Steel challenge info for members only

11 years 6 months ago #29321 by Libertarian623
As I said it was creative . 1st stage of the morning as the fog cleared was a 350yd cold bore shot at a less than 1 moa target, I got it. Stage 2 was 400yards where you had to engage 4 targets in sequence from prone, each one successively smaller from a 10" disk down to a 3" disk, you where allowed to stop and keep your points at any time or risk them on hitting the next smaller target , or the director gave us the option of shooting the 3" disk and getting all the points at once, I (feeling cocky) went for it and missed, stage three and four where from the 500 and 600 yd one stage from a roof top (was very difficult to steady yourself). stage five was a swing that you had to place your rifle on and fire from, six was a dueling tree with 4" plates at 400yards, seven was prone at 650, eight was a fast paced run and gun up a tower to a balcony and then inside for shots at 150,250,450. Nine was a wall climb followed by some fast paced shots between 150-300( this is where instead of taking all the elevation off the scope from the previous stage I turned up the elevation knob)that one hurt because almost everyone was shooting it clean and I had to take a Zero. 10 was 3 shots taken from the drives seat of a van at 150 on 4" steel simulating for head shots on tangos with hostages (3 people DQed this stage due to shooting a hostage) then you exited the vehicle and reengaged the same group in the same fashion from standing over the hood, then you ran to a building and engaged two targets CQB style less than 10yds (BUIS baby) then the last shot was 180yds with your heart pumping good from kneeling. This is where the match was called due to low light levels. Wow it was fun. Sorry so long, if you have any questions about details I can be more specific. Fire at will.
The following user(s) said Thank You: mlotziii, 13fcolt, jtallen83, Siscowet

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11 years 6 months ago #29323 by 13fcolt
Man that sounds like a good time.
Any feedback on the gear and stuff you used? Issues with the weapon, that sort of thing?

I'd like to do something like this one of these days.

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11 years 6 months ago #29324 by Libertarian623
Colt equipment varied greatly among shooters. The minimalist approach was apparent among the higher level shooters. None had palm bags. They all had huge rear support bags attached to the right strap of there ruck. ( you had to take all the supplies for the day in your ruck , there was no returning to the parking lot, food,water,ammo everything) A lot had the Quarter Back style note cards on there wrists for range est., wind, and dope. A lot used the lightweight packs with the integral weapon scabbard. 90% used harris bipods. Everyone had custom hand loads. I would say 30% where using 6.5 creedmore , with the majority using 308. scopes where surprisingly all over the board with different reticles , most insanely expensive. The MILDOT reticles where used by the majority. You don't know what the stages have until you receive instructions before shooting it, so you have to be ready for anything . There was a couple of guys that packed a lot of different shooting aids but they didn't fair well because of the time restraints. Anything specific that I missed.

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11 years 6 months ago #29325 by Dabu
:laugh: sounds like fun! Maybe they shouldn't tell you the distances at one part of the course for more fun. Or did they?

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11 years 6 months ago #29327 by Libertarian623
Dabu all the targets where unknown distance, but at several stages we where allowed to exchange distances with other shooters. All the targets where to small to use a laser range finder, so it was that some would use nearby structures and then estimate. We where given the target sizes so all the targets where milable, then do the calculation, which is what I did. Sometimes the targets where so close (inside 250m) that you just held over of under slightly as you progressed through the stage (I have a 200m zero). At other stages I made a list of the targets and the moa adjustments on my scope and took it to the firing point with me. At each stage you where given ample time to do this. then you had from 2-3 mins to engage all the targets. For me the hardest stage was the roof top stage because I couldn't get into a stable position on the 6/12 roof , I was able to engage only 1 of four targets on that stage. As the match progressed into the afternoon the wind came up to 5-20mph full value, so between 12 and 2 things really slowed down and a lot of shots where missed. This was my biggest weakness, and I will work hard on it for the next shoot.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dabu

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11 years 6 months ago #29331 by Dabu
:lol: ohh that sounds like so much fun. I wish I could of gone.

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11 years 6 months ago #29332 by Libertarian623
Dabu they advertise a bunch of these all over the country over on the hide. Look in the tactical competition section for one near you and sign up and get ready to have some fun. For me it really motivated me to push everything up another level. And now with the though of next years competition, I have a clear path to move forward on. PM me if you would like and I will help you any way I can.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dabu

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11 years 5 months ago #29352 by MrMarty51
That does sound like a challenge, especially the 6/12 roof pitch, that is getting fairly steep and if it were steel on top, might even be able to slide right offt. LOL

I need to get out and do some real shooting, like the match You just went through.
How did You do on the hostage target ???
I think the only place close to Me, where there might be some shooting activity such as htis is 80 miles to the east, Glendive MT.

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11 years 5 months ago #29357 by Siscowet

MrMarty51 wrote: That does sound like a challenge, especially the 6/12 roof pitch, that is getting fairly steep and if it were steel on top, might even be able to slide right offt. LOL

I need to get out and do some real shooting, like the match You just went through.
How did You do on the hostage target ???
I think the only place close to Me, where there might be some shooting activity such as htis is 80 miles to the east, Glendive MT.

Man you must be close to Jordan, MT. A guy from here just started with Montana Fish and Game out there.

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11 years 5 months ago #29361 by Libertarian623
Mr Marty check with these people looks like they have their stuff together. Wish I could come out for the October match. I did have to drive 4.5 hours south to attend the Michigan steel match. You might just want to show up and see where it goes.

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