Very cool video on drones. I want one!!!

12 years 1 month ago - 12 years 1 month ago #16797 by Moby

I could mess with my cat or teach it to mess with my cat when I'm gone.

Last edit: 12 years 1 month ago by Moby.

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12 years 3 weeks ago #16877 by Libertarian623
Replied by Libertarian623 on topic If it flys it dies
First thought is counter measures, do I get a Anti- drone, or train a kamikazi parakeet. Or perhaps a high velocity shotgun with flechete rounds. Next thought is where does my airspace begin and end. I suppose I could be like the white house and declare the surface to space a no fly zone. Probably wouldn't hold up, but where does it end.

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12 years 3 weeks ago #16879 by Siscowet
Within 10 years Drones will change the way we live, and probably start to affect our personal freedoms. Colleges are seeing a growth market and are starting training programs for drone operators.No legislation is on the books that I know of that prevent one private individual or entity from spying on another using drones. The US monopoly on military drones is quickly ending. What happens if say China wants to take out a dissident living in the US and uses a drone launched from Canada? Welcome to a big can of worms. Like the thoughts on counter measures. How about a Barrett .50 BMG with a lead computing gunsight? Or a directed EMP burst? Military ones are probably shielded already, civilian ones probably not. And who has that kind of electrical power available. Time to talk to your Congressman about rewriting privacy laws.

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12 years 3 weeks ago - 12 years 3 weeks ago #16880 by Moby
One thing is an absolute. The cost of a drone is far cheaper than a helicopter and a definate advantage for LE.

I'm not opposed to Law Enforcement using a drone in a criminal situation. I do believe a warrant should be needed. This is a fouth amendment issue and like our second amendment we need to be concerned a bit.

If the government ever plays the Marshal Law card, you can bet there will be many drones used against Americans labeled terrorists. I doubt they'll blow up Americans, but you'll not move an inch they do not know about.

Exactly how do you stop a drone at 15,000 feet?
Last edit: 12 years 3 weeks ago by Moby.

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12 years 3 weeks ago #16888 by Sharkey
Water Bomb.

A water bomb could send a "projectile" of water all the way out in to space at a speed that could potentially take out a space ship.

All we need is some little tiny nukes, drill a bunch of really deep smooth holes, place the nukes at the bottoms of the holes and fill them completely with water. I'm thinking a thousand feet down should do and maybe a quarter of a megaton nuke.

You go find the nukes and I'll start diggin the holes. I'll do it close to my spigot though so we don't need to buy any extra lengths of hose... :thumbs:

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12 years 3 weeks ago #16890 by Moby
Got it boss, I'm on it.
It will take a few years to become a mad scientist, then i'll start building the nuke.
you get on those thousand foot deep holes!!!!!

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12 years 3 weeks ago #16895 by Sharkey
Just be careful around the radiation crap. I heard it can be pesky - give ya maybe a bad case O da rash or sumpin....

I'm just gonna throw a 2x4 across the holes and tie a rope to my belt so I'll be fine... :thumbs:

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12 years 3 weeks ago #16896 by 13fcolt
I'm looking at the job opportunities. I'm already an RC geek and a student helo pilot. I'd rather be on the back end knowing where they are and what they are looking at, than out in front of damned the evil eye.

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12 years 3 weeks ago #16897 by Sharkey

13fcolt wrote: I'm looking at the job opportunities. I'm already an RC geek and a student helo pilot. I'd rather be on the back end knowing where they are and what they are looking at, than out in front of damned the evil eye.

I'm screwed. I HATE video games but my boys are pretty good so who knows, maybe I'll talk to some old buddies and see if I can get em in...

They're only 7 and 9 but they kick EVERYONE's butt on Black Ops and all those combat games so who knows... :laugh:

They'd probably BOTH be makin more than me by the time they hit 10... :dance:

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12 years 3 weeks ago #17029 by Sharkey

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