Some more on product reviews.
Here is a is what appears to be a stainless steel brush that I picked up whan I was in Cabellas in Billings yesterday.
This appears to be more like a "pipe~line Pig" as the bristles are in an even spiral, not random like a brass bore brush.
I resoaked the barrel with the Montana-Extreme lead and powder cleaner and run this brush through the bore four times.
The effort to push/pull it through the bore is increased by about double what a brass brush would be, I then soaked another patch in the M-E solvent and run it through the bore, there was a LOT of grey matter on the patch after four swipes up/down the bore.
The bore brush.
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The patches closest to the end of the tray was from that expirement to the cleanest one in the middle. I then soaked another patch, went back to the brass brush for four swipes, then run through a clean patch, dirty one going away, I then changed out to two patrches to dry the bore.
Switching out from the M-E solvent to A bottle of "Hoppes Bench Rest Copper Remover Gun Bore Cleaner" and soaked the bore real good with that, run the brass brush through four times, then, using the patch that I had soaked in the Hoppes, I run it through four time, HMMMmmm, notice anything for a color change ??? Patch furthest away.
At the bottom of this post, there is an attachment, clickey onit to see the tray with the patches.
I could not get it moved to here.
I do`nt know, maybe I am being too anal about how clean this bore should be, but, if I`m going to use time and material to do a job, I want it to be right.
I know that when My Son was using this rifle that He would clean the barrel, I have fired several rounds through it and have cleaned the barrel, according to the, a patch or two of solvent, a couple or three dry patches, then lube and swab the bore. There has never been a real deep cleaning of this bore, that I know of, I bought it from a feller that was needing some money, I paid Him a fair price for the rifle so that I would not be bothered with My conscience later. I doubt that He had ever cleaned it, nor His dad that had it before Him.
I will keep scrubbing and updating as I go.
My "HELPERS" are on "FLY PATROL" AND DOING A VERY GOOD JOB OF THAT. :whip: :busted: :rotfl:
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The fly moves around on them, so, they split up in hopes of "Bagging Their Game". :twothumbs: :busted: :rotfl:
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