OK so as you may or may not know from my user name I am an IT (information technology) professional. I am asking for purely selfish reasons but are any of you using Microsoft Windows 8? If so what do you think of it. If you aren't why aren't you?
I know, I know this has nothing at all to do with Armalite, AR10, AR15 or shooting at all. It does however have to do with a reloading program I am trying to design and give away free to the reloading public. Just my way of saying thanks for all the help people have given to me over the years. Kind of a pay back.
I'm not using 8 because I don't own a tablet. From what I have been seeing on the various OC/modding forums I frequent, I wont likely make the move untill SP1 or someone just gives me a tablet with 8 on it. Running a G75vw I got in july, and the rog forums are lit with win8 problems from those that made the move.
I would like to know more about this relaoding program though.
I'm still on 7. Seems like they never iron everything out till just before they release the next great thing. I ended up with vista a little early and had some headaches over it. :pinch: I generally don't pay attention to that stuff; I just buy what is current if I need to make a purchase when it comes to computers.
I'll be looking forward to the reloading program, especially if it will apply to the AR-10!
I have a loading GURU (caps because he is that good :bow: ) that lives close to me that has a ton of great data on common loads and quite a bit on some not so common loads. The guy really takes the time to tweak the loads and fires them in common rifles so they are good for more people (does that make sense?) He has them written in a couple different paper binders with all the data including: Muzzle velocity, 100 ft velocity, 25, 50, 100, and 200 yard drop/rise if it makes sense for that round. Some measured some calculated. They are all rifle rounds.
I am working with him to get all this information into an electronic format that I can make into a program. He is a retired engineer and spends a lot of his day doing nothing but load trials and tuning weapon/load combinations for other people. Right now he has my new AR10TCBNF working up a couple loads for me. I broke it in and he is creating a couple different loads.
Being that he is older he doesn't really use computers all that much. I got him set up with a couple different ballistics programs that he can punch data in and that is about it. He still uses a slide rule :pinch: .
Anyway that is about it. It may take a little while to get it up and running. I want it to be useable by anyone without having to sell it. That being said it is one of many projects I have going so it may be a while before it is ready for prime time.
The plan is to get all his data loaded into a useable format that is searchable by powder, cartridge, bullet etc. I would also like to find some other people to contribute loads they have worked up and put that information in as well, the more the better. I have a couple people helping me out with some of their loads and doing the programming. It is amazing how many of us geeks are also gun enthusiasts (nod to 13fcolt here).
And to make things even BETTER, once all of these loads are done, you guys can ship em all to me and I'll try em out and input the data about how much fun I had shootin em all !!! I'm in. PM Sent... :thumbs:
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