Bushnell Tactical Elite XRS 4.5-30x50mm

7 years 7 months ago - 7 years 7 months ago #47945 by jtallen83
I finally pulled the trigger on a good long range scope, not the best but as good as I need, now to start saving for the Spuhr mount.....
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Last edit: 7 years 7 months ago by jtallen83. Reason: spelling.......

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7 years 7 months ago #47950 by Libertarian623
Nice scope! JT you will not regret it. Are you around a range where you can take advantage of the capabilities of it?

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7 years 7 months ago #47953 by jtallen83
Just a hundred yard range but lots of countryside I can utilize. Just need to build a rifle for it, planning on an AR-50 some day, I hope!

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7 years 7 months ago - 7 years 7 months ago #47957 by jtallen83
Ordered a scope mount from Aadland Engineering. I was planning on a Spuhr mount but then found these, cheaper but not cheap and made in the USA. Even has a tritium bulb behind the integral level.
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Last edit: 7 years 7 months ago by jtallen83.

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7 years 7 months ago #47958 by Libertarian623
Ar50A1, you and me . I have just been focusing on other hobbies.

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7 years 7 months ago #47959 by jtallen83
Had a rain day today so started to get to know my new scope. Fantastic glass, I have been looking at scopes for a bit now and can't say I remember a big difference from this scope to several other high dollar scopes I have eyeballed, Sig, Nightforce, Steiner, S&B. I haven't had them side by side but this will be plenty clear enough for me. Really like the reticle so far. The knobs are nice, you can hear them sucking air past the O-rings when you lift them and the clicks are solid and loud enough. No wobble or play in any of the adjustments. 1 hour at between 200 and 225 in the oven and everything felt the same, except I had to use a towel to touch it. It will spend the night in the freezer.
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