Random musings on irritating annoyances

12 years 2 months ago #14562 by 13fcolt
You are still the only one complaining. Stop being such a negative sort and trying to irritate others.

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12 years 2 months ago - 12 years 2 months ago #14564 by jtallen83

JustMe wrote: Lets get back to positive, constructive comments and stop those who just like to stir up trouble and think it's funny when they irritate others. I don't think this site needs these negative sorts on this once positive website.

Why don't you just ignore the posts in 10MOA? Does everything in the world have to meet your expectations? I suggest you start your own site instead of "complaining" about the direction of 10MOA, or are you one of those that just like to stir up trouble? :whistle:
13fcolt has contributed more knowledge to this site than most of us could ever hope to accumulate, he is more than entitled to express his ideas here, AR-10 related or not! :twocents: :soapbox:
Last edit: 12 years 2 months ago by jtallen83.

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12 years 2 months ago #14567 by JustMe
I'm sure there are many others that just don't feel comfortable disagreeing with you guys. As the adage says, "Everyone loves a clown, no one likes a complainer."

So, all your complaining about trivial things is not comfortable for most people. It is only funny to those few who like to irritate others "pot-stiring", "to see what happens." Which is just another way of saying let's irritate people and see what happens. Your words, not mine. Wow, this is really adult. I'm sure if your children pot-stirred with their siblings, you wouldn't be happy would you.

I don't understand why you guys don't want to be positive? Is it that hard for you to have fun in a positive manner?
The following user(s) said Thank You: Akai

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12 years 2 months ago #14569 by 13fcolt
The rest of us are having fun in a positive manner. You can do the same if you want to.

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12 years 2 months ago - 12 years 2 months ago #14573 by jtallen83

JustMe wrote: I'm sure there are many others that just don't feel comfortable disagreeing with you guys. As the adage says, "Everyone loves a clown, no one likes a complainer."

Yeah, that Thomas Paine character was hated by nearly everyone for all his whining and complaining! :rotfl:
Funny, the more these posts seem to bother you the more I want to respond :evil: , maybe if you ignored us we would go away. :nicethread:

Last edit: 12 years 2 months ago by jtallen83.

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12 years 2 months ago #14574 by Sharkey
Alright guys, here's the deal. We will stay positive in a manner fit for men of honor and we will be able to open threads within 10MOA that many members may or may not either be used to or don't enjoy. But what we won't do is gang up or continue arguments that will, no matter what is said, go nowhere.

My hopes are that before too long, 10MOA will be somewhat secluded so we can have open discussions and threads about just about anything and it will not appear on the main so people coming here for info can get it and for those that wish to hang out and just talk about daily stuff in the 10MOA room can do so at their leisure.

Whether this will occur or not I am uncertain and don't know if this platform, or even management WANT to do it that way so for the time being, we need to keep the argumentative back and forth at a minimum, the oddball threads within reason and our site and members intact and happy.

I don't prefer to lock down threads when there are healthy debates and discussions occurring but if it is just going to be an argument and throwing stuff at each other, it is best for the site to end it and move on so please, make every effort to keep things civil and less on the insulting side and possibly more toward the "constructive criticism" side.

Input from members on what is being considered is certainly valuable however insults and flat out complaining when you can just skip a thread you don't want to read just seems silly and below where we should all be as men.
The following user(s) said Thank You: jtallen83

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12 years 2 months ago #14579 by Sharkey

JustMe wrote: I like jokes as much as the next guy, but complaining is not funny to anyone except to those that get pleasure in irritating others. Look at the Recent Topics and how the majority of posts lately have been complaining about something like what people call a clip, etc. Get a grip. Who cares what you call something as long as that person is communicating clearly. Obviously these complainers knew what the other person was talking about when he said clip or the offended person wouldn't have been able to correct them.

Lets get back to positive, constructive comments and stop those who just like to stir up trouble and think it's funny when they irritate others. I don't think this site needs these negative sorts on this once positive website.

I normally don't prefer to address individual complaints Justme but I sincerely believe it is all a matter of interpretation and here is mine.

