Local (Arizona) Group Buy on AR-10 Mags?

13 years 10 months ago #7532 by 2ndchance
I don't know how many of you are in Arizona but I bet there may be a few. I'm hoping that those few may be in need of some AR-10 magazines!

As you may have heard, Armalite is offering these 5-pack magazines for a good savings. The problem is... I don't need 5 of each magazine. I need two of each, maybe three.

Therefore, I'm inquiring if there may be anyone locally that may want to join me in some mag purchases. We can buy several 5-packs and split them up amongst ourselves.

Personally, I need two 5-rounders, two 10rnd, and two 20rnd. Anyone want to join me?

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13 years 10 months ago #7539 by whitefire70
I might be interested, how do we get in touch with each other without posting personal information on this forum?

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13 years 10 months ago #7540 by mlotziii
You can send a private message to other users on the forum. There are links several places including one of the small icons under the users profile picture. The image looks like a small dialog box.

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13 years 10 months ago #7541 by whitefire70
Ah, thank you much.

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13 years 10 months ago - 13 years 10 months ago #7542 by 2ndchance
PM received. Email sent. Anyone else? :)

This appears to be a really good deal, if we can work it out. Take a peek.

5 pack 5-rnd mags = $150.00
5 pack 10-rnd mags = $150.00
5 pack 20-rnd mags = $150.00
S/H to my home = $16.00
Total = $466.00

Price per magazine = $31.07

If you were to buy just one magazine from Armalite, it's $35 for the mag and $13.00 shipping! Almost $50 bucks!

If there is anyone outside of Arizona that may want to take a few, I can ship it via USPS Priority Mail for $5.00 a magazine + $3.00 for each additional magazine. This is just a ballpark. It may be less. It depends on how many I can fit into a standard box.

I'm not looking to make $$$ here, just hoping to save a few buck on some expensive magazines. :)
Last edit: 13 years 10 months ago by 2ndchance. Reason: added more info

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