I have been surfing the net trying to find good reviews on generation 2 or 3 night vision scopes. It has been difficult finding information on them and that surprises me.even nightvision forums aren't that helpful
Through ar15.com I found some good reviews on Tactical night vision scopes. I found nothing but good reviews, even though it is a small company (2 employees). I followed the advice of the reviews and contacted them and now have a D740(4x) gen 3 with ITT tube, Da Torch IR illuminator and detachable scope mount on order. Should receive in 4 wk.
I am going to start with it on a RRA ar15 carbine, because it is light. Will then consider going to the AR10T if long range shooting is feasable.I have my nightforce mounted on the ar10T with Larue detachable mount, so popping the scope off is easy to convert to night shooting. Check out tactical night vision websight and forum and look at their pictures.
And please, if I screwed up, somebody let me know. I almost went with an ATN scope, but these just looked alot better.
El Kid and I have a chance to pop some porkers, so I'm shopping for a mid-price night vision scope. Does anyone have a recommendation in the $1000.00 range?
That D740 is a pricey little sucker! How did it work out?
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