Random musings on irritating annoyances

12 years 2 months ago #14522 by 13fcolt
I know we have all heard people say stupid things that just grate on the nerves. One such thing I was thinking about "life is not fair". I have always despised that and usually grow to despise the people that use it. It is an excuse really, to treat others unfairly and pass the blame off on to a featureless intangible aspect that can't be directly held accountable. I up hold that life is neither fair nor unfair, it is just an inert and benign construct ready and waiting for each individual to make the most of it. It's PEOPLE that are fair or unfair, by choice and deliberate, conscious, action toward another. See where I am going with this? "Life" seems to be in the same category as "The rich" or "Big business", it's something to direct blame at while at the same time avoiding true accountability for the guilty.
The next one, and this is a doozy, "you can't have your cake and eat it too". What? I remember as a child being completely confused the first time I heard this, and I still am. If I have a cake why can't I eat it? What if it is my birthday? What if I baked the cake just so I could sit down and eat cake? What does this mean, exactly? I think I have figured it out. I think this one has to do with redistributing the wealth, as some call it. Because if I try to make my case for having my cake and eating my cake, I am sure to be told how unfair life is as to why I can't do both.

OK, that is all for now. just putting that out there.
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12 years 2 months ago #14523 by JustMe
What does this have to do with the AR-10? This belongs on Facebook IMHO.
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12 years 2 months ago #14524 by 13fcolt
About as much as random images and word games. That's why I posted in 10MOA.
I don't facebook.
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12 years 2 months ago #14525 by jtallen83
Plain and simple, if you eat the cake you will no longer have it. This is obviously an outdated saying as our government has figured out how to eat three cakes and still claim to have the original, at least by their math :rotfl:
10MOA is my F-book as well!

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12 years 2 months ago #14527 by Akai
Anyhow my favorites when I here that kind of talk:
1) "It must suck to be you" :pinch:
2) "It is what it is" :dry:
This is the typical talk I here from people needing lots of attention, and they usually don't get it from me. :whistle:
I think I'm going to go have a piece of cake or maybe some pie, darn forgot doc say I can't have that anymore, hey maybe that's were that saying came from :rotfl:

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12 years 2 months ago #14528 by Sharkey
I hope you all get fat... :laugh:

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12 years 2 months ago - 12 years 2 months ago #14531 by JustMe
It appears to me that this AR-10T site has gotten stollen and now we have to read about ranting nothingness. Lets get back to talking about positive things like ways to improve our shooting and get away from complaining about non-gun things. If people want to tell jokes and complain about non-gun things, they should go to social websites designed for complainers.

Where are our moderators to keep this website on subject? The subject being, improving our AR-10 experiences.
Last edit: 12 years 2 months ago by JustMe.

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12 years 2 months ago #14536 by 13fcolt

JustMe wrote: It appears to me that this AR-10T site has gotten stollen and now we have to read about ranting nothingness. Lets get back to talking about positive things like ways to improve our shooting and get away from complaining about non-gun things. If people want to tell jokes and complain about non-gun things, they should go to social websites designed for complainers.

Where are our moderators to keep this website on subject? The subject being, improving our AR-10 experiences.

Humor is lost on you I guess. There are areas specific to discussing the weapon and everything related to it, and there is this area specifically for discussion that is off topic. This thread was just an attempt at humorous, politically slanted, pot-stirring, for the sake of enjoyment. It's purpose to generate discussion and get a few laughs. You are simply wrong. You don't have to read it if you don't like it. You are posting in this thread because you choose to do so. nobody made you read anything. Nothing has been stolen. This is a social website, the rifle brought us here and from here we can gain much, getting to know other like minded folks included. How about a little personal responsibility? Right now, you are the only one I see complaining. If you don't like this discussion, don't take part in it. It really is that simple.

If you need help improving your shooting, or have questions about anything related to that, please start a thread in the appropriate forum and I will be happy to share my knowledge and experience and help you in any way I can. Know any good jokes? We have a years old thread for that too. Seen any cute T-shirt models? Care about staying in shape? Got a funny pic to post? You can carry on a conversation for the joy of it right? Feel like expressing your thoughts on recent events?

Enjoy yourself or don't. Participate or don't. Either way,lighten up francis.
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12 years 2 months ago #14548 by Sharkey

JustMe wrote: It appears to me that this AR-10T site has gotten stollen and now we have to read about ranting nothingness. Lets get back to talking about positive things like ways to improve our shooting and get away from complaining about non-gun things. If people want to tell jokes and complain about non-gun things, they should go to social websites designed for complainers.

Where are our moderators to keep this website on subject? The subject being, improving our AR-10 experiences.

Your Mods have been here the whole time Justme and yes, this probably does seem new and odd and "out of place" here as our site has certainly been all about our rifles for a very long time.

However, due to recent changes, events, new personnel and decisions from management, it has been discussed and agreed upon that the "10MOA" area should be used for it's original purpose and that is to "lighten things up a bit".

My philosophy is simply that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy and although yes, we DO agree that we talk about rifles and improving our techniques and info about arms here, we also need to do what all soldiers, cops, fireman and all other vocations of men ALSO do and that is learn to laugh and relax a little bit.

When I mention soldiers, cops and firemen, I DO this because I have been all of those things with 35 years as a volunteer fireman in my community. When doing ANY of them, it was not all about just seriousness because had it been, we would all either lose or WOULD have lost our minds with the things we were involved in.

Our site should be about discussing our favorite weapons AND about building comradery and learning to laugh a little bit about the things we find humorous.

I have no face book account, no twitty account, no my space, no nothing and prefer to laugh and joke with the men I share common interests with. These men being the men of AR10.com.

I am proud to be a member here and to share the site with you and sincerely hope you can see what we are hoping to do and either share in the discussions within the 10MOA area or, exercise your rights as an American to just skip them over and stay within the informational area where little or no off topic discussions take place. (We do TRY to keep the "human" side out of the serious threads although it seems to run over once in a while.)

As a proud member of this site (and a mod :wave: ) I am happy to say that it is MUCH easier to spend time here when people are talking about AR10s AND about other issues as well since my life NEEDS some humor and "off topic" discussions more than you know and I prefer to have it with men who understand MY tastes in weapons, fellow soldier, cops and other vocations where "arms" are commonly used and discussed.

Thank you for your input and I sincerely do hope you choose to take part within threads posted within the 10MOA area however, if you choose not to, please continue enjoying the site and sharing info as you see fit within the informative threads.

If you do NOT choose to take part in the 10MOA threads please make every effort to NOT bash those who do.


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12 years 2 months ago #14560 by JustMe
I like jokes as much as the next guy, but complaining is not funny to anyone except to those that get pleasure in irritating others. Look at the Recent Topics and how the majority of posts lately have been complaining about something like what people call a clip, etc. Get a grip. Who cares what you call something as long as that person is communicating clearly. Obviously these complainers knew what the other person was talking about when he said clip or the offended person wouldn't have been able to correct them.

Lets get back to positive, constructive comments and stop those who just like to stir up trouble and think it's funny when they irritate others. I don't think this site needs these negative sorts on this once positive website.
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