What is the Most Interesting/Weirdest Job You Had?

12 years 2 months ago #15187 by VTIT
OK so people I work with say I have had way too many careers/jobs whatever you want to call them. I think the most interesting job I ever had was as a human scarecrow. I grew up next to an apple orchard and the guy that owned it hired me to wander around his orchard scaring away any animals that were trying to eat apples/blossoms/twigs/whatever he thought they shouldn't be eating. I was 12 so it was kind of cool. He even gave me M0's to shoot off :dance: . Problem was he was a little weird and didn't want me hurting any of them :naughty: .

What is the weirdest/most interesting job you have done?

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12 years 2 months ago #15197 by LebbenB
Not a job or carreer, but as a PFC at Bragg in 84 I was part of a detail that spray painted dead pine trees green to make them "look" live on Bragg BLVD.

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12 years 2 months ago #15211 by Sharkey
I made 2 grand in 40 minutes once. I went into a sound booth in the Philippines and did about 20 short voice commercials for radio and sporting events and was the voice of "Lucky Strike Cigarettes" for about 6 months... :laugh:

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12 years 2 months ago #15220 by jtallen83
I think under the interesting category I would say my time as 2nd brigade, 24 inf. Div.commanders field driver even topped the Rangers. They tried to just make me the full time primary driver but I just wouldn't do what was required when it came to dressing for those ceremonial events. The reg's said no starch or spit shines and I followed the reg's!
I had a Jeep and trailer that was supposed to have been turned in already but the old man liked it. There was a CUCV (Chevy Blazer) that was supposed to take the Jeeps place but was a horrible handling machine off road., and of course my favorite, the command track. He always "loaned out" the Blazer to visitors and kept the jeep to himself.
I got to travel around the country to wherever one of his battalions were training. This allowed me a chance to see some big shots like Schwarzkopf and the like. Having an O-6 on my vehicles meant I had all the goodies I needed from supply and could get a good meal at as many chow halls as I liked whenever I liked. It was amazing how many people would kiss my ass because I was the Colonel's driver. I really doubt the man ever actually learned my name short of what was on the uniform. He was easy to figure out, all buisness.
This job also gave me the chance to help train some Contras and Mujahideen. The program ended up being part of the Iran/Contra dealings but never made the hearings. Those were some action packed days! B)

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12 years 2 months ago #15224 by Moby
I was a commercial diver for a couple years.
Did some cool stuff. I blew up a boat in the movie Action Jackson. Worked on off shore rigs, pipelines, super tankers, lots of really cool stuff.

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12 years 2 months ago #15227 by wolfeel13
I'm a commercial diver for 29 yrs or so. I worked in some nuke plants and was doing some mods in a spent fuel storage pool. I was way on the opposite side from the fuel. I saw this weird purple glow. I thought I was imagining it. I was later corrected it was technically "Magenta". When i got out of the water I asked one of the ex-navy nuke guys what it was and he said it was the fuel glowing and very few people ever get to see . I asked him what would happen if i swam towards it. He said i would then start to bleed out of all my orifices and then die. I replied to him or i would turn into super aquaman!! He just laughed!! I kept my disatance!! Good Luck!! :usa: :usa:

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12 years 2 months ago #15228 by jtallen83
Wolfeel13, if you don't mind me asking, how much an hour does swimming with nuclear waste pay?
I guess your proof it is a manageable risk, thanks for managing things for us!

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12 years 2 months ago #15229 by 13fcolt

wolfeel13 wrote: I'm a commercial diver for 29 yrs or so. I worked in some nuke plants and was doing some mods in a spent fuel storage pool. I was way on the opposite side from the fuel. I saw this weird purple glow. I thought I was imagining it. I was later corrected it was technically "Magenta". When i got out of the water I asked one of the ex-navy nuke guys what it was and he said it was the fuel glowing and very few people ever get to see . I asked him what would happen if i swam towards it. He said i would then start to bleed out of all my orifices and then die. I replied to him or i would turn into super aquaman!! He just laughed!! I kept my disatance!! Good Luck!! :usa: :usa:

No kidding. I used to build scaffolds for you guys to get in and out of fuel pools, intake structures, etc. there used to be good money in the nuclear field. Been to a dozen nuke plants across the country back in the day. I always thought the glow was more blue, but I never, ever, ever got IN the water.

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12 years 2 months ago #15234 by LebbenB

wolfeel13 wrote: I'm a commercial diver for 29 yrs or so. I worked in some nuke plants and was doing some mods in a spent fuel storage pool. I was way on the opposite side from the fuel. I saw this weird purple glow. I thought I was imagining it. I was later corrected it was technically "Magenta". When i got out of the water I asked one of the ex-navy nuke guys what it was and he said it was the fuel glowing and very few people ever get to see . I asked him what would happen if i swam towards it. He said i would then start to bleed out of all my orifices and then die. I replied to him or i would turn into super aquaman!! He just laughed!! I kept my disatance!! Good Luck!! :usa: :usa:

I guess that explains your screen name, then. Wolfeel - Part wolf, part eel. You could join the X-Men with a backstory like that.

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12 years 2 months ago #15242 by Sharkey

LebbenB wrote:

wolfeel13 wrote: I'm a commercial diver for 29 yrs or so. I worked in some nuke plants and was doing some mods in a spent fuel storage pool. I was way on the opposite side from the fuel. I saw this weird purple glow. I thought I was imagining it. I was later corrected it was technically "Magenta". When i got out of the water I asked one of the ex-navy nuke guys what it was and he said it was the fuel glowing and very few people ever get to see . I asked him what would happen if i swam towards it. He said i would then start to bleed out of all my orifices and then die. I replied to him or i would turn into super aquaman!! He just laughed!! I kept my disatance!! Good Luck!! :usa: :usa:

I guess that explains your screen name, then. Wolfeel - Part wolf, part eel. You could join the X-Men with a backstory like that.

By that story, I'm guessing his OTHER choice would have been ELECTRICeel.... :S

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