Credit where credit is due...

12 years 8 months ago #11843 by txlongshotb4
I recently bought myself a new Glock 19. As you may know, the Glock 19 is a 9mm pistol. I am traditionally not a 9mm fan-I favor the .45 ACP myself-but 9mm ammo is a lot cheaper in bulk, and I bought this thing strictly to practice with. I really wasn't ever a fan of Glocks either, but I have a good friend that I linked up with several years ago in the Army that served in Delta Force, and he sung their praises enough to convince me to give him credit to know what he was talking about.

So I hit up my local gun store when they had an ammo sale going on, and procured 2 cases of 9mm ball ammo, for a total of 2,000 rounds. Then I packed up all of my gear and headed out to Sunset Texas, where another good friend of mine has a very nice range setup, and went to work. My buddy is a SWAT cop, and so we ran through the whole gauntlet of drills; Draw from concealment, defensive "push off" drills, firing from cover, firing while moving between cover, transition from carbine to pistol, rapid fire weak hand only, failure drills, etc, etc. We shot pistols from 9 in the morning until we no longer had light to see. We shot so much that my firing hand literally bled, and I have those nice, tender blisters that come with a job well done.

At the end of the day, I had completely decimated my 2,000 rounds, and I was about 200 rounds into my buddy's stash of practice ammo-and I never even so much as wiped the gun down, nor did I have even one single malfunction, other than the ones I purposely caused during failure drills. I have NEVER had a gun that would continue to feed perfectly after 2200 rounds without a cleaning, and so I must give kudos to the folks at Glock-they make a damn fine pistol!

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12 years 8 months ago #11846 by 12stones
Amen, preach it brother. I love my 23.

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12 years 8 months ago #11850 by txlongshotb4
The ONLY beef I have with mine is the complete absence of any type of beaver tail on the back strap. The 19 is considered a compact, and my hands are pretty big. During rapid drills when drawing from my holster, I found the webbing between my thumb and first finger in the wrong place more often than not, and as a result I have a pretty nice gash where the slide cut a groove in the back of my hand. That said, I am a real man, and I refuse to cry too much there. Eventually, the skin will heal, and if I do it enough then I'll either learn to change my grip, or I'll have a natural depression cut into my hand and the slide will clear...A little blood lost in training is always better than all of it lost in a gunfight that you weren't prepared for.

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12 years 8 months ago #11854 by 12stones
I also had to learn that lesson the hard way. It's a small price to pay for that level of reliability. Armalite rifles, Glock pistols, Chevy trucks and John Deere tractors, all reliable. IMHO

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12 years 8 months ago #11860 by jtallen83
On the topic of 9's; Has anyone shot ArmaLites offering? I've been thinking about one for the same reason, ammo cost! Love my 1911 but that 45 ACP does empty the wallet fast!

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12 years 8 months ago #11861 by Moby
I've had my Glock 21 for close to 20 years and never had a failure once.
Just a damn fine weapon. A bit too big for CCW in summer. And yes, a bit hard on the wallet at the range.

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12 years 8 months ago #11869 by Redscout02
Chevy trucks!!! Ok no need to go over board here!!

I do have to say the germans build and shooter!! My best friend in Tacoma PD had one save his life.

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12 years 8 months ago #11904 by txlongshotb4
So what's the real deal with the 9mm stopping power issue anyhow? I am sure everyone has heard the stories about the bad guy that gets stuck 7 or 8 times with a 9mm and still walks away-but I think that was born more out of the military's disdain for the government issue ball ammo only as dictated by the Hague Convention and laws of land warfare. I also remember reading about a shooting in New York several years ago, in which two NYPD officers both emptied hi-cap mags on a suspect and he survived to shoot one of them...but the cops were using those black talon rounds, which are designed for penetration, and the suspect was high on PCP, which apparently makes the user feel little to no pain.Anyhow, I think that with some of the better ammo-say Federal Hydro Shock ammo-The 9mm might fare a little better in a gun fight. After all, the 9mm seems to be the weapon of choice for most of the gang-bangers, and they manage to kill each other with it on an almost daily basis. Anyone out there have any thoughts about this subject? I'm trying to decide on rather or not I want to trust this pistol as a carry gun-It is pretty small, more so than my 1911, and I trust it's mechanical reliability...just n ot too sure I want to trust the effectiveness of the 9mm with my life.

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12 years 8 months ago #11905 by jtallen83
The shooting of the Arizona congresswoman is an example that keeps a 45ACP by my bedside. When people get hit directly in the head and live I say a bigger hole is needed. I saw the same thing when a local biker gang had an argument back in the 80's, a guy got hit at close range right above the temple with a 9mm and lived. I actually talked with him 3 months after it happened, it didn't even leave a bad scar!
For me the size of the gun doesn't matter, I won't carry concealed anyway. I want everyone to see that 1911 on my side, bad guys are usually chickenshits so they'll find somebody else to hassle.
You can make the numbers look close for the 9mm but it sure seems that when you give the people that use them in life or death circumstances a pick the 45 ACP is the winner.
That should be enough opinion to start the old argument again!

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12 years 8 months ago #11906 by dpmsfulton
Glocks in any caliber are great. I've owned ones in 9mm,40S&W and 45 acp. I also have sigs and Hk's. I'll bet my life on Glocks any day over the others. For the beavertail, check out, GRIPFORCE. A simple add on beavertail for glocks. About thirty bucks and takes about two minutes to install.

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