I Learned a lot Today....

13 years 7 months ago - 13 years 7 months ago #8218 by BUILDING MY SASS
7/23/11 was a very BIG learning experience for me....
I had my "First" competition...The Annual Sniper Match at the Range I belong too...
I did have a great time...but, as I said I learned alot about myself and it was an eye opener as well as Quite Humbling.....
As one of the few "civilians" entered in this match, the majority were LEOs and Ex-military...so needless to say...I was in Very good company but at a major disadvantage....That was one of the Humbling parts...but great guys all...
I Learned that there is so much "I don't know" about shooting....and that shooting
"Prone" is way different from shooting from the bench as well as under controlled conditions...being Setting there and taking my time, nice and easy as to having a "time" in which to carry out my shots as well as the "Physical Stress" of movement, and sometimes at a fast rate....
I also learned just how fast I can "field strip" a weapon after a "Malfunction" and get back into the mix of things...I did fairly good....
As for my shooting, as I said....I learned alot. I can shoot a Nat in the but @ 100 yards with a 100 yard Zero...on this day...I had to have a 200 yard Zero, which I had a hell time getting it prior to the match, and was shooting out to 300 yards...at targets no bigger than a Half Dollar...some Quarter sized...
All in all...for what I did shoot, I had a good time...when it came to my area of shooting, being 100 yards...I did great....but I need to work on my longer distances as well as think I may change the configuration of my AR-10 A4 C...might get a A4 upper..I think it would greatly improve my accuracy at those ranges...
I also learned that "I ain't as good as I once was".... ;) :laugh: :dry:
or as good as I thought myself to be as far as being able to "Run and Gun"...
Getting older "SUCKS"....
Actually I made it through about 75% of the competition...maybe 80%....it was a VERY HOT day...about 95+ degrees with about 80% humidity and a "Heat Index" of around 105....After the run and gun or Run Down as we call it....I made it to the next event...shooting "Golf Balls" at a 100 yards and less...out of 4 shots...I only hit one...and almost passed out after the last one due to "heat exhaustion" it took me almost an hour to get my faculties back....Not that they were there to begin with... :unsure: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
As I said...getting old and being out of shape sucks..... :dry:
The main parts is that I had a good time and learned more about "what I don't know" than I would really care to admit...
If you think you know how to shoot and that you up to Par....For those that have not done something like this....Try it and see How much you are correct about your abilities or find out just how much You Don't really know....
It is a good test of Character and your abilities...
I can say...I will be rethinking my shooting practices, as for the "getting in shape" well pushing the Back side of my 40s...I think I might see about doing alittle exercise instead of setting at my desk, but my job itself is "physically hard but there is always room for "some" improvement... :dry: :lol:
I just wanted to share some thoughts with you all and maybe give you something to think about, Yourself that is... :whistle:
I did get some video footage and will try to get it put together of the next couple of weeks...I have a few other vids that have to get done...so keep an eye out for it....
I might add....I wish I would have had one of those Brass Catchers....I left alot of good Brass In the Grass.... :( :angry: :laugh:
No time to pick it up really....
Might have to go back out with a rake..
but I am sure someone already has... :laugh:

Last edit: 13 years 7 months ago by BUILDING MY SASS.

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13 years 7 months ago - 13 years 7 months ago #8220 by zfk55
Replied by zfk55 on topic Re: I Learned a lot Today....
Congratulations BMS. (Sorry to break protocol and use of my Son's account)
I've spent the past full year refining my son's shooting stances and he should be ready this fall to compete in the MPRA long range shoots here in Montana. Age and eyesight pretty much took me out of the loop some time ago, so I spend virtually all of our range time together refining his shooting skills.

In the past 4 years I've given him in-depth information and excercises in casting, reloading and especially case/projectile and full cartridge prep. I don't think there's been a factory load sent downrange here in years other than demonstrative comparatives.

What you did is exactly what every shooter should eventually be doing. Ready yourself as best you can and jump right in. The very great majority of seasoned shooters at meets are always willing to help new entrants.

Lat actually visits here nearly every day to read any new posts so I'll ask him to let me know when your video is up. Shoot straight, shoot often and..........
Stay low.

Last edit: 13 years 7 months ago by zfk55.

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13 years 7 months ago #8227 by BUILDING MY SASS
Thanks my friend....
and I am learning about age and my limitations...which seem to be decreasing...as my "Wife" kindly reminds me on...at least once a week... :dry: :laugh:
As for the account...as far as I am concerned...both one and the same....You are always welcome...
As for your words of wisdom...Thanks much...
Good to see about again...
Take care my friend...
Feel Free to stop in anytime....

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13 years 7 months ago #8235 by Redscout02
Glad to hear you had fun and sounds like you figured out that exercise is part of the key also get yourslf a camelbac and drink water,lot's of it man. After that the shooting wil come to ya. I am 52 and do the gmy 4 days a week and ride my bike every where. Cause your right mister getting old sucks but it don't have to think of things u know that someone half your age don't

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13 years 7 months ago #8237 by foxhunter
fun post to read.thanks for posting ,and reminding us that it's getting harder to keep up with the kids. Just remember the old bull and the young bull standing on a hill overlooking the herd. The young bull says, "lets run down there and breed a heifer". The old bull says "lets just walk down and breed the whole herd."

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13 years 7 months ago #8238 by zfk55
Replied by zfk55 on topic Re: I Learned a lot Today....
:laugh: At his age, I don't know if Dad is actually capable anymore.... not to mention that most kids don't even believe either of their parents ever did anything like that. :S They still hold hands a lot and kiss often, and I hope that my wife and I are still that lovey-dovey at their ages. :lol:

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13 years 7 months ago #8251 by crux
Replied by crux on topic Re: I Learned a lot Today....
That's awesome, and it sounds like you learned a lot (and had a great time).

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13 years 7 months ago #8252 by BUILDING MY SASS

zfk55 wrote: :laugh: At his age, I don't know if Dad is actually capable anymore.... not to mention that most kids don't even believe either of their parents ever did anything like that. :S They still hold hands a lot and kiss often, and I hope that my wife and I are still that lovey-dovey at their ages. :lol:

Oh you might be surprised as to what us old guys can do... :laugh: if the need arises... ;)
To keep the fire going as you get older just takes love, understanding, and respect for each other...you loose any of those....well...just my philosophy on Marriage...and alot of "Yes Dears".... ;) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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13 years 7 months ago #8253 by BUILDING MY SASS

crux wrote: That's awesome, and it sounds like you learned a lot (and had a great time).

I did and did.....hoping to do better next year.....
Thanks my friend..

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13 years 7 months ago #8254 by BUILDING MY SASS

foxhunter wrote: fun post to read.thanks for posting ,and reminding us that it's getting harder to keep up with the kids. Just remember the old bull and the young bull standing on a hill overlooking the herd. The young bull says, "lets run down there and breed a heifer". The old bull says "lets just walk down and breed the whole herd."

Oh how that is so True...but
with "Age" comes "Wisdom"....but unfortunately it come with a price....I guess that is were being "Wiser" comes into play....
Glad you enjoyed it...

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