Is the "Zombie Apocalypse" a metaphor ?

12 years 2 months ago - 12 years 2 months ago #15128 by Sharkey
We all joke around all over the place, the range, on here, at the gun shop or pretty much anywhere that we discuss the weapons we own and quite often mention having to defend ourselves against "Zombies".

I believe that the zombie reference is merely a metaphor for ALL of the things that keep coming up that bring our safety and that of our families and children into question.

When I am at the range and guys ask me about my choice of weapons, I use the "Zombie" reference to just sort of make light of things and shorten the conversation rather than getting into a huge "what is out there that can kill us" kind of conversation that is always long on yakking and shortens my time behind the sights where I am actually there to be.

Heck, I just own the weapons I do because I prefer to have the best (that I can afford) and I don't hunt and in the EVENT of an intruder, it is of course always nice to know I have equipment I can depend on.

What do you guys think? Do you do that or do you get right into what our threats are and your need (or desire) to have the ability to defend yourself against them.

Or am I just all wet here and people really ARE worried about zombies taking over?? :laugh:
Last edit: 12 years 2 months ago by Sharkey.

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12 years 2 months ago #15134 by Siscowet
You are right beyond a shadow of a doubt. People who assume civilization is indestructible have not read history. 1920's Germany was civilized, look what happened 10 years later. For some people and groups, the veneer of civilized behavior is quite thin. In addition, a friend who is an infectious disease specialist impressed on me many years ago that mankinds survival is in no way guaranteed. I think the whole Zombie thing is just a manifestation of that. Some people make fun of doomsday preppers, but personally I withhold judgement. Maybe they are the smart ones. I do know I am not going to assume something or someone else will protect and take care of me and my family in a crisis situation, whatever the cause. I need to take responsibility for that.

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12 years 2 months ago #15147 by VTIT
Good point Sharkey,
I think there are so many things out there that are against the American way of life it is getting hard to maintain it. Some foreign and some domestic. I am a little glad that Biden is in charge of the committee looking into the gun-control measures. I think he has more to lose if he messes up. At this point Obama is a lame douche (French for duck I think?). He doesn't have to worry about re-election but Biden may have aspirations towards the presidency some day. I am just keeping my fingers crossed and stocking up on things I can afford right now.

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12 years 2 months ago #15148 by Sharkey
It may seem like a small thing but to show you the extent of the threat to America, and to use as just a SAMPLE of what our country and all of us are up against, try this:

Go to your virus protection and pull up the "threats map". When you change from layer to layer, it will show you where most threats come from and then it will show you where the greatest amount of attacks are directed.

Virtually ALL of the virus threats, no matter WHERE they originate, are all directed at us - right here, every single day of our lives and it is non-stop.

And that's just virus threats on computers. Imagine how many countries and people out there with biological, nuclear and just regular old conventional weapons we've got looking for ways in to get us.

There are scary times indeed. No time to go disarming our entire country that is for sure. All we need to do is find a way to keep the whack-jobs from screwing up our rights and stop killing innocent people so we can all concentrate on improving our country and hopefully getting it turned into the right direction for a change.

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12 years 2 months ago #15160 by jtallen83
VTIT has an excellent point on Biden heading the commission. He knows states like Iowa will turn red if they mess with our guns. I'm not sure he is going to want to discuss the "Biden Ban" when it becomes campaign time in a short couple years.
Maybe a few letters to editors pointing this out will help. We should let him know he will be held personally responsible for the "recommendations".

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12 years 2 months ago - 12 years 2 months ago #15164 by 13fcolt
LOL, I turned a paper in to my intro to psychology class that said pretty much the same thing. Over the course of several pages I gradually peeled back the association between zombies and liberals. after all, it's the unarmed that get bit first and make up the majority of the horde.

