After a 2.5 month wait my Lar-8 showed up! So far I have a nikon buckmaster 4.5-14x40(mildot), FA enterprises bipod adapter, Harris 9-13'' bipod, and on its way a RRA advanced half quad FF.
looking for a tactical sling, any suggestions?
Also for the handguard, has anyone installed one of these themselves with out their 70$ barrel nut wrench?
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Looks G R E A T ! Just got mine..! LAR-8 Standard Operator..! Had any issues? I just watched the video about the 10-40 power scope and the guy had a little trouble with mags feeding, but went to the polymer "P-Mags" and hasn't had an issue since.., Just curious... Love that foregrip..!
I guess that was on the DPMS..?
Last edit: 13 years 4 months ago by MasTequila!. Reason: subject
Good Choice of rings. All my scoped rifles wear Burris Signature Zee rings. Reliable and none of my scopes have the anodizing compromised. They may not look tacticool, but they put out.
VTAC and Blue Force Tatical make very good two-point slings.
Oh, DUH... I apologize...! I would absolutely go with Blue Force Tach. If that's what your into, like myself. But if your just looking for somthing to just carry it with, Check out Midway USA...
I put a full len half quad on mine. You really need a nylon vice clamp set to hold it while you put the hurts on it with a 2" strap wrench. I would also recommend the barrel wrench with a square hole for torque wrench use when you put your new barrel nut that comes with the halfquad on.
I actually just ordered a Vtach this week so I pulled off the other one, I "RAN" into an issue, While running and switching to my pistol (Personal Training Obviously). My rifle kept bouncing into my... Um... Nether region. I Know it wasn't like this in the service, so I decided to investigate it further and ordered the Vtach as a replacement. It was not a Blue force, but I don't want to say anything negative, or derogatory, about a product from a company with such a high reputation, and one that I personally respect as much as I do.
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