1. This is still and will continue to be an EXTREMELY positive website. We have some of the most informed and experienced shooters on the web not only answering questions that they amazingly know off the tops of their heads, but also digging and spending the time to FIND the answers and the best facts and suggestions they can find when someone needs info and/or advice. BMS, LebbenB and yes, even 13fcolt answer questions all the time that actually make my darn head spin and I've been around firearms pretty much my entire life - they just happen to know the technical stuff (as well as the practical) and I know how to butt-stroke a crackhead... :)

2. As far as the "complaints" posts and/or threads, I did not see them so much as complaints as they were just humorous things that we run in to that are presented to amuse, inform and sure, get it off their chests which is all in good fun. Maybe sometimes, we, as men DO happen to whine and complain but if we make light of it, we can change it around into something less "whiney" and into something more humorous and all the while laughing at ourselves a bit because I'm willing to bet there is not a single man on here who has never ONCE called a mag a damn clip. It's the irony and I guarantee we've all done it at one time or another.

and 3.

Is it easy to just say "go somewhere else?", sure. Is that the right thing to say? Absolutely not. Not for any of us. I will be the LAST man to ever back away from a good debate as long as it IS just a debate and not a name calling, poo flinging barrage of insults and belittling comments and is actually addressing an issue.

Interpreting what is posted on the internet, since we can't see each other face to face, can be sometimes tricky so what we need to do sometimes is step back and really look to see if what was posted was generated to be funny, conversational, or just, in reality, a whiney, contrite bit of trash (again, depending on our interpretation). If we think it's trash, since we ALL know how to use our computers, it's a simple thing to either pass it by or report it, using the proper buttons, to a mod. Bashing the OP (original poster) is not usually the RIGHT choice only because it then makes US look like the whiners while others interpreted the post as humorous and saw no harm - especially when it was posted within the correct venue.

I can appreciate the fact that you come here for information. ESPECIALLY since that is what brought pretty much EVERYONE here and we still have it - falling out of our screens we have it. All that has been added, or all we are ATTEMPTING to add, is a bit of humor and some slightly more "conversational" type threads so we can all stick around just a little bit more when there are no pressing questions to work on or answer.

No one means to offend (well, I do sometimes but in a nice way :P ) and no one wants to do anything but enjoy our site - now with a slightly broader view, than just being serious ALL the time. Hell, I've known guys that we serious ALL the time and I can tell you, you DON'T want to hang around with any of em now because, at least for the ones that don't live in the nuthouse, they are a miserable bunch of old bastages who can't even stand each other never mind share a laugh, a funny story or sure, maybe some venting with the guys.

I laugh at myself all the time and when we can no longer do it with each other, what the hell are ANY of us fighting for? We live in a serious world and these are serious times but this is also the internet. On the internet, we are all 10 feet tall, can benchpress 1000s of pounds while drinking milk out of a dirty glass, know 15 different types of kungfu, are masters of our worlds and just want to stop in and shoot the crap with the other giants who happen to also own .308 rifles.

I'll bet there are several hundred threads in here that people have no commented in because they had no positive input for them OR they just didn't have anything interesting to add. If and when I bump into a thread like that, I do the sensible thing and just go to the next one. If I see something completely inappropriate, I report it. If it is just not my cup of tea, I just quietly move along.

Please continue enjoying the site and really, thank you for voicing your thoughts. All input, even when it is contrary to what is going on, is valuable and is all considered when larger decisions are made about our site and how, if at all, it will progress.

The following user(s) said Thank You: jtallen83

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12 years 2 months ago #14595 by Akai
In other words play nice :whip:

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12 years 2 months ago #14597 by Sharkey

Akai wrote: In other words play nice :whip:

Gosh I wish I had thought of saying that. I'm gonna have to start keeping a damn fire extinguisher next to my keyboard with these long posts man... :laugh:

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12 years 2 months ago #14602 by Siscowet
How complex does it have to be? If you want to talk gun tech post a thread. If you want to have some chuckles and good conversation with some interesting people with a lot of life experience, post under 10 MOA.

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