Duracoat or Gun-kote which is better?

13 years 6 months ago - 13 years 6 months ago #8366 by gungrinner
I always tend to use duracoat. So far ive had good luck with duracoat. What does everyone use and what are your field experiences with the two products and which of the two do you prefer?
Last edit: 13 years 6 months ago by gungrinner.

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12 years 11 months ago - 12 years 11 months ago #10922 by Cleandean
Last edit: 12 years 11 months ago by Cleandean.

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12 years 11 months ago #10926 by zfk55
Well, if an "ex-sniper" recommended it... then that's it! :laugh:
For us, it's duracoat. We've done a number of them now but I can't find the newst photos.I do have this one from last year. Went on quick and smooth.
It took some cahones to do the Premier Heritage scope, and I won't say I wasn't nervous about it.

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12 years 11 months ago #10927 by Cleandean

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12 years 11 months ago #10937 by gungrinner
man that scar 17 looks awesome! I will tell ya i had recently restored a glock 19 that was sitting in a plastic bag for 2 years in a wood shed that looked like hell. Upon complete disassembly, light sanding and close inspection it was a wreck.
I used Duracoat on the slide and lightly coated the rail area, and it looks great! The only down side was telling the customer to go easy on it for a month after it finishes curing. It looks like the factory finish.....i was amazed.

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12 years 10 months ago #11065 by txlongshotb4
Man, I use almua-hyde from Brownell's as a base-coat (desert tan or coyote brown) and then do a break-up pattern over it with good ol' krylon spray paint. I do this for a reason...I abuse the hell out of my rifles in the field-I crawl around with them, bump into all kinds of stuff, drag it through cacti, I've even used my rifle on a 12 mile road march, and believe me-a rifle gets banged up on a long road march.
I've yet to find a cammo finish that can withstand my abuse 100%...dura coat included. (I've never used gun-kote) If it's gonna get scratched up, then I'd just assume use paints that I can apply myself with little hassle. The Aluma-Hyde is an epoxy-based finish that comes in a spray can just like spray paint. It takes about a week to dry, but once it's hardened, it withstands the solvents I use to clean the rifle pretty well. I also like to use the krylon because I can change my pattern to suit my environment with relative ease.
I should mention...My idea of a cammo pattern isn't what looks ninja on the gun...My objective is to make it look like what I can best describe as a ratty old piece of trash, because I've found that it works the best in the woods.

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