National Match Quadrail vs SASS Handguard

12 years 6 months ago #12341 by fallenangelhim

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12 years 6 months ago #12342 by LebbenB
The short answer is yes, either will work with your Armalite. The long answer is yes, with a couple of caveats. These rails will free-float the barrel of your rifle. They are not "Drop in" replacements for your current hand guards and require the removal of the compensator, gas block/tube, slip ring and barrel nut in order to install them. In the case of the SASS rail, it also includes the adjustable gas block and gas tube. If you don't intend to get a supressor, save some money by going with the NM free float rail.

If your intent is to simply add a railed forend, I'd also consider the drop in rail system that Armalite, DD, and MI offer.

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12 years 6 months ago #12345 by fallenangelhim
My intent is to build my own DMR rifle from the basic AR-10 system. It's essentially a toy for me.

I am looking for a free floating rail and wanted to model something similar to the M110 within a reasonable budget (reasonable in this case is ~$300-$500 for a free float quad rail system.

What do you recommend? I saw that Daniel Defense has one that bolts on the receiver and makes it monolithic in function. Would that serve the purpose I am looking into? The rail's main function is to house a good bipod. I imagine the Leupold scope (that I will look into later) will sit on the flat top rail of the receiver.


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12 years 6 months ago #12347 by LebbenB
I've got an Armalite FF quad-rail on my carbine and like it a lot, it really helped out in the accuracy department. It was also the least expensive of the rails I was looking at. But Daniels makes some top-notch rifles and accessories. You can't go wrong either way because both companies have excellent customer service as well.

A monolithic rail is important if you're going to mount a device that must be "zeroed" to the rifle - like a laser designator/rangefinder or an optic of of some sort.

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12 years 6 months ago #12352 by fallenangelhim
The goal of the rifle is to extend ranges beyond my M4. I currently have a Colt M4 with a 3x Aimpoint magnifier behind an Aimpoint M4 red dot.

For the AR-10, it's a 20 inch barrel that I plan on mounting a variable scope on for long distance picking.

I don't have it yet, it'll be in Monday, but now I am considering the round lightweight aluminum free float barrel with a rail section on the bottom for a bipod. I imagine the scope will be mounted to the flat top?


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12 years 6 months ago #12353 by LebbenB
You're correct, the scope will mount to the upper receiver. The FF tube you're looking at is the one offered by Armlalite, yes? If so, I think it's a pretty smart move on your part. It's not very expensive and lets you add/subtract rail sections as your needs change.

As for bipods, two words: Harris and Atlas. I've got Harris 'pods on all my precision rigs and they work well. But I've shot my friend's rifle with an Atlas and I was mighty impressed by it.

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12 years 6 months ago #12354 by fallenangelhim
Any particular height for the Harris bipod? I've seen ones that start at 9 inches and one that has a max of 9 inches. For this one piece of hardware, I think I may need to actually see them in person at a local gun shop just to play with it.

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12 years 6 months ago #12361 by LebbenB
If you don't plan on proning out on the ground, a 6" to 9" bipod will work nicely. Also, look at the way the bi-pod mounts to the rifle. Some Harris' mount to the swivel stud (Like on a bolt action hunting rifle), others have a pic rail-type mount.

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12 years 6 months ago #12363 by BUILDING MY SASS

fallenangelhim wrote: What is the difference between the two? Can I use this on the basic flattop AR-10 20inch barrel?

First off...the handguards are "almost the same" gives you the option of the gas adjustment for a suppressor...if you are not going to get a can easily with the other one...

You might, as suggested go with the Gen 2 Drop in from MI...they are very light and extremely durable...but if a FF is what you are truly seeking...there may be another choice coming up... you intend to add alot of extras to it...beyond a Bipod...
and What is DMR... :S :whistle:

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12 years 6 months ago #12364 by BUILDING MY SASS

fallenangelhim wrote: Any particular height for the Harris bipod? I've seen ones that start at 9 inches and one that has a max of 9 inches. For this one piece of hardware, I think I may need to actually see them in person at a local gun shop just to play with it.

I say go with the 9-13...I have the Lite weight one one my AR-10 A4 C...and love may have issues with the 6-9 using the 20 round mag...

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