

Nice site. thanks.
Last edit: 11 years 1 month ago by JustMe.

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11 years 1 month ago #34602 by GhillieGhost
Okay ,, my .02 cents
I have been running Atomic 168 bthp through my SR-25 and she loves it,,
Cheaper than dirt has it for 109.00 per 100
New brass case / match grade
walmart has the same ammo every blue moon at the exact same price 109.0 ( but no shipping )
I have also ran Lake City through my SR and she cycles great,, accuracy is not nearly as good but great practice ammo

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11 years 1 month ago #34610 by jtallen83

GhillieGhost wrote: Okay ,, my .02 cents
I have been running Atomic 168 bthp through my SR-25 and she loves it,,
Cheaper than dirt has it for 109.00 per 100
New brass case / match grade
walmart has the same ammo every blue moon at the exact same price 109.0 ( but no shipping )
I have also ran Lake City through my SR and she cycles great,, accuracy is not nearly as good but great practice ammo

Which Lake City,M80 or M118?
I've been thinking about a 500 lot of the M118 sold here;

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11 years 1 month ago #34633 by Siscowet

jtallen83 wrote:

GhillieGhost wrote: Okay ,, my .02 cents
I have been running Atomic 168 bthp through my SR-25 and she loves it,,
Cheaper than dirt has it for 109.00 per 100
New brass case / match grade
walmart has the same ammo every blue moon at the exact same price 109.0 ( but no shipping )
I have also ran Lake City through my SR and she cycles great,, accuracy is not nearly as good but great practice ammo

Which Lake City,M80 or M118?
I've been thinking about a 500 lot of the M118 sold here;

Apples to oranges. One is 168 gr., the other is 175 gr. But probably wouldn't notice much difference within 700 yards. The M118 would stay transonic longer for more consistency 700 plus yards. I don't have access to those kinds of distance, do you?

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11 years 1 month ago #34635 by jtallen83
All the M80 I've used has been listed as 147-149 grain?

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11 years 1 month ago #34636 by GhillieGhost
I've been shootin the M80 ,, never tried 118 , you ??

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