The psychology and philosophy behind human infatuation with conflict and disaster is well studied. As much as it can be anyway, I'm in the group that does not consider these to be real science, but every culture, faith, superstition etc. has always held on to an apocalypse of some sort. Interesting in its own right that it's not the 'end' of the world so much as a cataclysmic upheaval, or hell on earth. There are very few of these events that do not allow for survivors, or those left behind. In fact it is almost a requirement for the event to happen in the first place. Without those who remain to deal with the chaos, there is little value in trying to tell the story of the oncoming horror. If the world ends tomorrow and no one is around to see it, does it make a sound?
What sets a zombie apocalypse apart from all the others, is that it lets people carry on surviving in a politically correct fashion. Previously, when the end was depicted, it was survivors vs. survivors, "leave the gas, and you can just walk away". People were the enemy, and the biggest threat to survival was other people, through conscious choice and were responsible for their actions and those actions were met with violence against them. People killed people to stay alive. The zombie condition changes everything by dehumanizing and sanitizing the tough decisions a survivor faces when the last twinkie is gone. It only looks like your pain in the back boss, but it's okay to shoot him now because he is now an IT and IT is already dead. This is how the sedated mainstream has managed to take the killing out of shooting someone in the head, and de-violence the violence of staying alive during hell on earth.

So, yes. The zombies are in fact a metaphor for all things un-American. The flip-side to this is as you describe, we have taken it from them and instead of pacification, it has become the term used for the enemy we don't go naming in public.

I got a C for that analysis. Of course the professor had it in for me as I always compared her field to reading tarot cards and magic 8 balls. might have had something to do with it.
Last edit: 12 years 2 months ago by 13fcolt. Reason: spelin

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12 years 2 months ago - 12 years 2 months ago #15170 by Siscowet

13fcolt wrote: LOL, I turned a paper in to my intro to psychology class that said pretty much the same thing. Over the course of several pages I gradually peeled back the association between zombies and liberals. after all, it's the unarmed that get bit first and make up the majority of the horde.

One fallacy in your assumption, that all liberals are unarmed and anti gun. Where I live the population is overwhelmingly Democratic and everyone owns guns. You don't hear much about it, but the Democrats with their far left liberals are as fractured as the Republicans, with their Tea Party caucus. I am neither since I don't trust either party, but making blanket assumptions about such things would be a mistake. To protect our rights, we are going to need the political weight of sensible Democrats, including "reasonable liberals", as well as the Republicans and Independents like myself. Dwight D. Eisenhower once said " You cannot lead from the right or left, you need to lead from the middle." (paraphrase) There is a fair amount of truth to that. Whatever their beliefs, gun owners need to be in the forefrount of making sure things like what happened in Conneticut, are prevented in the future. That is the best way to maintain and protect our rights. The emotions need to calm down so that some common sense ideas start to be listened to. And that includes starting to make schools and parents aware of the warning signs of dangerous mental instability, which would do more to prevent these types of things than blanket gun control. With that I am done talking on these threads. I am going to stick to AR10 and humor threads from now on.

Last edit: 12 years 2 months ago by Sharkey.
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12 years 2 months ago #15171 by 13fcolt
I thought this was a humor thread?

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12 years 2 months ago #15174 by Sharkey
Don't go away Sisco. I greatly value your opinion and appreciate the passion you put into what you said.

I can understand that sometimes we all DO happen to disagree on topics however, as long as we all remain gentlemen and respectfully tip our hats when we have inadvertently offended a fellow member, I see no need to storm from the room.

If you would prefer to avoid getting worked up over a topic, I can appreciate that and normally avoid political debates and things that get me bent quickly anyway and besides, I'm just not smart enough to keep up with all that left wing, right wing, jargon anyway so I just usually skip it and make fart sounds or something and see who giggles.

This thread was not meant to turn into a political discussion but more of a lighthearted, yea, there are a LOT of threats out there today and we "jokingly" refer to them as "Zombies" because going down the list of everything we as Americans, as men, as husbands and fathers need to be mindful of on a daily basis just seem to be increasing exponentially.

Set the politics aside guys and lets get back to enjoying ourselves and keeping things light in 10MOA because hey, don't we have enough to worry about without arguing between ourselves over what party ZOMBIES belong too? I mean REALLY guys... :laugh:

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12 years 2 months ago #15181 by 13fcolt
I only posted the snip from my paper to lighten the mood and get back on a humorous track. I guess I need to remember to use :blink: :woohoo: ;) :P in my posts or something. In any case, no need to take anything I say too seriously, unless it is gun or shooting related. I've got enough serious in my day, I don't like bringing it here. No offense was intended.

I thought I was hilarious.

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