I got the chance to make some great Christmas memories with my nephew and his new AR-15 carbine tonight. He honestly thought it was an air-soft gun for second but set it back in the case like a hot potato when he realized it was the real thing. After the obligatory hugs all around he proudly proclaimed;"Those coyotes are toast now!"
He got an Oly Arms flat top carbine with a truglo red/green dot scope,30 mm I think( I'll post a range report later). It would be hard to spend less than the $700 paid for the rifle, three boxes of ammo and the scope but he couldn't be any happier if it were $5,000 custom build.
I just spent the last couple hours showing him the basics and making sure it was cleaned and lubed for the morning. He has shot my AR-10 but mostly prone or bench so this carbine will be new for him with the speed and weight difference.
After mounting the red dot we realized the batteries were dead in my laser boresighter . It didn't phase him a bit, he had read somewhere that you could sight down the bore at a target across the room and get close . He was having no part of burning any daylight in the morning waiting for some batteries! I could tell he has spent some time dreaming about an AR, he knew the names for all the basic parts and didn't have to be shown breakdown for cleaning but one time!
He had a bunch of questions that gave me the idea this rifle may start changing appearance!
I told him to give me a ring if he has problems but I got a feeling the next call I get a call from him he'll be asking if I want to see his coyote before he sells it!
It is a great thing to be involved in what has become a uniquely American tradition. God bless the men smart enough to enshrine it in the Constitution and God bless all those serving past and present to defend it! :usa:
Great stuff JT. Let us all know how the first range trip goes. Pics'd be cool too. Nice to see the smile of a young man with a brand new rifle... :thumbs:
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