Suppressor for AR-10A4CB

14 years 1 week ago #7022 by EliasA69
Hello All,

I am fairly new to this site, hello to all, and have a question that may have been asked before, but I missed the answer,so please indulge me.

I have a stock AR-10A4CB and plan to put an AAC 7.62SD Suppressor on it. However I have read SO many different posts from different "authorities" saying this is not possible because the rifle has a 16" barrel, or yes it can be done but you need to change out the barrel to a NM barrel and use an adjustable gas block, to everything in between.

Is there anyone out there who can help me out and advise me on what I need to install on my rifle besides the suppressor, QD mount, and maybe the gas buster charging handle?

I also plan on using this suppressor on my Colt LE6920 (16" barrel), would I need to make any modifications to it, aside from the flash hider to accept the suppressor?

Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Thank You in advance,


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14 years 1 week ago #7024 by BUILDING MY SASS
First off...Welcome to the site...I think we should be able to help you with your dilemma...if not we will find the answers together...Oh and LOVE THE AVATAR...B)

Though I do not own a suppressor, I know that it is false that you can not put it on a 16" barrel...and as for needing a Match barrel... from all I have read I don't think that is correct either...their are a few with cans on their AR-10...I am hoping that one or more will sound off....
I would first and for most talk with ArmaLite about your plans and see what the "Factory" has to say about it...
Maybe Uncle ArmaLite, or MrRaley will add something to this....
I know Edge has a few hopefully he will sound off as well...
Be patient and we will help you if we can...
I know it is better to have an adjustable gas block for a suppressor so you might also look into that as well...I know that ArmaLite made a Carbine SASS for a mag article and as a work I think you should be able to use the factory SASS gas block...again...check with them first...
I know it was not much help but it is a start....
As for the Colt...again...the gas block is the key...but just having the GB charging handle..would help...

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14 years 1 week ago - 14 years 1 week ago #7028 by JustMe
Replied by JustMe on topic Re: Suppressor for AR-10A4CB
Like BMS, I also do not have suppressors on my rifles, but from what I have read you can put one on almost any length of barrel. The key is the adjustable gas block. A suppressor creates more gas pressures in the barrel. Consequently, in a semi-auto firearm it slams the bolt back too hard thus damaging the bolt. The adjustible gas block permits semi-auto firearms to select the correct bolt back pressure for with and without the suppressor. The adjustible gas block permits some of the pressure created by the suppressor to be bleed off before it reaches the bolt. I don't know if the adjustible gas block can be installed on just any upper receiver.
Last edit: 14 years 1 week ago by JustMe.

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14 years 1 week ago #7032 by EliasA69
Thanks for the welcome and the info. I am beginning to form a clearer picture.

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14 years 1 week ago #7033 by crux
Replied by crux on topic Re: Suppressor for AR-10A4CB
Now the way I've heard it is that the AR10 carbines that were made for the M110 Rifle competition had the adjustable gas system featured on the Super SASS, and Armalite wasn't able to get them to be as reliable in 16" as they wanted.

I don't think that means it's impossible, but I think it means you're going to need to do some experimentation / fine tuning

This is the only link I could scare up:

It sounds like someone has had some luck

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14 years 1 week ago #7037 by EliasA69
Hey crux, thanks for the info, but could you reload the link? it didn't come out.


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14 years 1 week ago #7040 by BUILDING MY SASS
I know of someone who could help....I will contact him to see....he has done it for others a long time would require you to either send the upper or at minimum the gas block....for him to customize the gas block....
I know also that JP Enterprise makes an adjustable gas block that has had good success.....but as Crux will take some get it right...

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14 years 1 week ago #7044 by BUILDING MY SASS
OK...I talked with my friend...who for those out there IS a gunsmith...with the Carbine you WILL need a adjustable gas block for the AR-10 or will be having in bolt catch breakage...
Without a adjustable gas block you will be getting 20% or more pressure back into the receiver thus wearing out your buffer spring which will cause, what he called, BCG ricochet and then be breaking bolt stops...not to mention other possibilities...
The gas buster CH is not the option you are looking for...where it will divert the gass out of the won't help with the force against the BCG...use the laws of physics...the gas hits the Carrier Key first...forces it a higher rate and pressure...the only thing the GB handle does is let the excess gas escape from the though it will be won't do jack to help the pressure...
YOU NEED A ADJUSTABLE GAS BLOCK FOR PROPER CYCLING....for the AR-10...and probably the AR-15 as well if you want to protect your investment....
even with a piston system you will still need the adjustable gas block...
I wanted to throw that in before someone asks....
This comes from MSH...
or as best I can quote him....for the old timers on here....

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14 years 1 week ago #7045 by LebbenB

I also plan on using this suppressor on my Colt LE6920 (16" barrel), would I need to make any modifications to it, aside from the flash hider to accept the suppressor?

Supressors are caliber specific. You will not be able to use a supressor designed for a 7.62mm platform on a 5.56mm rifle.

If you will note, AAC's website breaks their products down by caliber.

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14 years 1 week ago #7049 by BUILDING MY SASS

LebbenB wrote:

I also plan on using this suppressor on my Colt LE6920 (16" barrel), would I need to make any modifications to it, aside from the flash hider to accept the suppressor?

Supressors are caliber specific. You will not be able to use a supressor designed for a 7.62mm platform on a 5.56mm rifle.

If you will note, AAC's website breaks their products down by caliber.

Yep....I didn't mean to imply that the same one could be used....sorry.
LEB is will need separate Cans for the rifles...
It is still recommended to have AGB on both....
Thanks for catching that LEB...:)

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