Removing the buttstock and buttplate screw on R25

12 years 1 month ago - 12 years 1 month ago #16596 by fivewhy
After I did this, I googled it and found the same info already on the interwebs. I decided to post this simply bc I can.

The upper screw on the butt plate is pretty big. Apparently, you can find some multitools that have a Flathead that fits this, but I went and bought the biggest Flathead screw driver I could find...a 3/8" Flathead. Then use some elbow grease. After I got the screw unlocked, everything was fine. I noticed the screw on the Remington has red loctite on it. I burned it with a handheld lighter (used pliers outside), did not use a propane torch. I then used a bronze tooth brush to removed the burned loctite. I had to repeat this process three times, and that pretty much removed all the loctite. I am curious to see if this allows the screw to loosen itself during firing. I doubt it, but I will try to remember to post something if I notice a problem. I have attached a photo of the red loctite. Fortunately, it was not a lot of loctite. I did not need to heat before unscrewing, I only had to use a tad bit of screw-you-you-screw. That is all.
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Btw, if a 10/22 is an assault weapon under Sen Feinstein's definition, then this 3/8" screw driver I bought for $10 is a dern assault weapon too. I think I could take down an elk with this screwdriver, alone.
Last edit: 12 years 1 month ago by fivewhy.

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12 years 1 month ago #16669 by Moby
If you have problems with the screw losening you might try blue loctite, it is a little less difficult to remove.

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12 years 1 month ago #16670 by mrraley
It is an industry standard item.

ALL upper buttstock screws have a spot of thread sealer so the buttstock does not come off.

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12 years 1 month ago - 12 years 1 month ago #16807 by fivewhy

Moby wrote: If you have problems with the screw loosening you might try blue loctite, it is a little less difficult to remove.

Thanks that's good advice. And it's good to know that's a customary practice, mrraley ...well it's good to know what things are and are not customary industry practices.
Last edit: 12 years 1 month ago by fivewhy.

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