Benelli Shotguns

12 years 3 months ago - 12 years 3 months ago #14323 by 12stones
Replied by 12stones on topic Benelli Shotguns
Sharkey, Thats great that you are starting the little guys out early, teach them young and it will stay with them. The slugs ive shot were just some old remington's my oldest son had left over from hunting deer a few years ago. As soon as Christmas is over and we get the buget back in line I plan on adding a case of slugs to my stash ammo. I'm not sure if I want to go with Winchester ranger 1 oz. maybe segmented or Federal truball. I also like the price on the Rio's.
Last edit: 12 years 3 months ago by 12stones. Reason: grammer

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12 years 3 months ago #14327 by Siscowet
Replied by Siscowet on topic Benelli Shotguns
Last year I ended up shooting my Buck with a 12 gauge slug. I was driving for myson and didn't really expect to see a deer I could shoot, but during a break, some hunters on the next property drove a six pointer to me. I must say I have never seen a deer go down from my 30-06 quite like that one did from that slug. He was knocked off his feet, and I think dead by the time he hit the ground. It was over fast. Made me a believer. It was just a standard Remington slug. Through an old Mossberg.

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12 years 3 months ago - 12 years 3 months ago #14328 by Sharkey
Replied by Sharkey on topic Benelli Shotguns

12stones wrote: Sharkey, Thats great that you are starting the little guys out early, teach them young and it will stay with them. The slugs ive shot were just some old remington's my oldest son had left over from hunting deer a few years ago. As soon as
christmas is over and we get the buget back in line I plan on adding a case of slugs to my stash ammo. I'm not sure if I want to go with Winchester ranger 1 oz. maybe segmented or Federal truball. I also like the price on the Rio's.

Just a heads up. About 6 or 8 months back, I bought a case of Rio buckshot. They were supposed to be 2-3/4 but ended up being big, like 2-7/8s which cost me 1 round in the mag. Dunno what the slugs are like but I won't buy anymore.

Also, I tried a number of slugs through mine including a few different sabots and whatnot but I've settled on the Fed Tru-ball. Sure, they may be a little dirty and take some extra cleaning but when I go, I also put 150 rounds thru it so it's gonna need a little love after anyway even though it LOVES shooting.

AND, the Fed Tru-balls are MADE for our gun bud. Smooth bore. Almost every other slug I put through showed evidence on the target of "some" tumbling which threw off the accuracy whereas the tru-balls when where I aimed em and I saw absolutely ZERO amount of tumbling which means they flew straight and true with every shot. That's an ammo I can count on when I need it.

Just an FYI bud. Try a few and decide for yourself but I would definitely buy a VERY small amount of Rio FIRST just to give em a measure before you go gettin a mess of em.

Last edit: 12 years 3 months ago by Sharkey.

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12 years 3 months ago #14333 by 12stones
Replied by 12stones on topic Benelli Shotguns
Thanks for the heads up on Rio.

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12 years 3 months ago #14577 by Sharkey
Replied by Sharkey on topic Benelli Shotguns
UPS dropped off a surprise present that I opened by accident last night. It's an urbino stock complete with limbsaver butt pad and cheek riser. It's about and inch and a half shorter than the factory stock so it should settle into my shoulder (and hers) quite well. The cheek riser is adjustable so when I have the scope or the red dot on it, I can adjust it to bring me to just the perfect height when shooting and the limbsaver butt pad, well, we all know what THAT will do on a 12 gauge.

Not ready to show a photo of it again yet but the forend SHOULD be here either tomorrow or early next week and once I get that in place and set up the way I want, I'll post a photo or 2.

I'm psyched and although I know what I got for christmas, my wife won't let me put it on till then anyway so we ALL have to wait... :(

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12 years 3 months ago #14615 by Sharkey
Replied by Sharkey on topic Benelli Shotguns

12stones wrote: Thanks for the heads up on Rio.

I completely forgot to mention about shooting last weekend and am very happy to say that using just a cheapo red dot, at 100 yards with my M4, I was putting 5 out of 9 into the 5x on my human silhouette targets using those tru-balls. Solid hits for that range and firing from sandbags and I didn't even make any adjustments to my POA from 50 to 100 yards which was surprising to me.

The others were all within an inch or two of the 5x circle which is probably 4 inches across.

I eventually ended up doing some standing speed tests with it with my buddy shouting out 25, 75, 25, 100, 50 etc while I had only a quick second to put a round into the target and those shells perform incredibly well and land exactly where ever I aim em. I'm not going to bother buying anything else for it when it comes to slugs.
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12 years 3 months ago - 11 years 3 months ago #14695 by Sharkey
Replied by Sharkey on topic Benelli Shotguns
I must've done SOMETHING right this weekend cuz the wifey let me put my christmas butt-stock on early. The cheek riser is great although it makes it a pain if you want to switch back to the ghost rings. Still an excellent addition though.

It is also a bit shorter than the factory stock which makes it feel a lot more comfortable when shouldered.

I included a close-up of the door breacher. It seems to get a lot of attention at the range... :)

The cheap red dot that is on there works surprisingly well although zeroing it was a pain since you have to loosen the set screws to do it but when you shoot, it slips so you have to loosen to adjust, then tighten them, then shoot and then loosen, then adjust, then tighten, then shoot again etc. Once it was on though it held through a crap load of slugs without any deviations.
Last edit: 11 years 3 months ago by Sharkey.

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12 years 3 months ago #14698 by LebbenB
Replied by LebbenB on topic Benelli Shotguns
Heh Heh...You said "Tru-Balls"...Heh Heh

Really like the comp/brake, it's badass. Hey - does your red dot mount allow you to use the ghost ring?

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12 years 3 months ago - 12 years 3 months ago #14699 by Sharkey
Replied by Sharkey on topic Benelli Shotguns
Juuuuust barely but if I raise the front post with a washer it'll be fine. I DO have mounts that will allow me to use the ghost ring as well but they are for a 1 inch scope tube.

I'm thinking once I get the money for a REAL scope, I'll take that 4 power cheapo I've got off the AR10 and put it on the shotgun and use the real scope for the AR. Then I'll have the option to use either the ghost rings OR the scope without screwing with anything too much.

Not used to having a scope or anything on a shotgun but what the heck, I'm playing with different stuff and it's not like zombies'll give a crap one way or another... :)

I'm looking at either the 4-12 Nikon or the 4-16 Millet for the AR but it's 189 for the Nikon and over 3 bills for the millet so if I get anxious, well, the Nikon MIGHT win that race... I'd like to get the Millet though.

What do you think Leb? Is the difference worth it?
Last edit: 12 years 3 months ago by Sharkey.

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12 years 3 months ago #14701 by LebbenB
Replied by LebbenB on topic Benelli Shotguns
I'm a sample of one, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. Also, I'm pretty hard on my guns and gear. I spent 23 years breaking stuff, both my own and that of those that opposed my country and it's way of life. The only thing I can't seem to break is my habit of breaking stuff.

I didn't have a good experience with the Millett I had, the 1-4x DMR. Glass quality was decent, knobs were kinda mushy, reticle design was good. Within a few hundred rounds of 5.56, the scope refused to hold zero, which I found unusual for a scope that weighed that much. Got the run-around from Millett CS. It sits in the back of a closet gathering dust because I won't foist my problem onto an unsuspecting person.

I say, of the two choices, get the Nikon. At least they have good CS, should there be a problem. Others may disagree with my assessment.

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