How do you Maintain Your Rifle...

12 years 1 month ago #16291 by BUILDING MY SASS
As to your cleaning procedures and or to a general maintenance if (like mine this year) it spends a great deal of time in the safe...
Do you do a Quick Clean every so often and test the functionality..
Being run the Barrel and wipe down the bolt and carrier and re-lube...

How often do you clean and after how many rounds...

What do you like to use as far as cleaning products...

Things like this...

I thought this would be a good topic especially for alot of our new
members who are seeking info on their rifles and see others take care of them...
Humor is allowed... :dance: just please don't say you Kiss it before putting in the safe.... :S :rotfl:
But seriously, lets hear how some take care of their weapons...

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12 years 1 month ago #16294 by Siscowet
Does it count if I keep my tongue in my mouth? Seriously, I keep rigid control of the humidity in the environment I store my firearms in. Also, As a habit from my youth, when We couldnt control humidity, and because my Dad trained me that way, when I clean my rifles, I put a heavy coat of lubricant before storing them, and then run a patch through the barrel and wipe off excess lubricant on the BCG and interior before shooting. With a chromed barrel probably doesn't make any difference, but I have never had rust on a weapon stored that way.

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12 years 1 month ago #16295 by BUILDING MY SASS

Siscowet wrote: Does it count if I keep my tongue in my mouth? Seriously, I keep rigid control of the humidity in the environment I store my firearms in. Also, As a habit from my youth, when We couldnt control humidity, and because my Dad trained me that way, when I clean my rifles, I put a heavy coat of lubricant before storing them, and then run a patch through the barrel and wipe off excess lubricant on the BCG and interior before shooting. With a chromed barrel probably doesn't make any difference, but I have never had rust on a weapon stored that way.

Excellent...Much like my self...

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12 years 1 month ago #16296 by VTIT
I am a little anal about it. :rolleyes: I keep all my guns and ammo in safes and have dehumidifiers in each safe. We have crazy humidity in the Summer here. After I shoot a gun I'll field strip it and clean it just like I was storing it. I do this so the next time I use it I know it is GTG. :twothumbs: I have found problems before that might have caused big issues down the road. I go a little heavy on the inside of the barrel and maybe a few other places that I suspect might rust then I just run a dry patch through it before I shoot.

I use Frog Lube on everything now. I got a sample from my LGS and have been using it ever since. I have an old 1918 Springfield rifle (first one that was mine and not Dad's) that used to rust if you looked at it wrong. There is no bluing left on the old girl. Since Frog Lube there hasn't been a bit of rust on her. You have to heat the gun up the first couple times so it can penetrate but after that you just use it like you would any CLP.

It's kind of a pain in the butt sometimes. Especially if you have ever broken down a Ruger Mark III you know what I mean. :censored: Rugers! I have friends that will shoot it until it doesn't work then they clean it. I'd be afraid I would need that particular gun at 2 in the morning and it would just go "click". :banghead:

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12 years 1 month ago #16298 by LebbenB
It's not very humid here in SW OK, so for long term storage (more than 1 month) I put a light coat of oil on everything and rack it. If it's something that's been sitting for a while, I'll periodically wipe it down, patch the bore to clear the dust out and re-rack it.

Post shooting, I wipe everything down, paying close attention to the bolt face, extractor and chamber. Then punch the bore, re-lube and call it good.

I'm feeling you when it comes to the profanity fest that is re-assembling a Ruger Mk III.

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12 years 1 month ago #16299 by 13fcolt
When I can maintain the ammo to shoot regularly, I just do a hasty clean with brake cleaner, wipe down, & re-lube. For the times a weapon is going to just sit for more than a month I will deep clean and lube with a rust preventive for storage.

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12 years 1 month ago #16300 by Dabu
Since I can’t afford a nice big safe with fancy dehumidifiers and other fancy stuff, I keep it maintenance simple. When I’m not using my weapons, I keep them soaked in CLP. Before I use them, I wipe off excessive CLP. After I use them, I clean them hardcore USMC style then I soak them back in CLP.

I like using coffee filters instead of patches.

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12 years 1 month ago #16303 by sonogun
According to the Armalite notes, over cleaning is just as harmful as under cleaning. The last time I took my rifle to the range, I used Black Hills Moly 168 gr. From the information I read, the moly needs to build up in the barrel. Does cleaning the barrel remove the moly coating? I assumed so. I cleaned and lubed everything and left the barrel alone. I am not taking it out until I get more definitive information on barrel cleaning while shooting moly rounds.
When I was using other ammo which can be dirty, I felt compelled to clean my rifle throughly after every use. Black Hills is very clean however given the current ammo climate, I will not be shooting my AR-10 for a while. I am down to my minimum inventory with no purchase options on the horizon.

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12 years 1 month ago - 12 years 1 month ago #16337 by echoniner111
You have to clean these things ???

Umm i have a RRA 308 for sale... lol
Last edit: 12 years 1 month ago by echoniner111. Reason: wrong wording

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12 years 1 month ago #16339 by foxhunter
I always hear about the humidity thing, but I have my father's sweet 16 and the 9mm parabellum that has been stored in his basement or mine since 1945. I put oil on them every few years and have no rust at all.
I clean my AR rifles after each use. I clean my weatherby 22 auto rifle about once a year and it is used constantly for pest control.
I have owned and used frequently my mossberg 500 12 gauge for over 20 yrs and someday I plan to clean it.

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