One scope for hunting pigs, another for the range?

12 years 9 months ago #11319 by Moby
I'm seeking some advice on scopes. I am looking for a scope to hunt Feral Hogs in Texas. There is an epidemic of them and I thought a new AR 10 w/scope would make a great hobby/sport. I've been looking for a scope with a range finder incorporated. The viewed the Buris Eliminator and ran across the Leatherworks ART 1000 apparently used by military sniper schools. I like the rapid bullet drop compensation for unknown ranges. Hogs are relatively smart critters. You'll not likely sneak up on one with a shotgun. I'm thinking 300-600 yard shots. (I am throwing a dart here) Here are some reviews on this scope. I? love it's simplicity for the cost. A Buris is much simpler, but twice the price.

I assume a second scope for range work, but that's a different question. Any thoughts on this scope? I am totally new to long range shooting and the AR 10 platform.. Learning from the ground up. I have a deposit on an Armalite AR 10 .308 w/16 inch barrel. Any other suggestions would be welcome.

Product Description (from Amazon web site)
Hi - Lux 2.5 - 10x44 mm Camputer ART Tactical Riflescope... auto - ranging system makes shooting quick and easy! Hi-Lux is making this thing a little too easy, but you're not going to mind when it comes to bringing home a trophy buck. The Camputer ART Tactical Riflescope has been in constant military use for over 40 years and automatically ranges each target. Compensates for bullet trajectory for distances of 250-1,000 meters, too! All you have to do is place the reticle on the target, zoom in to "frame" an area of known size, aim, and squeeze the trigger to shoot. Told you it was easy. High-tech shooting: Features 2.5x or 10x magnification with a 44 mm objective lens; F.O.V. @ 100 yds. is 47.2 feet at 3x and 11.9 feet at 10x; Exit pupil is 10.2 mm at 3x and 4 mm at 10x; Eye relief is a comfortable 3"; MOA click values are 1/4; Measures 13 1/5" long and weighs 25 1/5 ozs.; Has no-math mil-dot reticle; Flip up lens covers for protection; Take the perfect shot with this Tactical Riflescope! Order Now! WARNING: This item cannot be shipped to Canada. Please check your State, County and City laws for restrictions before ordering this product. Hi-Lux 2.5-10x44 mm Camputer ART Tactical Riflescope

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12 years 9 months ago #11320 by Redscout02
Howdy Mister Moby from Corpus Christi.
I seen your new rifle gun over on the new members side nice looking gun, but man you are giving hogs way to much credit. I have never shot oner a 100. Most folks wait around the deer feeder's and pick them off there. Now you do want to be aware of the wind direction, because they do have good smeller's.

As far as scopes go well there are lot's of guys on here that can help you with that, I just have one, it's not top of the line. But it gets the job done, I do use thhe iron's.

Are you hunt'n hog's for eat'n or the shoot'n?

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12 years 9 months ago - 12 years 9 months ago #11321 by Moby
Thanks for that info buddy. As you can see I've never done it. Just going by what my Vet said (and he's never hunted pigs either.)

Appreciate that sir. Maybe I'll just try iron sites first and see from there.
Might be more appropriate to buy a feeder.

I'm looking to do two things. One shoot, two, perhaps keep the smaller ones for eating. I'm told their better. Any thoughts on that???
Last edit: 12 years 9 months ago by Moby.

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12 years 9 months ago #11323 by Redscout02
Yep that's about right but they also have javlina running with them I leave the javlina lay I don't like there taste or the guy who lease I use takes to some friends of his if they will take them.

TPWD has a good page on them gives some good info, and You can find hog hunting vid's on utube.

Hogs are not a danger to hunt but if get into pack of them they can get mean. I have been run up a couple of trees.

Find somebody that's been before and you'll find it a lot more fun.
I hunt out there by myself or the owner, but that's becasue he is a funny old bastard and don't like many people ( he one of my old Frist Sgt's)

I have friend's up hill country who have invited but just haven't got the chance yet to go, I hear it's petty good up there, and with the rain we have had it will be better, more for them to eat.

Oh I forgot this I use a cheap NCstar it's works well and if I damger it I just grab another. I bang stuff up so I am cheap.

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12 years 9 months ago #11324 by Redscout02

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12 years 9 months ago #11327 by 13fcolt
Like Red said, Hog hunting is usually going to be close. Many folks do just fine with irons or a red dot sight. Considering the lowlight conditions hogs are usually taken, highly magnified optics won't fair well.
I do not know anything first hand about the leatherwood ART other than I have never seen it used in anything where long range accuracy was critical. If you go for it, come back with a range report and a review.
Any of the good variable power scopes should cover hunting and range just fine with 10x to 14x on the top end. Decide what you want out of it and your price range and go from there. One thing to consider, a typical hunting scope will lack the adjustment to go long, and without target turrets it would be PITA to adjust.

I'm still working on a list by price so I may leave a few out.

SWFA - supersniper, very popular entry scope.
Nikon - not sue which models, monarch?
bushnell - several guys here like the 6500 elite, I'll let the first hand experience comment on them.
Burris - I've heard good about the fullfield line from many hunters, not much about the black diamonds, good or bad.
leupold- they have a good selection of non-tactical hunting scopes in this price range.

I think there are a few I am forgetting, but this seems to comprise the bulk of good quality, affordable optics. As always it is a good idea to shop around for good deals.

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12 years 9 months ago #11329 by Charlie
Couple of years ago I got a Leatherwood Hi-Lux ATR Professional Rifle Scope 30mm tube 3-12x50mm from Midway, and I'm sorry to say it was a POS. Leatherwood has (or had) a good name, but I think that thing was made by Chinese peasants. Couldn't get it to focus at any range. I sent it back and got a Bushnell Elite 6500.

I like the Elite 6500 some, but I'm not going to recommend it because I'm looking at other scopes right now too.

Hogs are usually taken at night or twilight. ACOG?

Charlie (wishes he had an ACOG)

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12 years 9 months ago #11330 by 13fcolt
That's Good to know Charlie. (Puts leatherwood on the shit list).

How would you rate your 6500 for entry level? It seems the most common scope questions are about the more affordable options. I understand not everyone wants to spend as much as others, but I don't want to steer anyone to something the will regret.

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12 years 9 months ago #11332 by Charlie
I don't know that all Leatherwood scopes are crud, but the one I got was. Maybe some are still made in the US.

I've got Elite 6500 2.5-16 x 50mm Mil-dot [652165MD] scopes on the 10A4BF and the 10NMFA, and I like them fine out to 200-300 yds. They hold zero, and settings are repeatable. They're good equipment for the price (I think), and are a solid scope within those limitations. Beyond 300 yds the reticle and its position on the target are much less clear. This may be an effect caused by my eyes, but I look through some very expensive microscopes at work without a similar effect.

I wish we had a high-end scope dealer here so I could see some other glass. I'd love to take a look through an ACOG (but not for long range, we're getting a NightForce for that). As it is I have to rely on recommendations and cross my fingers.


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12 years 9 months ago #11334 by 13fcolt
I'm trying to put together a half decent primer on scope buying. It's taking a LOT longer than I thought it would. I've used my share of scopes good and bad, expensive and cheap, but I have not come close to using all of them. Unbiased, first hand reports is what we all have to rely on most of the time.
If I can, I'd like to get this hip pocket buyers guide done in a Best, better, good, don't waste the money line up based on what what everyone can contribute from real world BTDT. So that the recommendations can be taken with a grain of trust, rather than salt.

I had to be the one to bring up making an FAQ.

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